Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 469

Chapter 83. knowledgeable (3)

A long, sturdy dress.

That was what I liked the most. It wasn’t finished yet, but it was pretty enough just to look at it after basting and shaping it.

Shatin, the costume manager, said there would be no ribbons or lace decorations on the ‘platinum-colored’ dress, which has a light similar to milk tea or dry grass.

“Instead, I’m going to add pleats like this here and now. I’m thinking of adding jewelery to the shoulders, back, and hem of the dress.”

After confirming that the dress fit well, Shatin explained how to overlap the hem of the skirt up and down to create rich wrinkles or point out where decorations should be added.

“It will look much better if you wear the same decorated shoes and tiara, Count Bern.”

Hina, who had been imagining things according to Shatin’s words, smiled brightly. She thought the new title was a little unfamiliar.


He is a count, not a viscount.

It was a new title given to Hina, who astutely predicted an attack on the royal palace and achieved an overwhelming victory.

Since it was her contribution to protecting the capital Kairisis and the royal palace, most nobles expected that Hina’s title would rise to the next level. However, I was a little surprised that the title was awarded faster than expected.

This is because the punishment for Brisen’s Gray or Rashid has not yet been handed down. In general, Lemain first punished and then rewarded.

But this time was different.

‘The crown prince and the princes have all vacated the palace, and the Marquis of Brissen is detained within the palace. I wonder if there is a need to continue this messy situation.’

‘I think the same, Your Majesty. I believe that it would be of definite help to His Majesty to let you know as soon as possible how highly a person who has contributed to the royal family is highly praised.’


‘In addition, I won’t say much about awarding the award now, but after forgetting about this, there will be people who will say that I received a greater award than my achievements because I am your fiancé.’

‘I guess so. ‘It’s always only for a moment that someone’s contributions are forgotten.’

After a conversation with Chamberlain Raoul, Lemain decided not to delay further in praising Hina for her services.

And just today, Hina received her new title. In addition to the fiefdoms that came with the title of Viscountess, she was also given another fiefdom.

Not only that. Lemain, who knew well that Hina had been living in the royal palace, even decided to provide her with a decent-sized ‘Count Bern’s residence’. The nobles were agitated for a moment when they learned that the new count’s residence given to Hina, the crown prince’s fiancée, would be built near Duke Siegfried’s residence, directly across from the Marquis Briesen’s residence, but no major noise was made.

“Do you like the other clothes?”

– yes. great. Everyone is pretty.

When Hina, who had obtained her new title through such a process, nodded her head, Hina’s answer was conveyed through the bead held in her Shatin’s hand. Her voice sounded like the first sip of warm cocoa in her hand after coming home from a long day.

A silver dress decorated with pearls that would go well with white and silver hair, a dark royal blue trouser suit that Planz would wear when she went out of the palace wearing the crown prince’s uniform, and a black short dress that was planned to be embroidered with silver thread and decorated with diamonds. I like it. Just one thing.

– But this suit, Lord Slake.

Hina shared her words, pointing to the apricot-colored dress she had chosen because she liked the color.

“Yes, Count.”

– Can I change the lace color?

Lemain’s birthday celebration.

With the festival only a month away, Shatin was having a really busy time.

Other nobles’ costumes were not requested at all. An enormous amount of effort had to be put into just Kalian’s costume, but in addition, he was also responsible for Plantz and Hina’s clothes. There were already 13 sets of clothes for the three of us, and on top of that, we had to keep in touch with Demirea’s wardrobe manager.

Still, Shatin did not show his displeasure.

Isn’t this Shatin, who created and delivered everything Kalian asked for on time? Since he was a man who prided himself on that aspect of his ability, why should he be reluctant to change his only race?

“Of course. You can change it.”

– I’m sorry you must be busy.

“No, Count. How difficult is it to change the race?”

asked Satin, who soon opened a thick book with various pieces of lace attached and picked out another lace.

“How about this?”

– It’s the same color fabric as Queen Freya’s dress in the portrait, but I don’t think the lace should be a similar color to the frills. I think gold would be better than pearl or silver.

They were saying this because they had no way of knowing at the moment whether Calian and Planz would pretend to be on good terms or on bad terms during Lemain’s birthday celebration. If Hina went out dressed in clothes that would remind her of Freya, she might say something bad.

“Oh my… I almost embarrassed the Count.”

