Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-32 (Alana)

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-32 (Alana)

“Are you normally this eager, Lou?” Cynthia teased, though her voice hitched at the end as her dress was hiked up. She gasped, and Alana right alongside her, as a hand forced her legs to part before sliding over her chest to lightly grab her by the throat.


Alana snickered, quietly admiring how brazen her lover could be. Lou turned Cynthia’s head and forcefully kissed her. From her angle, Alana couldn’t make out many of the details but with her experience, she could make a pretty good guess. If she was right, the alchemist was experiencing Lou’s tongue, specifically how overwhelming it was to have it fill her mouth. With Kierra, she could put up a few moments of token struggle before the elf dominated their kisses but there was no such option with the beast in Lou’s mouth.

“Which is both good and bad for you,” Lou said as she broke the kiss. Looking over shoulder straight in Alana’s direction, she held her palm under her open mouth, her tongue lolling from her mouth as thick saliva pooled in her hand. “Good news is you’re going to get your verification very soon. Bad news…” Cynthia moaned as Lou’s hand moved between her leg. “…is that I make up for staying power with stamina. Though I suppose that’s good news too, haha.”

“Oh saints.” Cynthia squirmed against the tree as Lou’s hand worked between her legs. “That works…” Her words were interrupted by a shiver. “Fast. Fuck!” She groaned as Lou removed her hand. “Why did you stop?”

“So you can appreciate my demonstration. Can you feel what my body’s doing to you?”

“It’s so…hot. My body is burning up and you’ve barely touched me.” The alchemist chuckled, the sound strained. “Almost feels like you’re cheating.”

“I never play fair.”

It was Alana’s turn to squirm as Lou’s pants dropped, her hand eager to pleasure herself but she stopped. As titillating as it was to watch, she could never lose control in the open. Her refusal to satisfy her urges made her even more aware of them and her gaze that much more intense. Cynthia had to feel the hot eyes on the back of her head. Alana couldn’t help imagining the alchemist would turn around and somehow divine her position. Their eyes would meet and then she would know.

The thought caused her stomach to knot with dread as well as a strange excitement. Alana didn’t want to be caught or to have her particular brand of perversion exposed but while she hated the thought, she also…she also felt something she didn’t want to examine too closely.


Alana was jolted out of her thoughts by Cynthia’s breathy moan, shortly followed by others. The two women, despite being engaged in an intimate act, were opposites in demeanor. Lou, bare-chested and pants pooled at her ankles, was a study in control, from her tense shoulders to her taut legs, showing off the incredible definition of her muscles. She moved her waist at a sedate pace, slowly fucking the older woman with deliberate strokes.

Cynthia was the opposite. She couldn’t do much, trapped between two hard places with her hands held in a strong grip but she took full advantage of what limited mobility she did have, grinding herself against her lover, meeting every thrust with a jerk of her hips. Alana slowly moved along the hedge she was hiding behind, looking for a better vantage point. Given their positions, the best view Alana could get was of their side profiles, but it was more than enough to make out the alchemist’s tightly shut eyes, open mouth, and heavy flush that showed through her bronze skin. She looked like a woman lost in moment of ecstasy.

Lou, on the other hand, wore a small smirk. Alana knew her lover was holding back, controlling her lust and her strength. But it wasn’t like their time together. Lou might not get as much physically as she would with Kierra but she was emotionally invested. The whole time they were together, they held each other’s gaze. Alana was subjected to hours of Lou looking down at her affectionately, only breaking the connection to kiss her softly or cuddle her close while she came down from her climax.

There was nothing soft about the way Lou looked at Cynthia. Her expression oozed smugness. While their time was full of love, each time Lou thrust into the alchemist, she was padding her ego.

Of course, Lou did feel something physical. Her gift, as she liked to call it, was quite sensitive. Lou constructed her form to feel pleasure. Relentless pleasure. She wasn’t concerned with holding back any climaxes, only with experiencing as many as she could. As Cynthia moans became a scream, the sound abruptly cut off by Lou’s free hand clamping over her mouth, and the older woman’s back arched, Lou’s eyelids began to flutter, the biggest clue to her impending release. Alana’s thighs rubbed together as Cynthia’s muffled whines filled the air. Lou closed her eyes as she held the trembling woman against her, lips slightly pursed as her hips moved intermittently.

Alana knew what it felt like to be in that position. Feeling Lou’s strong arms around her, nose filled with Lou’s scent and Lou teasing her neck. Her body becoming weak as it melted from the liquid heat being pumped inside her, each spurt followed by a wave of pleasure that echoed her climax.

