Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 6-Winter War-83

ARC 6-Winter War-83

A part of me wishes I could linger in the snow forever. I’ve gotten adept at compressing the white fluff into solid shapes. I figure I can make myself a little bed and a nice pillow. Not like sleeping in the cold will do me any harm.

The plan has one flaw. I won’t be alone for long. I’m surprised Kierra hasn’t already tracked me down. She’s not one to leave a conflict unsettled. Sooner or later, she’ll find me and…something will happen. I’d rather it be later so I abandon my honestly uncomfortable seat in the snow and walk the fort in search of my elementals.

I’ve had my doubts but the residents of Victory are still human. The fort is a hive of activity during the day but activity has slowed to a crawl at night. My footsteps are the only ones I hear as I stomp through the snow. Only a few buildings show signs of life. There are torches lit by the stable and I make a note to visit Cloud tomorrow. Saints know how she took my performance earlier.

The Witness Circle is quiet, all the seats empty and the grounds around it returned to normal. It’s…comforting. I don’t know what I’d think if I saw a group of knights gathered around, sharing drinks and swapping their thoughts on the day’s festivities. The quiet gloom is fitting.

From there, I follow my ears north. There may not be a buzz of activity but the fort is hardly sleeping. Murmurs of discontent and drunken revelry draw me to a tall building, made with the distinctive gray stone and slanted roof that are common in Victory. It’s bigger than the James’ estate but in this instance, bigger isn’t better. It’s an unattractive building, with its drab color, boxy appearance, and small, thin windows.

From Alana’s descriptions of the fort, this must be one of the bunkhouses. When the fort was founded, this was where the contingent of soldiers dispatched by the crown stayed, back when the war against the winter lords involved the whole of the kingdom. Later, when the capital divested itself of Victory’s grudge, the bunkhouses hosted the overflow of knights from the many orders. After the creation of the village, the two bunkhouses sat empty for a while, used mainly for storage, until the current duke allowed more outsiders to join the yearly campaigns for a share of the spoils.

Faint amounts of light spill from the shuttered windows. Mostly from the lowest ones. There is a constant chatter coming from the bottom floor. It’s hard to pick out individual words, as all the voices blend together. The slurring and swearing, due to alcohol and anger, don’t help. I stand still, trying to parse the words.


“—see what she—"


“—fucking idiots—"

“—there’s a war—"

“—no part of—"

“—cursed cowards!”

[If you wish to know the minds of the hunters, you may simply ask me, my summoner.]

Geneva whispers into my mind with the voice of a charming maiden, high and sweet. It conjures words like innocent and lovely. Completely unsuited for the treacherous schemer that she is. Or perhaps very suited. Everything about the succubus is a deception. Some days, I wonder if I understand anything about her at all…and if I want to.

If I truly understood the depths of her plans for the human kingdom, and this world, I doubt I could keep her at my side. She is far too useful to let something like reason or rational caution drive her away. So, I dance on a knife’s edge. Hoping she never pushes me too far. Knowing she will.

How goes your task, my servant?

[Very well. Once the March ended, I had a quiet word with the leaders of the hunters. Emberton was a mouthpiece for their agenda against you but had little to do with the organization of the campaign. Those leaders proved much more reasonable. All it took was a stern warning to earn their cooperation. They eagerly await your address in the morning.]

As effective as always.

[Is there any other way I can assist you?]

I know what she’s offering. It’s disappointing that my first reflex is excitement but I stamp it down.

[I can make it better~]

I know you can and it’s very tempting. But that way lies the end. If I let you alter my mind and the minds of those important to me just to make my life easier, I may as well lie down and live in a perfectly crafted fantasy for the rest of my life.

[Would that be so bad? I can promise it’d be enjoyable.]

Oh, I don’t doubt it. And if it were the old me, I might have taken you up on that offer. I doubt anything I could have accomplished then would have compared. Now? I have far more options available to me. And not even you can compare to the vastness of the many realms.


Would you like me to ask you that question under order?

[Would you trust my opinion?]

Ha! A good point you make. Is there anything for me to gain by going inside?

[There is nothing that could give you a plausible excuse for avoiding your wives.]

…right. I suppose I should face them before the beast slips its leash and mauls me.

[A bit morose, my summoner. May I offer a piece of advice?]

That depends. Is this advice a part of another scheme? Answer honestly.

[Everything I do is a part of a scheme, Lou. This particular advice is a part of a scheme meant to deepen our bond. As I wish for you to think well of me, it will benefit you with no consequences you would disapprove of, to the best of my ability to predict.]

Huh. I suppose you can share it then.

[Be honest. It is worrying, exposing yourself to another. It makes you vulnerable. That is why deception is so prevalent amongst intelligent species across dozens of realms. Normally, showing your true self is a foolish choice. But if you want them to see you, then you must take the risk.]

…that’s it?


You’re not going to tell me a line or two guaranteed to make any woman fall for me? Teach me to sing a ballad that will soothe the tension between us? Illustrate a few new positions for the bedroom for the inevitable reconciliatory sex?

[You don’t need any of those things.]

I suppose I should be comforted by that. Keep an eye on the hunters. Send Bell back to the estate. I doubt anyone will be brave enough to challenge us again after today but I also doubted they would be stupid enough to take their grudge all the way to the north. Saints, I doubted they’d be stupid enough to go along with Zach’s obvious manipulation but they proved me wrong on both accounts. I have no confidence in the hunters’ common sense or survival instincts.

[You may speak with your lovers without worry. None shall disturb you.]

After another moment of eavesdropping on the stressed hunters, I turn back, contemplating Geneva’s advice. Expose myself, huh? If only she meant that in a literal way. Well, that might be one way to make sure the conversation has a positive result. Too bad it won’t solve our problems.

That’s the crux of it, isn’t it? There’s a problem. As happy as I am with Kierra and Alana, we aren’t perfect. Might be silly of me, but I couldn’t imagine a relationship with two incredible women could have problems. After all, I forgive a lot when it comes to those two. But, despite our overwhelming power, potential, and magnificent destinies, we’re just like everyone else in some regards.


I heard the crunch of snow signaling someone else is close by but didn’t bother raising my head. No reason to assume whoever is wandering around at this time of night would be of any interest and I have a lot on my mind. I certainly didn’t expect them to call out to me.

I look up to see a bunny making her way toward me, everything but her face covered by a familiar dark blue cloak lined with white fur. She smiles, flashing teeth white as the constantly falling snow. She comes to a stop and raises her hands, breath fogging as she blows on them. “Outsiders who come to Victory wear nice, warm gloves. I’ve thought of getting a pair but I’d be a laughingstock if I dared, haha.”

My brows furrow as I stare at her. While a cute, friendly face is nice, I don’t need to risk Alana’s wrath right now. “What are you doing out here, Yulia?”

Her smile fades, going from bright to mysterious. “I was on my way home but this must be fate. I was hoping we could talk…”

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