Shatin tapped my forehead.

She remembered the sleeves of Calian’s apricot-colored jacket, the pearl-colored frilly shirt she had worn so excessively that she worried that her neck might be stiff, and Freya’s dress, which was the model for it.

“As I get older, my thoughts become shorter and shorter. Until I made Queen Freya’s clothes, there was nothing in the world I could envy.”

– Do you know Queen Freya?

“I only know. I made all the clothes that Queen Freya has been wearing since she came to the palace. After that… I couldn’t go to the palace for a long time.”

– Ah… I didn’t know.

“Still, I can’t tell you how great it was to be able to make Prince Calian’s clothes again. How overwhelming and frustrating it was while making the robes that Prince Calian would wear at Queen Freya’s memorial service… I probably won’t be able to make clothes with that feeling. It won’t happen again.”

Shatin made an emotional face.

It was only yesterday that I couldn’t even mention Freyja’s name in front of Calian, but now I was making the ceremonial ceremonial attire, and after that, Calian was even making the fake crown prince’s clothes, with the colors changed at will. I’m glad my eyes don’t turn red like I used to.

-I think Queen Freya was a really nice person.

“That’s right. Of course. If Queen Freya were alive, she would have seen how bright the palace would have been…”

Shatin, who was saying this, hurriedly covered her mouth. This may be because he remembered who was listening to him, whose fiancé he was, or whose son’s fiancé he was.

It is fortunate that Kalian is the only royal family that has treated Shatin so far. I’m glad Hinana Plantz is not from ‘Brisen’.

Isn’t it a mistake to say that I thought it was amazing that my neck was still attached?

Hina sent a soft voice towards Shatin, who was at a loss for what to do after making a mistake.

-I think I know what it would have been like for her if she were alive, just because there are people who feel sorry for her.

Shatin nodded her head quickly.

But she said no more.

After Shatin went out and greeted Hina, who had tried on all five costumes. Hina stretched her legs and looked out the window of her office.

Shatin came in the evening, and before we knew it, night had fallen.

Therefore, Hina, who was contemplating for a moment whether to go back to her bed, got up with her regretful feelings. She then moved her steps towards where the tea cup was.

Then, as if she had somehow heard the sound of small footsteps, a welcome guest came to visit.



Lucy and Anne, who had been prevented from entering for a while because there were a lot of needles, scissors, and small fabrics, soon came and went back and forth at the feet. Smiling slightly, Hina put down her tea leaf container for a moment and opened her snack package.


Lucy, who is impatient, jumped up and begged for a snack. She let out a meow-meow cry as Anne failed to come up with her.

I hurriedly took out the dried chicken and handed it to them one by one, and the two cats who had walked away with their bites sat side by side with their heads together and began to eat their midnight snack.

It’s so nice to hear the sound of a snack being eaten.

Hina, who was looking at that with her smiling face, opened her tea canister again.

The scent of tea with dried tangerine pieces was very subtle. The mild tangerine scent reminds me of Kalyan.

‘I can’t believe I saw Queen Freya. Did Prince Calian know?’

Kalyan is a person who does not like to talk about himself. He jokes well and says a lot of light things, but he doesn’t really talk about me in all of those words. It would have been no different when dealing with Shatin, so you may not know about Shatin and Freya.

‘When the Prince returns he will tell him the story of his meeting with Lord Slake.’

I don’t know what’s going on, but she looked like she was having a hard time, but I think talking about Freyja with Shatin would provide some comfort.

Because Hina herself was like that.

– sparkle!

As I was thinking about this while listening to the sound of tea water starting to boil, her pink earrings started to shine brightly. Then, a welcome voice was soon heard.

– Hina.

It was Kirie.

Hina, a little surprised by her sudden voice, gave her quick answer.

– brother?

– huh.

– He said he was busy. Have you finished your work?

– yet. There needs to be a little more.

– How is the Duke? The Duke of So left without giving a proper explanation, and the Duke was worried as to whether such a big deal had happened.

– are you okay. Duke Xiao and Confucius are well.

– huh. I’ll tell you when I meet the duke. These days, Lord Katrin and I come to the Wilhelm Pavilion almost every day.

– okay. you are hina Is everything okay?

There may not have been any news of his title increase yet. Hina thought for a moment about whether to tell that story or not, but shook her head.

