Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-54

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-54

Overwhelming. I could describe my time with the women from the Temple with many words but that one is the most appropriate.

Too many sights. Too many smells. Too many hands and lips, touching and kissing too many places. There’s no room for thought, only the capacity to feel and the instincts to react. When lips brush my own, I kiss. I follow the urging of rough hands that move me about and meet thrusting hips with my own. My hands gravitate to bare skin, doing as they please with no conscious input.

Things quickly become a frenzied coupling of four bodies. Shake is a beast as she takes possession of my gift, aggressively hoarding me for herself. Cloud is an opportunist, taking her pleasure where she can. There is several minutes where she denies me the option to breathe, sitting on my face and enjoying my tongue until Ruby whines for attention and she tackles the young woman.

At some point, the door opens and a shadow enters the room. One I don’t recognize as Geneva until she is helping me drink a glass of water. “You must stay hydrated, my summoner,” she whispers in my ear while I gulp down the contents of the glass. Then I lose track of her when she follows Cloud’s insistent tugging.

There is no room for love or tenderness. Not even when Shake is finally satisfied, rolling off me with a deep sigh, skin gleaming with a sheen of sweat, the glow of her horn having dimmed, and Ruby catches my attention. She’s nothing like the mountain of a woman who had no qualms using my body, begging for attention with soft whines and coy brushes of her tail. She doesn’t have Shake’s strong hands, but her efforts are just as effective to get me where she wants me. That is, behind her while she’s on her knees.

Her nails turn to claws as I take her, shredding the sheets. I grab her arms to stop the damage. That somehow leads me holding her against me, one hand holding her wrists pinned behind her back while the other holds her by the throat, muffling her howling.

Things get a little fuzzy after Geneva intervenes. I remember a pair of pretty pink eyes and her wide smile as a hand brushes against my chest, quietly asking my permission. Lost in the pleasure, I set aside my worries when it comes to succubi and agree. Then the brief moments of ecstasy stretch into an endless moment, a perfect dream.

I don’t remember falling asleep, but a soft touch to my cheek wakes me up. When I open my eyes, the sensual darkness has been replaced by a bright, searing light, illuminating the bodies lying around me. The Templetees are expected, Shake snoring rather loudly while lying on her back, Cloud sleeping beside her while Ruby is curled up on top of her. I’m also not surprised by the succubus I’m spooning, Geneva looking small and delicate as she sleeps.

I don’t remember Way joining. The lithe cook is naked, her small breasts pressed into my back, one leg resting over my own. She’s coated in the smell of sex like the rest of us, so she must have been an active participant and was thoroughly satisfied, given her deep breaths and the drool, at least I hope that’s what it is, on my back.

Crouched over us is Alana, blonde hair tied back and her pretty dress exchanged for the loose linens she prefers to exercise in. The sweat on her brow says she’s been up for a while and finished her usual morning training before checking up on me.

“Morning,” I say with a smile.

“Mm.” Her blue eyes flick around the room. I stare at them, searching for any signs of disapproval and am relieved not to find any. “You know everyone heard you right? Not you, I guess but the others. Cloud. I recognized her voice, even over the music.”

“Oh.” Ah, well.

“Of course you’re not bothered.”

“It’s not a big loss.” The kingdom already knows me as a pervert. At least now, the rumors will have me as a pervert that knows how to show a woman a good time. “And I’m not surprised. She tangled with Geneva.”

Alana looks over at the succubus. “Didn’t know she sleeps.”

“She only sleeps when she wants to.” I poke Geneva’s cheek and the pink eyes obediently open, a charming smile turning up the corners of her full lips. I shiver as images of last night return in varying degrees of clarity. My fingers twitch as I remember desperately holding onto her narrow shoulders as she moved between my legs, chuckling as she took me apart.

“While I can use magic to supplement a lack of sleep, it is more efficient to rest the same as any other.” She sits up and stretches, drawing both of our gazes to her chest. Her tail whips slowly in amusement as she climbs to her feet. “But I suppose the fun is over. Off I go to slave for my summoner’s pleasure.”

