Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-20

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-20

Unfortunately, the harsh realities of our situation are quick to reassert themselves. Our humor wanes, leaving me with an unconscious master caster on my floor. More importantly, I’ve just been kicked out of my home, my attendance at the Hall has been revoked, and I am now a wanted woman. Saints, I thought coming home would be the end of my problems, but it seems things are just getting started. Ah, well. It’s nothing we can’t handle. The only question is, where to start?’

“Anyone have any ideas about what to do with Mr. Perfect here?”

“Don’t kill him,” Alyssa says quickly. “He isn’t worth the shitstorm his death would bring to your doorway.”

“I know, but the thing is, Aurelius is the kind of crazy that even a mother couldn’t love.” The elven ancestor he is so obsessed with was so insane, the Twilight Province exiled her. I can’t even imagine. “I had some hope that having him spout whatever rationale guiding his actions aloud would make him realize how ridiculous his pursuit of Kierra is but it’s obvious now that there is no room for reason in his head. If he walks out of this house, he will bother us again.”

“Can’t we report him to the Hall?” Alana asks. “You said he didn’t break any rules, but I can’t imagine the school will approve of an instructor harassing initiates or other members of the staff.”

Alyssa winces. “No one in their right mind would approve of what Aurelius has done. Problem is, no one in their right mind would take on the trouble of sanctioning a master caster just to appease their morals. I know he looks like a mess lying unconscious on your floor, but Aurelius is a capable caster. Worse, he has a nasty habit of eavesdropping on, fuck, everyone. I’ve got no proof, but I’d bet you a bottle of Herbie that he’s got dirt on a bunch of the staff. Saints, probably even the Guilds. He can be a very annoying enemy.”

Saints give me the strength not to crush this bald bastard’s shiny head beneath my heel, he’s a fucking Grimoire. Or at least, one of their kind. Someone who abuses their affinity to steal people’s secrets and uses them as weapons.

I wouldn’t disapprove so much if it was an action reserved for enemies but I doubt Aurelius is the kind to protect the innocent. In fact, I don’t think he likes anyone, at all. He’s always been polite, but I don’t think I’ve seen him show an ounce of good will to anyone besides Kierra and his motives behind that are far from pure.

Is that it? Does this guy hate humans? Or perhaps he really, really likes elves to the point that humans are an unremarkable afterthought. Haha, I bet that’s the real reason he doesn’t walk amongst his peers. Having elf blood in his family tree makes him think he’s better than us. Than everyone. I’m amazed it’s taken this long to learn how completely insane this man is. It’s rather obvious now. And a little amazing when I think about it. I have no idea how someone with so much madness sloshing around inside his head can put on a sane front for so long.

“I have a proposal,” Kierra says. “We give him what he wants.” She holds up a hand to forestall the immediate outpouring of confusion and disagreement that overflows from the group. “Aurelius does not want me in particular. What he truly wants is to continue his family’s legacy by taking an elven bride.”

“Did you miss the part where he said you were his destiny?” Alana asks with disbelief.

“The key to speaking with the mad is not to contradict his delusions but to work within them. He believes me to be his destiny. Very well. I am the one destined to lead him to my home and return him to the Twilighters he is so proud to be descended from.”

I huff. “It doesn’t feel right to give him what he wants.”

“Trust me, dedia. The clans are no reward. Especially not for the descendant of an exiled.”

“Isn’t that a problem? They exile the insane.”

“They do, but Aurelius is a special case. The clan that mates with humans is rather small. They will want to study someone with a single elven ancestor across multiple generations to see if the pairing is prudent. I would also bet my tree that this Olam Silvari…” She pauses, unable to hold back a chuckle. “I am certain that she has done something to his family line. It is a Twilighter’s nature.”

“…still feels like too much trouble to go through for him.”

“Not just for him. Do you not remember what I said before we left the north? The elves would love an endless war. Since the Hall has rejected you, is it not a perfect time to recruit an army?”

That’s…actually not a bad idea!


“Is your mother going to try and fight me now that I’m stronger.”

“Of course.”

Not a good idea. Not a good idea!

“No need to worry, Lou. You will survive.”

“That’s not the point!…but besides that, it’s a good idea. We’d have to wait until we finish up this business with the March first.”

“And where are you going to stay until then?” Alana questions. “Keeping in mind that whatever place you choose can be assaulted by both the city guard, the guilds, and saints know who else at any time.”

When she puts it like that, is there any place I can stay? No, that’s not the way to think about this. “Is there any law in the kingdom that prevents someone who is wanted by the crown from buying property?”

My question garners a lot of confusion from the room. I turn to Geneva, who smiles at me. “There is no law prohibiting it. I assume lawmakers didn’t think it necessary, as any criminals would be detained or too afraid to do something as brazen as buying property.”

“Is there any need for you to purchase the land?” Yulia asks. “The order of detainment is only for you. The rest of the house is free to do as they please.”

“Sheltering a criminal is an offense punishable by up to five years of imprisonment,” Alyssa says. “They might be counting on you all doing this. Wait for your lovers to try and help you, charge them, exchange their freedom for your cooperation.”

“It’s possible,” Talia confirms, looking thoughtful.

I close my eyes and everyone perceptively gives me a moment of peace to consider my options. The problem is that I need somewhere to lay my head. However, any place I choose is likely going to be attacked if it’s known I’m staying there. But if I try to use someone else as I cover, I risk dragging them into my mess. I know my lovers are more than willing to take on the crown, but it doesn’t sit well with me to make criminals out of them.

To think I came to Quest with peaceful intentions, hoping not to inflict any more damage on the city. The saints must be laughing at me. No, they’re probably shaking their heads in disapproval as I’m about to fail my trial of saintly patience and restraint. Cosmo is the one I imagine I can hear cackling.

“Alright,” I say as I open my eyes. “Earl, get the carriage ready.”

“Right away, my lady.”

“Hey, hey.” Perhaps through instinct trained in the perilous north, Alyssa senses the impending disaster. “What are you about to do?”

“The lord of the city is the reason I’m being kicked out of my own home. I figure he owes me a house.”

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