– I’m fine.

According to the Kairis system, if a commoner receives the rank of viscount, his entire family does not become nobles. But the Count was different. Regardless of Hina’s viscount status, Kirie, who was considered a baron by her because he was a knight himself, has now become a real nobleman as the brother of a count.

Of course, Kirie would be happy to have been properly rewarded for Hina’s hard work, but she still wanted to see Kirie’s face in person, which she would like more than Hina.

– Many of the injured have recovered. It’s not enough for me to come forward, so I’m taking a breather now.

– That’s good.

– Great. And Lord Slake has already finished sewing the dress, so I just tried it on and it’s really pretty.

So Hina only told a different story.

– Hina.

– huh.

-……Actually, there’s something I wanted to tell you when we meet.

But then Kirie said something like this. Hina answered, putting off thoughts of the good news she had planned to share in person.

– What are you talking about?

– I met someone here.

– huh.

– By the time I met you and talked to you, I thought that he might not be here. I was wondering if you might want to meet him, but I was afraid it would be late. So I think it would be better to tell you first.

I was excited about receiving a title, I was happy about trying on the dress, I was delighted by Lucy and Anne’s antics, and I liked the scent of the tea I received as a gift from Alan. So now I know what I was missing.

Kyrie’s voice wasn’t good.

– are you okay. I’ll listen. Who did you meet?

Hina asked, putting back the teacup, which still contained only dried tea leaves because she hadn’t poured any water into it.

– I don’t know who… I should say, but it’s Hina.

Her Hina earrings shone again for a while.

The tea water, which had already boiled a long time ago, continued to boil without being able to find a hand to collect it and place it in the teacup.

Bubble bubble. It boiled over for a long time. Let the hot steam spread out without anywhere to stay, and the scent of dried tea leaves linger in the teacup before dispersing.

– …… I see.

For a long time.

For quite some time.

* * *

White roses bloomed in the garden of Lord Whitlin Castle.

I was so distracted that I looked at it and before I knew it, it was blooming.

The light of the bracelet, which had been shining quietly as if illuminating the roses, fades. Calian was the first to speak when he noticed that the sparkle that had been spreading out of his sleeves had disappeared.

“Is it okay if Hina comes to visit?”

Kyrie answered as she looked down at the bracelet on her wrist.

“Lord Hill is here, so it will be okay. His Majesty the Crown Prince and Vulcan are staying here as well. The Duke is also here. I don’t think you need to worry about their safety.”

“I mean, not whether it’s safe.”

Calian stopped speaking and kept his mouth shut.

Kalian stopped him from telling Hina about Whitlin. At least after she returned from the elven city she could have Kyrie by her side and then she would tell him about Whitlin, which she did. However, Kirie did not give in to her stubbornness.

This was because she knew that an elf assassin had come to visit Navia. Knowing that reminded her that there had been a Zeon attack on Whitlin.

If, by chance, Whitlin loses his life to someone, Hina will have to go through the experience of not being able to see Whitlin twice, regardless of her will. So she wanted to tell the truth right away, and Kalian could no longer dissuade her.

Calian opened his mouth again.

“Lord Hertz decided to go with us anyway, so why don’t you stay here?”

“Hina has always been a stronger child than me, so I want to believe that she will be okay this time too.”

“No… maybe not, Kirie.”

I have seen too many people who were only strong on the outside. It was like that from Kalyan from the beginning. Moreover, since she knew how Hina left her in the past, she thought she was even more ‘strong’ and couldn’t let go of her heart.

“Don’t be too sure.”

“…Yes, prince.”

Instead of asking why he thought no, Kirie simply answered: Then she thought for a moment and opened her mouth.

“Still, I will go to the elf city together. It’s hard for me to see Hina right now.”

Kyrie, looking at Kalian’s red eyes, continued her words.

“It was I who decided to follow Kyrisis and not follow Lord Hill. When Hina was young, I made that decision on my own. In doing so, the preparations for revenge ended up being useless.”

“Where in the world is there useless work?”

“But I still think it will be difficult to face Hina. I feel sorry.”

Calian responded with a short sigh of her own.

“If you come back instead, please take good care of Hina.”

“Yes, I will.”

“You too. Don’t just say it’s okay.”

“I’m really fine.”

“I said I couldn’t say everything I wanted to say.”

