Reborn From the Cosmos

ARC 6-Winter War-124

ARC 6-Winter War-124

Alana returns quickly, dragging a corpse behind her. She drops it beside Khan, who flinches as it lands in the snow. She spares her brother a scowl before turning to me and my captive. “Thanks for earlier. You moved fast.”

My lips turn up in a grin. “We keeping this one?” I shake my captive, getting a series of hisses in return. Bell, what is this thing saying?

[My apologies, Master Lou. The creature is wearing an artifact that is blocking mana intrusion. I would exhaust myself trying to read its thoughts. It is loudly broadcasting aggression and a desire to hurt you.]

Wonderful. I slam the reptile face-first into the snow and straddle its waist.

“What are you doing?” Alana asks with a dubious voice as I run my hands over the lizard, ignoring its thrashing.

“Bell says Squirmie here is wearing an artifact.” I gesture to the naked lizard. The only thing preserving this creature’s modesty are two thick patches of white fur that cover its inner thighs. It doesn’t seem like they’re wearing anything. That means nothing as they’ve demonstrated an ability to make themselves invisible. Along with anything attached to them, like the corpse that tried to disappear Khan. Which means, just because I can’t see it, doesn’t mean it’s not here.

Squirmie’s squirming intensifies as my hands move closer to their waist. Just when I think I’m going to find out whether it’s a boy lizard or a girl lizard, my fingers brush string. Surprisingly strong string, as it resists my first and second attempts to snap it. I have to put my back into it, nearly toppling backwards after I break it.

The moment I do, or more importantly once the string leaves the lizard’s body, the artifact becomes visible. I hold it up with one hand, the other pushing down a very mad Squirmie as they flail desperately.

For something that can stump a succubus virtue, the artifact is rather plain. It looks like…a purple scale. A very large one with braided string wrapped around it. The hell is this?

“Coo!” [Master Lou, perhaps you should listen to the James boy. That is a dragon scale. One that still contains the magic of the dragon it came from.]


That’s…not good.

[If these estrazi are connected to dragons, then Khan’s dire warnings make sense. They are not enemies you want to fight, even with your incredible gifts.]

Do you really think you have to tell me that? Who is stupid enough to willingly challenge dragons? Not only does every single one have a pure affinity and a massive mana pool, they have the natural strength of powerful manabeasts, meaning large, sturdy bodies. And big claws. Very big claws. At least, according to the legends.

[The legends are correct.]

How do you know?

“Coo~” [The first time I was contracted to this realm, my summoner was rather incompetent. After subduing him, I traveled the world, looking for more suitable contractors for the future. I heard dragons were the strongest creatures so I made my way to the Dragon Isles. My master…they are unfathomable. Succubi are told to avoid them at all costs. If our summoners insist, we are to use all means available to dissuade them.]

Saints. I’m not surprised but…could the two of you bring one down? If it came to it?

[We will do anything but the impossible for you.]

That’s a cute way of calling me stupid for asking. The scale suddenly feels very heavy in my hand. Peering at it, I don’t see a spell carved into it, nor an affinity stone. Is this even an artifact?

[Manabeasts have magic throughout their entire bodies. It is what makes their corpses so valuable.]

Are you telling me…that dragons are so…magical…that one of their scales, still containing their mana, can function as an artifact by itself? One strong enough to block you? A single scale?

“Coo!” [Correct.]

Saints save us all.

“Want to share what Bell’s cooing about?” Alana asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

“I think your brother might not be a complete idiot,” I grumble. I slowly get to my feet, keeping Squirmie pinned with a foot on their back. I hold out the scale to her. “Apparently, this belongs to one of the majesties of the sky.”

Her fingers pause before touching it. “A dragon?”

“According to her.”


“…you’re kidding me.”

“Alana, you know how much I hate dealing with strong powers. Do you think I’d joke about dragons?” Who jokes about dragons?

“Mm. Fuck.”

“Well said.”

Cold blue eyes turn to her brother. “Do you know anything about this?”

He shakes his head miserably.

“Of course he doesn’t. He let them erase that information from his mind.” Which I don’t understand. If these estrazi don’t want anyone trespassing in the north, all they have to do is mention their connection to the scaly overlords. The crown may be wary of Victory but I know, without a doubt, they would wage war against the crazy northerners a hundred times rather than risk pissing off a dragon once.

Alana sighs heavily. “As much as I would love to leave these things here and forget about this whole mess, that is no longer an option. They attacked an army from Victory. Even if I wanted to keep it quiet, there are too many witnesses. My father will be informed and he cannot ignore this.”

She shakes her head. “All I wanted was a few corpses to gloat over. Maybe some gold. A nice sword from the armory. Instead, I get dragons. Wait.” She looks at Squirmie, lying still after tiring themselves out, with muted horror. “You don’t think that is…that these estrazi are…small dragons?”


“You sound pretty certain.”

“These things are too weak.” Sure, it’s a bit impressive that they seem to all have the light affinity, if that is the source of their invisibility, but they have nothing else going for them. They’re fast but not that fast. They might be strong but not that I’ve noticed. Not a single one threw spells. They ambushed us with arrows. Very unimpressive. Too unimpressive to be related to dragons. I’d bet Bell’s tail on it.

“Hmph. It changes nothing. Once we return, we can drop this whole mess on my father and get out of the north.”

My brows rise at the anxiousness in her voice. “You sound very eager to leave. What about taking control of the March? And showing off our goliath head?”

“Lou, it’s dragons. I’m not sticking around a moment longer than I need to.”

It’s a little refreshing to not be the one panicking. Not that I don’t understand the impulse. I agree with her reaction completely.

“How’s the army doing?”

“I had them stay put, in case of another ambush. The arrows were laced with something. Kierra’s taking control of saving lives. I sent Geneva after the archers. Seeing as there hasn’t been another volley and she hasn’t come running for help, I’m assuming it went well. I sent some knights to grab the corpses.”

“Alright. Soon as they’re back, we’re moving. Much faster than we have been. I don’t care if we have to carry the acolytes. I’m going to get things moving. Don’t let these two out of your sight.”

“Sure.” I turn to Khan as she runs off, Bell at her heels. “Looks like you’re stuck with me.”

“I know you don’t think much of me,” he says in a grave tone, “and I know that the mental affinity does not go well with trust. But I know myself. I may not fit well with Victory, but I am a James. I love my home and I understand my duty. If I did this, I did it for the good of the north. For my family. I…think of that before you make any decisions that can’t be taken back.”

I scoff. “You should have written down such great advice for yourself, brother. Decisions that can’t be taken back have already been made. Come on.” I reach down, grabbing Squirmie by their long neck and Khan by his cloak before sitting between them. “There is one point in your favor.”

“And what is that?” he mutters miserably.

“They came for you. They must have been worried what would happen after you delivered your warning and tried to get you. Granted, they didn’t try very hard, doubt these were the elites of the bunch, but they tried. That’s something.”


“Which will mean nothing if anyone dies as a result of this ambush. Alana was very excited about returning with no casualties.”

“I believe the fate of the world is more important than a campaign record.”

“I dare you to say that to her face.”

“I may as well. A dead man fears no consequences.”

I glance at him askance. “You think you’re going to die?” I thought they’d imprison him. With time, maybe a mental caster can undo the work on his mind and he clearly is of some importance to these people. Besides, he’s a James. Nobles always get a little leeway.

Khan’s blank gaze doesn’t reflect my confidence. “You should take some time to learn about the family you have involved yourself with. Execution is the best thing that can happen to me and a mercy I don’t expect any time soon.”

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