Her hips sway as she brazenly walks from the room, unbothered by her lack of clothes. Our gazes never leave her, both glued to her ass until the closing door obscures it. I sigh and Alana clears her throat.

“I guess the party was a success,” she says after a moment.

“Mm.” I certainly enjoyed myself. “Everyone seemed to have a good time.”

“Maybe too good of a time. They didn’t leave.”


“Your guests. They’re still asleep on our floor. Ah, not Marthe. I saw her slip away just after dawn.”

“Talk about a surprise. Didn’t think she’d come, if I’m being honest.”

“Geneva’s cooking,” Alana says with a shrug.

“You don’t think it was for the pleasure of my company?”

“Marthe doesn’t take pleasure in anyone’s company.” Her lips screw up. “Though she was close with Arthur last night. I didn’t keep track of them, but she did leave kind of fast.”

“You don’t think…” I refuse to believe it. No matter how much the dog has changed, she knew him before he gained manners and had to spend two days in close quarters with him. That’s not a first impression that can be worked past or ignored.

“I don’t want to think about it. Or about most of the party.”

“You didn’t have fun?”

She winces. “I think I had too much fun.”

“No such thing.”

“A group of strangers saw us fucking in the kitchen, Lou.” My smile stretches into a smug grin as she flushes and she smacks my shoulder. “Not to mention all the crap I unloaded on my sister.”

“Do you regret it?”

“In the moment? Relished every word. But the party’s over. That means we have to deal with the titans in the room. No more ignoring our problems or drowning them in wine and good times.”

Sigh. She’s right. The magical moment is over and reality, annoyed at being left outside with the cold, has come barging in. I’m no longer welcome in my home. The garden my guests marveled at last night is going to be torn up and we’re going to have to leave this lovely little estate. We should have another estate to stay in soon but that means confronting the lord of Quest and all the consequences that come with evicting a noble from his own home.

When that’s over, I have to negotiate with the hunters about giving away their hard-earned legacies while navigating deserved and undeserved grudges. On top of that, there’s whatever brought Jac and Junior to my door. My cousin and I aren’t close enough for her to visit me for a good time.

And it all starts with kicking a bunch of strangers out of my house. Last night, in the throes of good cheer, we were friends, united in the purpose of having a good time. But in the harsh light of morning, they’ll look past the wine and music to see the shitstorm heading my way…and they’re going to jump aside. Not because they’re bad people or disloyal. Truly, if the situation were a little less…intense, I’d bet I could count on everyone I invited to help, at least a little. But I’ve been exiled from the Hall, blacklisted by the guilds, and am actively defying a royal decree.

People have abandoned family for less. It’d be ridiculous to ask them to stick by me under this kind of pressure. I understand, but it’s still…lonely to think about.

“Alright,” I sigh, standing up. “I bet they’re listening but if they aren’t, tell Geneva to whip up a quick breakfast and Bell to start rousing people. If they can’t make it back home by themselves, Bell and Earl can make sure they get wherever. Gajin and Anna can start dismantling the garden and Nomad can start on the house.”

“You plan on confronting a lord with all our worldly possessions behind us?” Alana asks with a trace of humor.

“No. I don’t need my good shirts caught in the crossfire. And we’re not marching on the lord today.” I want to make sure he has ample opportunity to run. “I think we should spend a night or two at the Golden Feathers. I don’t actually care about the little lord stuck between the crown and a hard place. We’re storming his estate to make a point. Before we do it, I would like to know how the city is going to take that statement.” The last thing we need is the city guard growing a spine and rallying with the hunters to siege us.

“You? Thinking before you act? The Abyss must be posed to swallow us all.”

“Hey! If anything, I think too much.”

“No. Too much caution is better than not enough…though I still don’t think that’s why you’re stepping so carefully.”

“I also might need a day or two to handle whatever is bothering Jac.” Family first, even if I’m not that close with the few members of the Tome clan.

Alana puts a hand on the back of my neck, gesturing for me to duck my head so she can peck my lips. “It’s going to be alright, Lou,” she whispers. “Things might be a little hard for a time, but we’ll make it through. Winter is long but it only lasts for a season.”

“Mm,” I hum back, heart swelling with warmth. “Let’s get it done then.”

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