Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-12

ARC 7-Cursed Fates-12

Against my quiet expectations, the four of us get up to nothing more than a good night’s rest. A pleasure in its own right. Alana was correct when she said the bed is big enough for four and we’ve all moved past being shy about physical contact.

When morning dawns, I find myself sandwiched between Alana that is dreaming within my arms and Talia who is pressed against my back. Kierra is already awake, standing at the foot of the bed while stretching in the morning sun. She doesn’t make a sound as she raises her hands above her head and laces her fingers, leaning into one side and holding the pose for several breaths before straightening and doing the same to the other side.

It reminds me of our time trapped in the Enchanted Forest. Stuck within the confines of the prison constructed by her mother’s magic, Kierra lived a slow life. She slept most of the day and whenever she woke up, she’d stretch just like she is now. Seeing her makes me think of how simple life used to be, for both of us. We’re nearing two years since our union. How quickly things can change.

“I can feel you staring,” Kierra mutters softly. She pauses to look over her shoulder and smiles. I squint at her. Mm, it’s her normal smile, not the slightly tense one she’s been wearing since we’ve left the north.

“It’s good to be home,” I whisper back.

“Mm, yes.” She carefully takes a seat on the bed. “I forgot how it felt to return home after a journey.”

“What about going home to your village?”

She sighs. “That was not a happy moment but one filled with dread and questions. Do you not remember that I threatened to do battle with my mother? I was also eager to escape her and her judgment. No, that place was no longer home. Before I knew it, this house on a flying rock in the middle of another race’s kingdom has become my home. Or perhaps I should say our clan has become our home.”

Her gaze moves over Alana and Talia with a fondness that fills my chest with warmth. “I imagine I could be anywhere so long as I am with you, the star, and the moon lily.”

“Even the north?”

Her smile turns predatory. “Especially the north. You know how much I love a good challenge. When we return, we will make the land itself bow to us.”

“I think the dragons might have a problem with that.”

“I look forward to it.”

I completely believe her and it’s my turn to chuckle. A sudden question intrudes on my humor and I can’t help but ask it. “How in the world did you remain unattached before we met?” We’ve had our problems due to differences in our cultures, but Kierra is the ideal elf. With good looks, strength, an important family, and a caring heart underneath all that savage brutality, she had to be popular.

Saints, one of her admirers was so infatuated with her, he would rather kill her than let her be with anyone else, the crazy bastard. I’m sure, amongst her suitors, there had to be someone who caught her eye.

She puts her chin in her hand as her eyes close in thought. “When I was younger, I took company for granted. I have always been…loved, Lou. By everyone. Even my mother had a soft spot for me, her only child with a pure affinity. There was never a shortage of partners. I have never been as…harsh as my mother but I grew up being taught that relationships are things we take from as we need and are taken from in return. I…was not kind to my lovers, Lou. We are a tough people but hearts are soft. Something it took a long time to understand.”

She sighs. “When I was imprisoned in the forest, I learned the value of company. I could have all the sex I wanted but there was no one to say hello to me. No one to share a meal with. No one to wrap my arms around. For twenty years, I was alone in every way that matters. Only then did I realize how much I took for granted.”

Kierra reaches out and tickles the heel of Alana’s foot that sticks out of our blankets. The stern woman sleepily squirms away from the touch, letting out a sound of displeasure that is positively adorable. “At first, I hated my mother for what she did but the more time that passes with my sentence behind me, the more I am thankful for the experience. It allowed me to meet you but more importantly, it changed my perspective so I could bewith you. Without my punishment, I would have spent decades wading through conflict, unable to imagine anything more. Now, I have all of this. With plenty of conflict too.” She chuckles.

To my stark embarrassment, I feel heat behind my eyes. This lovely barbarian. She is amazing, despite her abrasive nature. When she leads with her heart rather than her fists, she’s beautiful. When she turns on the charm, she’s irresistible. But when she’s open and vulnerable? I’d dare call her perfect.

There’s no way I ever stood a chance, is there? I suppose I should also be grateful to mother-in-law. As Kierra said, because of her, I have all this. And Cosmo, of course. I can’t imagine what life would be like if that wonderful elemental, may he stay forever glossy, had dropped me back home instead of in her cage.

With careful hands, Kierra makes room between me and Alana before turning me on my back and climbing over me. “Are you crying, dedia?

“No,” I grumble, fighting desperately to hold back the sudden bout of tears threatening to make themselves known.

Kierra is nice enough to pretend I’m not full of shit but her kiss is especially gentle. For a little while. She is still who she is. We didn’t abstain in the James’ house, but we did find ourselves holding back. There’s no need for propriety in our own home. It doesn’t take long before she’s sucking on my tongue and her hand is pushed down the loose pants I wore to bed.

I open my eyes that had reflexively slipped shut when I feel a soft touch on my cheek. Talia is awake, eyes wide open and watching Kierra’s oral assault on my lips with rapt attention. Not that her expression shows any interest. Her features are as blank as ever but I’ve always found that ice-like demeanor cute.

Kierra notices our audience and pulls back from our kiss, sitting up and straddling me. Her hand reaches out to Talia, who takes and presses it against her cheek. It’s the kind of sweet, maidenly gesture one only sees in theatre from pretend-princesses and I love that she actually did it without blinking an eye. I know she’s been practicing for her role but where is she getting her training?

“Our flower did so well looking after the house,” the elf practically purrs. Her thumb traces Talia’s lips before pressing past them. Talia doesn’t so much as bat an eye at the intrusion, sucking on the digit like it’s a delicacy. “She deserves a reward, hm?”

“Uh-huh,” I mutter distractedly.

“Shall we leave her to the pets? Or enjoy her together?”


Kierra lets out a startled laugh as she is shoved off me, skillfully dodging Talia to land on her side. Alana takes her place. Her eyes are still hooded with sleep as she points at Talia. “Not your turn.”

Talia acquiesces with a nod, allowing herself to be pulled away by Kierra. The sounds they make suggest something interesting, but I have no idea what’s going on. My attention is wholly occupied by Alana, blonde hair in disarray and mouth open in a jaw-cracking yawn. She stretches out the last vestiges of sleep before focusing on me. “We’ve got unfinished business.”

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