Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 28

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 28

“Whoa.” Alana reaches out for me as I hunch over, legs shaking. “Lou? Lourianne? Come on, you’re alright.”

“Of course I’m fucking alright!” I push her away, hands trembling as I run them through my hair. Kierra is right. A cornered animal is the most dangerous. I let my guard down and he went for the jugular. “That gutless, scheming, shitty snake of a man. He thinks he’s going to get away with screwing me over like this? He’s trying to kill me!”

“Kill you? That’s—”

“Exactly right!” I snap at Alana, who jumps at my raised voice. Seeing that, I force myself to take a breath. It’s not her fault. I wouldn’t even know if she didn’t tell me. Despite the rumor, she didn’t bat an eye. Come on, one two, in and out. “I didn’t mean to snap at you. Sorry.”

“…it’s okay. You’re stressed.”

“Ha! Stressed. Yeah, that’s one word for it.”

“It’s a stupid rumor, Lou. People will get over it.”

“I think you’re underestimating the power of rumors.” And perception. And greed. And fear. The wrong spark can burn down a village. “Agh! There’s nothing I can do about this now.” How does one fight a rumor? By spreading rumors of their own.

Hm. I have some options here. My best would be to insinuate that the prince is besmirching my character after refusing to give him my thrall. Ah, targeting the prince himself might be a bit much.

Marcus then. Perhaps I’ll have Junior write an angry letter to Marquis Ferraro, asking him what his son is doing causing a panic around thralls. See how they like the dark hands of the old Grimoires throttling them.

Oooh, if I really want to play dirty, I can have Talia clue me into their actual secrets. The only thing worse than a rumor is a rumor based in truth.

“You’re wearing a nasty smile.”

“Am I? Geo, you can head back now.”

She places Bell on my shoulders. “Then I will take my leave, my summoner.” She inclines her head. [But I shall stay ready for anything.]

“Coo!” [There is no need for concern with us here, Master Lou.]

Mm, I know. Otherwise, I really would have fainted from the shock. I have a sudden and powerful urge to praise a certain glossy elemental but I reign it in, not wanting to draw attention from the unenlightened masses.

Grabbing onto Alana, I loop our arms together and walk us toward our next class. “I think of myself as a pretty carefree person.” I don’t ask for much. Beautiful women, mountains of gold, and good times. The simple pleasures in life. “You think so too, right?”

“You aren’t the demanding type, no.”

“That’s right. I’m nice and friendly and downright generous. I don’t start problems. Sure, I can be a little petty but I rarely get angry. There’s only three things that really piss me off.” I hold up three fingers and lower one. “Messing with me.” I lower a second finger. “Messing with the people I care about.” I lower the last one. “Messing with summoning.”

My life, my loves, and my art. The three absolutes. Before, it was simply me and summoning. My wedding day showed me the lengths I’m willing to go to for someone I love. I’m not a saint. I ignore terrible things every day and won’t bat an eye at someone’s misfortune. Come after what’s mine, we’re going to have a problem.

“Marcus…he actually had the audacity to break all three of my taboos.” High treason…anything and everything connected to me is in danger if the king ‘finds’ me guilty. And he’s insulted my values as a summoner. “He’s not going to get away with it.” By that, I mean he’s dead and just doesn’t know. I’ll even save the prince with the main conspirator in the ground. Two dragons, one arrow.

“Don’t make your situation worse. This will all blow over if you keep your head down.”

“Thanks for the concern. Unfortunately for him, I’m not the type of woman who lets go of a grudge.”

“He’s not alone. Just because he’s a servant, doesn’t mean his family won’t fight for him.” She scoffs. “The one thing a noble house can’t abide is someone tarnishing their reputation. If you do anything, no matter how wrong he is, they’ll blame you. Just let it go, the Hall will handle it.”

I grit my teeth. The Hall will handle it? Because they’ve done a spectacular job so far. This is the second time my life’s been threatened by someone here.

I understand. We’re training to be casters, to go out and combat fearsome manabeasts or criminal casters. I assume they expect us to handle a few petty squabbles amongst ourselves. Doesn’t change the fact that I have very little confidence in the Hall’s ability to do anything.

“Let them come. I guarantee I won’t be the one to regret it.”

Alana gives me a sideways look. “You’re either brave or incredibly stupid.”

Neither, my friend. I am confident. They’re the idiots, who see a simple cave rather than a dragon’s lair. Treading with impunity without knowing their actions wake the beast slumbering within.

The last time I was this angry, I ruined an entire family. I’ve got no problem doing it again.

You have no idea what you’ve brought upon yourself, Marcus Ferraro.

But you’re going to find out.

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