“I said what I wanted to say the most. I’m glad I didn’t say anything else. And didn’t you two do everything for me?”

“In the end, those aren’t the words that came out of your mouth. Will it be okay just because someone took your place?”

“It wasn’t medicine, but it was comforting.”

“… Still. If anything gets heated, tell me. Don’t keep it in.”

“All right.”

Calian, who was worried about her siblings’ work but could not interfere any further, just nodded and patted Kyrie on the back. Then, as if to brighten her mood, she looked around and said something else.

“When I come back, I’ll have to take a quick look at Demirea before I go back. The roses are in bloom.”

Dmirea, who came to visit because of an accident at her villa, has not yet returned. She sat down and said she would return after she had made up for it by putting her name on Siegfried.

So when she returns from meeting the elves, she should take a walk and look at the white roses of this place together. I should at least go for a walk while Kirie checks on Hina.

“Now that I think about it, what happened to the white rose I gave to Brother Randel?”

Soon another topic comes out of my mouth.

“She’s already withered, but what if she’s completely withered and died? It’s because of me, so I should buy her a new one.”

“Don’t worry, you’ll be growing well.”

However, instead of waiting for Arsene, the answer came from someone else’s voice. It was Randel.

“See you, Brother Randel.”

Calian opened his mouth after showing a courtesy to Randel, who came with ‘Arsene’.

“I told you not to use fake spiritual powers and to nurture them with sincerity, but you actually used your healing powers.”

Cornbeard, why did you come here? Of course, I was curious about that too, but I asked what I was a little more curious about first. I guess I thought I had ‘cured’ the withered rose.

“Do I have to wither a flower to prove my sincerity to you?”

“I didn’t mean to ask for proof. I said it because I wanted Brother Randel to pay attention to at least one thing.”

“Then it doesn’t matter. No matter the method of interest, the flower will bloom.”

“Then do you really need to meet Grand Elder Narzan? Roses will grow well even if there is a drought or a hot wind.”

Calian smiled brightly and looked into Randel’s deep eyes.

It seems that he has already figured out the ‘reason why Randel should follow Calian to the elf city’ that Plantz had created. Anyway, you should know what feels good.

Even though my brother barks, bites, and even howls, I guess he’s just like a cat. I can’t hide anything at all. Even though I promised myself not to give her any snacks today because her stomach already looks full, Isn’t she no different from Lucy, who found hidden snacks like a ghost and shared them with Anne?

If that’s the case, then they probably caught me leaving that crazy blue-haired wizard to sleep and then following him around. I knew that I would eventually get caught, but if I had known that the plan would go wrong even before I left, I would have just knocked it out instead of wasting expensive magic stones to get the Sleep Incense.

After visiting with Randel, Plantz, who had regretted this while standing still, kept his mouth shut, and the conversation between Calian and Randel continued.

“Did you know that I would follow you for that reason?”

“I think that’s the only excuse you can use.”

“You’re quick at counting.”

“It’s faster. There are a lot of mouths to feed.”

Calian responded lightly and looked at ‘Planz disguised as Arsene.’ Then, she immediately turned her eyes toward the lord’s castle visible behind Planz and asked Randel.

“Regardless of the reason, it won’t be too late to go after safety is guaranteed. It’s dangerous.”

“What is the danger?”

Randel asked.

“Danu stayed quiet while you were fighting the harpy in the forest.”

“you’re right.”

“It wasn’t Danu who sent the harpy into the forest. While everyone in the forest was focused on the fight with the harpy, he didn’t drag the second child in or attack me.”

“That’s right.”

“After you said you would kill all the elves, were you or the second one of me threatened while leaving the forest? Or have anyone been attacked by Danu since we came here, or have Zeon’s soldiers targeted us? ”

“…… doesn’t exist.”

Landel, who nodded his head at these words, looked towards Planz for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“I heard that the person who attacked the estate manager moved as fast as you.”

“Yes. I heard that too.”

“Someone of that level of skill left your subordinates and the president of the association alone and stole only the magic stone. Danu, who knows how to send assassins like that, stayed quiet even when you were dealing with the harpy alone. Danu was busy doing other things while you were down. “No, I don’t think your life will be in danger while going to the elf city. Isn’t that true?”