But that wasn’t the most intense part of being with Lou. That came after the first round, when the effects of Lou’s ejaculate made themselves known. If arousal could be described as a flame, Lou’s essence was a ridiculously strong accelerant. After their first round, Alana’s body was so sensitive, the slightest touch had her nearing the edge. Her brain could focus on nothing but sex, becoming useless mush that only wanted more of her lover.

Alana could see the signs in Cynthia. Specifically, in the way she became boneless. If Lou didn’t have such a tight hold on her, the alchemist would have fallen. The blonde could practically hear Lou’s thoughts as her hooded violet eyes stared at the woman in her arms. The satisfaction from having effortlessly dominated and satisfied a woman. Especially potent as Cynthia was just her type. Lou had varied tastes when it came to women, but she undoubtedly preferred older, confident women. 

Alana could also see the hesitation in Lou’s gaze. Wondering if she had gone too far. Or not far enough. Concerned about how her body would affect someone of such a “weak” constitution. Eager to find out but hesitant over the possible consequences.

Geneva could twist someone inside out with words alone. Lou’s body was far more potent. If she didn’t practice restraint, Alana imagined she could easily corrupt any woman. Or worse, break them. Make them incapable of doing anything but lusting after her “gift”. Something far too close to the mental abuse of the Grimoires for Lou to ever do.

Alana also thought Lou weaponizing the sexual prowess of her prime form would be reprehensible…but that didn’t stop the same thought from exciting her. Or for the thought to stir her desire to see more.

Alana swallowed, warring with herself. It was a short battle.

“Take it off,” she whispered, knowing Lou would hear her. “The dress.”

Thankfully, Lou didn’t look up, as that might have shattered Alana’s fragile will. Lou’s smug smirk stretched into a wide smile as she followed the order, her hands carefully removed Cynthia’s dress. The alchemist, gaze distant and hazy, helped when she realized what Lou was doing, stepping out of the garment when it pooled on the ground.

Then Lou kicked away her pants, leaving the two of them naked. She still didn’t raise her head, but her body was tense. Waiting. Alana’s heartbeat spiked as she realized that Lou was waiting for her next command.

“What’s the matter, darling?” One of Cynthia’s hands reached up to caress Lou’s cheek. “Where’s that stamina you bragged about?”

“Just deciding what to do with you.”

“Do you need a suggestion?”

Alana swallowed heavily. “Put her legs over your shoulders. I want her to feel you.” Lou was a lot heavier than her appearance suggested. If she pressed down on someone with her full weight, they didn’t have a chance in the world of breaking free. Unless it was Kierra but even the elf with a pure physical affinity would be troubled.

“I’ve got plenty,” Lou said with a chuckle as she followed the direction. Her hands grabbed Cynthia by the waist, the alchemist’s legs crossing behind her back as Lou lifted her. She dropped to her knees before carefully laying the older woman on the grass. Cynthia groaned as her legs were put over Lou’s shoulders, sounding almost as excited as the blonde secretly directing their activities.

“Press…press them down. Pin her.” Alana felt things inside her twist with tension as Lou did as she was told, pinning the older woman beneath her. Cynthia’s mobility was limited when trapped between Lou and a tree but now she was completely immobile. Unable to do anything as Lou used her to get off and filled her potent cum. Fertile cum. Alana wondered if the alchemist knew that. It was hard to imagine, as Lou’s gift didn’t look like a male’s member, but she was just as capable as knocking up a woman as any man. Maybe more. Lou designed her prime form to be stronger, in every way. Alana knew that her lover was too conscientious to let the night have any far-reaching consequences but the thought of it was enough to make Alana lose ground in her battle of restraint. A hand slowly massaged the front of her pants as Lou kissed Cynthia.

“Fucking saints,” Cynthia growled as Lou slowly brought their waists together. “For a woman, you’re, mm, rather big. S-surprised you were modest. I know plenty of m-men who would do obscene things if given the chance to sculpt their tools. Yours is rather remarkable but still m-mangeable. Much more important is how you use it.”

Alana’s frown deepened with every word the alchemist spoke. Cynthia was struggling to remain coherent, her pitch suddenly rising and her cadence interrupted by stutters, but she forced herself to speak. As if to defy Lou’s physical dominance and declare that the young woman wasn’t as powerful as she thought she was. Something that annoyed Alana. She didn’t agree to this to see her lover get wrapped around a woman’s fingers. That sight happened every day.

“Shut her up,” she hissed. And like before, Lou obliged. She placed her heads on either side of Cynthia’s head, and slightly pushed up on her toes. Giving her leverage as she starting fucking the older woman with zeal. Nothing close to the beastly rutting she defaulted to with Kierra but far more than the relaxed, almost clinical motions from before.

