Reborn From the Cosmos



A redhead waited in the welcoming room, seated on a couch with a teacup in her hand. Earl stood to the side, watching her with the faintest of frowns. Likely because of the dirt on her clothes. The woman looked like she had spent hours rolling around in mud and her boots were in a rougher state.

As the one in charge of maintaining the state of the home, the boy had good reason to be upset with her. Not that she seemed bothered. She was staring at her teacup pensively until Talia entered. Her head snapped up and she flashed the other woman a hesitant smile. “Hey.”


Talia took the seat across from her. The teacher looked much better than the last time she’d been at the estate. Which wasn’t saying much as she’d been upset enough to scorch the walls in a child-like tantrum. Alyssa seemed much calmer now. Almost sheepish. It seemed her impromptu vacation had worked to calm her nerves.

“Talia. You look good.” Scarlet brows furrowed as Alyssa looked her up and down. “Actually, you look really good. Er, I mean, you didn’t used to dress up. Or tie your hair.”

“Since being able to see it, I’ve taken more interest in my appearance.”

“Huh. I guess that makes—” Alyssa froze. “Did you just say you could see?”

Talia smiled, feeling the tiniest bit of amusement when the redhead flinched. “Yes.”

“…sure. Why not?” With a deep sigh, Alyssa drained the rest of her tea and put the cup down with too strong a clatter. Earl’s frown deepened but he wasted no time pouring a refill. “Wouldn’t surprise me with everything else that girl can do. Suppose the succubi are expert healers as well?”

“They are but they are not responsible for my sight.”


“Never mind.” She’d had her fun but she wouldn’t share the secrets of the household. “I am much more interested in why you’ve come. Given your last experience here, I thought you’d avoid this place.”

Alyssa winced. “Yeah. Not very proud of how I acted then. I want to say I had a good excuse, saints, a few good excuses, but…” She shook her head. “Anyway, I came to apologize. Is that per—ahem. Is Lady Tome not around?”

Talia didn’t know the other woman well, but she did know that her brusque nature didn’t care for the niceties that came with high society. For her to be using a title meant she was making a real effort at civility. Was she truly contrite or was she motivated by fear, having glimpsed true power?

She thought to peek into the woman’s mind for the answer, but it was a fleeting desire. Foremost because she wasn’t strong enough to get away with such a gesture but also because she had been taught such a thing was wrong. She was feeling freer but not free enough to discard everything she’d ever known.

“No and she won’t be for quite some time. Lou and Kierra accompanied Alana home to participate in the campaigns.”

“Seriously? I can see the elf doing it, sure, and blondie’s a northerner but that hedonist? Don’t even mean that as an insult or anything. She just doesn’t seem the type.”

“Lou is incredibly indulgent to the women she fancies.”

“Indulgent enough to fight a losing war?”

“Quite. Is it much of an imposition when she is in no real danger?”

“I guess she isn’t with Kierra with her.” Alyssa sighed. “Might have wasted my time.”


Alyssa took reached for her teacup and took a long drink. “This is really good. Everything in the north is so bitter. And this kind of is too but it’s…nuanced? It’s…”

“Good?” Talia offered. To which the redhead childishly rolled her eyes. “You seem to be avoiding the topic.”

“It’s probably nothing.” She put down her cup under the pressure of Talia’s gaze. “Look, I’ve got connections with the guilds. Do some jobs with hunters now and again. Anyway, while I was catching up with a few people, I heard some stuff.”

“About the Wild Night.”

“Yes, and what a stupid name that is. Makes it sound like a party got out of hand when two dozen people died. Whatever. What’s important is the other stuff I heard.”

“I assume they are plotting against Lou?”

“Not a surprise, huh? Thing is, it’s not all plotting, at least not for all of them. The guilds are in chaos around that woman. Some of them are talking about vengeance, sure. Others are looking into her past, her family, and her known interests. Like merchants sizing up a potential customer. Or…like one noble house sizing up another. They don’t want to go to war but…”

“They don’t want to go to war because the consequences would be too terrible. Instead, they seek other ways to bring down their enemies.”

Alyssa snapped her fingers. “That. So some of them want to fight and some of them don’t want to fight but they still are looking for weak points, understand? It’s weird and I don’t like it. Whole city feels on edge.”

“I don’t suppose you know who’s saying what?”

“I have a rough idea.”

“And you were going to share that information in return for getting back into Lou’s good graces.”

Alyssa scowled. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t put it like that. Makes me sound like a brown noser. I messed up. I’m trying to make it right. Besides, I heard about the whole circumstances. The guilds messed up first and they escalated it. Now, they’re trying to take out Lou because she’s a stain on their reputation. For all her faults, she doesn’t deserve that.”

Talia smile widened, enough that even those unaccustomed to her nature could recognize the expression. “Admirable.”

“Yeah, well.” The redhead downed the rest of her drink and stood. Talia copied her. “I’m looking out for those idiots as well. They have no idea what they’re getting into.”

“Let me walk you out.”

Talia escorted her to the front door, holding it open for Alyssa. The redhead paused in the doorway and looked over her shoulder. “This is kind of late and I feel stupid for not asking before but what are you doing here?”

“I live here.”

Alyssa stared at her with an unreadable expression. “You live here?”



“Because I am Lou’s flower.” She watched Alyssa’s growing confusion with amusement. “A term you may understand better is mistress. Perhaps concubine. Her piece on the side?”

“I get it!” A hand massaged Alyssa’s brow. “I just…are you kidding?”


“But why?” The question came out in a tone that could be mistaken as a whine. “What in the name of the saints is so appealing about that woman? Is it really worth it?”

“Yes. I would bet you any amount of crowns that you couldn’t find a partner able to offer the same benefits in all the kingdom.”

“…the sex is that good?”

Talia’s brows rose the slightest fraction. “I never said we were intimate with each other.”

“But…you called yourself her mistress! Don’t make it sound like I have a dirty mind!”

“We haven’t been together in that way. The benefits I’m talking about relate to other things.” Talia vaguely gestured about the house and Alyssa grunted in agreement. “But if Kierra’s performance is anything to judge by, I doubt I will hate being in Lou’s bed.”

An interesting array of emotions played out over the redhead’s face. Talia, being less empathetic than most, couldn’t begin to decipher them. In the end, Alyssa settled on a frown. “I’ll keep an ear out, let you know if I hear anything important.”

“I’m sure Lou will appreciate it. Feel free to come by even if you don’t have information. I’d like to hear about your vacation.”


“Was my request unclear?”

“No, no. It’s just…you aren’t friendly. Or hospitable. Ever.”

“A flower is alluring and inviting.”

“Fucking madness.”

Talia watched Alyssa’s departure, feeling quite good about herself having successfully combated her usual brusque nature. She must have been convincing to confuse the redhead. She was well on her way to embodying her role. “Earl?”

The boy appeared at her side before she could take another breath. “At your service.”

“Fetch your sister for her lessons. And make arrangements to go into the city tonight.”

“At once.”

Talia didn’t doubt Alyssa’s words. It was the opposite. She believed that the redhead was genuinely concerned about what she’d heard. Therefore, she wanted to investigate things on her own. She was in charge of the house while the others were away. Sitting idly while a threat brewed wasn’t fitting of that responsibility.

Besides, a threat against Lou was a threat against her. And Umphrieltalia wasn’t taught to treat her enemies well.

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