“Furthermore, doesn’t it seem like the elves of Zeon and the elves of Whitlin’s territory and the elves of Danu are fighting with each other? Moreover, not long ago, Sispanian personally came forward and delivered a warning. In this situation, Danu is trying to reestablish the Kyris royal family. “I don’t think I would be foolish and reckless enough to try to narrow my position by touching him.”

Following Randel’s story, Plantz added: And then he immediately opened his mouth again and tried his best to imitate Arsene, who talks a lot.

“Don’t you know, the prince, that there will be no real threat to your life? Even though Danu will lure the prince and me and pressure us by showing us ‘dreams,’ I thought that he would not send a sword to attack us with the goal of taking our lives. So, we served him like this. came.”

Of course, there was another reason. for now.

After hearing Plantz’s explanation, Calian turned his gaze. I looked at Planz’s bright blue eyes for a moment as he told me why I brought Randel, thought about it, and then turned to Randel and asked him again.

“Did you not want to stay with your brother? Or were you curious about the sea?”

“It’s a difficult question to choose one.”

“Is that so.”

“But it wasn’t a perfect excuse. Roses aren’t the only things I need to grow, but I don’t want to remain as a king who seeks aid from his brother’s country.”

“Did you even know how to be greedy like that?”

“It would be correct to say that such greed was revealed.”

“That’s nice to hear.”

Randel decided to ascend to the throne of Tensil by his own choice. And Serjane, the fake crown prince of Tensil, said he was looking for Kairis to see if it would be okay to give up the throne to Randel.

In order to receive the promise of the transfer of the crown prince’s throne to Serjane without a fight, wouldn’t Randel have something to offer? For example, Danu’s power to keep wheat from drying out even in the heat of the great desert.

“I don’t know if Danu, who doesn’t even have deep roots in Secretia, will be interested in Tensil. Still, if possible, I should meet him.”

Randel was scheduled to meet Serjane at Lemain’s birthday festivities. If I wanted to have even more favorable conditions for negotiations, I would have to meet Narzan or Danu now.

So what should we do?

Calian, who was pondering, opened his mouth quietly.

“… Yes, I understand. Let’s go together.”

Permission was given for Randel to accompany him.

Randel, nodding his head, mounted his horse. A shiny, dark chocolate-colored horse purred as she calmly carried her owner.

okay. I know well that Randel likes bitter chocolate. Anyway, Plantz, who thought that the horse had chosen someone like me, grabbed the saddle of Arsene’s horse, Roro. And he tried to get on his horse, being careful not to accidentally drop his magic bag, which contained the Cina Star that he couldn’t tie around his waist.

“Lord Hertz.”

At this very moment, the scariest voice in the world could be heard.

“Yes, my prince.”

Plantz, who hastily stopped his actions and turned his head, answered. Then he jabbed. Calian took a step closer.

‘……Did you get caught?’

Since Kalyan is very trusting of people within his circle, it is difficult to judge whether he is being deceived or deceived. Therefore, Calian’s words were heard in the ears of Plantz, who was trying to suppress his prickling conscience.

“Are you very tired? Your expression is dark.”

If he found out about Plantz’s trick, he would be angry.

He knows that he would rather be disappointed than angry.

So if we get caught now, we’ll be gone for about a month without seeing each other. If things don’t go as planned and I get caught later, I’m sure I’ll end up in a sad situation where I see my brother hitting someone for the first time and I’m the one who got hit. Of course, if that happens, we won’t see each other for more than a month, with Serenti waking up and falling asleep again.

You’ll get caught later, but if things go as planned… well. I don’t know how that guy will come out.

“No, it’s okay, prince.”

Calian nodded.

Then he pointed next to Randel and said.

“I’m escorting Brother Randel. But be careful just in case something happens.”

The reaction is quite puzzling.

I do not know.

I did it anyway, so whether I’m being deceived or deceived, I have to try hard to deceive.

Plantz, who had once again made up his mind, smiled like the person in the world I hate to imitate.

“Don’t worry.”

“Okay, then.”

Calian, who moved the corners of his mouth and smiled, turned back. And he deeply pressed the black hood of the robe he was wearing.

It won’t be long before things change.

The moonlight lingers on the long blue-silver hair that comes out of the hood. As he grows taller, deep scars appear on his hands that emerge from his robe.

The hand grabbed Raven’s saddle. Light purple eyes measured the path to take.

“Let’s go.”

A low voice like a broken blade wafts in the wind.

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