It certainly shut Cynthia up. Her mouth was dropped open, nothing but pants escaping her parted lips as she took their waists came together with audible slaps. A sound finally escaped the older woman, a short wail that was just as much a yelp of surprise as it was a cry of release. It didn’t stop Lou for a moment. Nor did Cynthia doing her best to gauge out the flesh of Lou’s shoulder as a second climax wracked her body on the heels of the first. Lou fucked her through her own climax, teeth grit and eyes fluttering.

The alchemist eventually found her voice but words were nowhere to be found. When her the sounds she was making became too loud, Lou swallowed her moans, gagging the other woman with her prodigious tongue. The unceasing motion was hypnotic. Alana felt time slipping away. There was only Lou’s perfectly toned ass, Cynthia’s rolled back eyes, and her hand that she wouldn’t let do anything more than tease her.

Sometime later, Lou’s motions slowed and eventually stilled. Alana groaned as her lover pulled away from the alchemist, sitting back on her heels as she carefully moved Cynthia’s legs from her shoulders. “No, honey,” Alana groaned. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because she’s unconscious, sweetie. I’m not an actual degenerate that has her way with women while they’re non-responsive.”

Lou waved for her to approach. Alana resisted, sensing a compromising situation if she did, but the violet eyes proved too compelling. She reluctantly emerged from her mediocre hiding place and crept forward. Her heart slammed in her chest as the alchemist twitched. She was sure the older woman was about to open her eyes and see her.

But Cynthia’s lids remained close. Her body continued to twitch, small flicks of her fingers or curls of her toes, but nothing to suggest to consciousness. Alana understood why once she stood over the two of them. The alchemist was covered in sweat, the area around her mouth was thick with saliva from the sloppy kisses they’d shared, and her thighs were covered in Lou’s spunk. 

“I made a mess,” Lou said with a chuckle. “Think she got more than she bargained for?”

Alana swallowed, the question sounding like indistinct buzzing as her lustful, unsatisfied brain could only focus on the “mess” Lou had made. She swallowed, fighting a sudden and nearly overwhelming craving.

“Just do it.”

Alana jumped as a hand grabbed her shoulder. She turned to find Lou at her side, eyes twinkling with amusement. The hand pressed down. It was impossible for Alana to resist the force behind it, even if she wanted to. She let Lou push her to her knees. The hand gravitated to her neck, guiding her to bend over as Lou knelt beside her.

The blonde shuddered as she breathed in Lou’s scent, even more potent from the concentration. Her nose hovered over the alchemist’s navel. If she leaned down a little more…

“Don’t worry, sweetie. You know my sweet girl is only for me. No one will see.” The hand on her neck moved to her hair, massaging her scalp. A softer pressure but just as compelling. Alana shoved aside her anxious thoughts, wanting the moment too much to let her anxieties get in the way.

As her nose was gently guided between Cynthia’s legs, Alana carefully licked at the mess she found there. And once she started, she couldn’t stop. The hand in her hair retreated but Alana didn’t need the encouragement, eagerly searching out every trace of her lover’s essence. Cynthia’s body continued to twitch and jerk, responding to the teasing. Eventually, Alana tired of it and put a hand on either thigh, holding them in place as she finished her snack.

When she could no longer taste Lou on the older woman’s folds, she retreated, letting out a shuddering breath. The night that had been comfortably cool moments ago was quickly becoming uncomfortably hot. She wanted to peel her dress off and let the cool air run over her prickling skin. Or soak in a cold bath for hours. Or push her ass into the air and let Lou take her next.

Her legs trembled as a strong hand hauled her to her feet. Lou, dressed and put together, stood beside Alana, holding her up. If not for the visible bulge in her pants, there would be no sign that she’d just put a woman to sleep with her gift. “Got a little carried away, huh.” Two thumbs wiped the corners of Alana’s mouth. “I bet your underwear is drowning right now.”

Alana looked away, afraid the truth would show in her expression. In truth, the space between her thighs had been uncomfortably damp from the moment Lou hiked up Cynthia’s dress.

“Need a little help?”

“…not here.” She couldn’t do it, no matter how much she wanted it.

“Then we better finish the tour.”

“Tour? You really care about that?”

“How would it look if the mistress of the house doesn’t pay the slightest bit of attention to the work of her servants? I at least want to make sure Gajin is putting on a good show. Then we can go back to the house and…take care of you.”

Alana nodded her head toward Cynthia. “What about her?”

“She’s coming with us, of course. What kind of host would I be if I left her here?” Alana reflexively closed her eyes as Lou leaned forward, dropping a quick peck on her lips. “Come on, sweetie. You’re not the only one feeling pent up.”

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