Reborn as the Enemy Prince

Chapter 27

Chapter 6. No bad intentions (7)

Kalian felt miserable.

I realized later that the knife had stopped in front of Calian’s neck and that it was an attack that did not need to be blocked. I didn’t know that I would resent the knife in my hand so much.

The knife that flew into the wall a moment ago was pulled out on its own and fell into Alan’s hand. A deep sword mark remained on the blade.

“You’re really fast. With a body like that.”

Alan, who opened his mouth like that, did not look that surprised. It was his attitude that he fully expected Calian to block the knife. Alan spoke in a calm voice while looking at Calian who could not open his mouth.

“I’m sorry for surprising you.”

Calian shook his head. Still didn’t speak. To open his mouth, Alan started talking instead.

“The day I first saw you. I knew the prince had been waiting for me for a long time. I was curious, but I thought it was a coincidence. I knew the prince was already in a dangerous situation to ask about that, and I was too busy thinking about other things.”

This means that it was discovered from the very beginning.

A sigh escaped Calian’s mouth.

Nevertheless, how funny it is to talk about faith in a person who helped Kalyan without question.

“But strange things started to increase. Lemain said that the prince was afraid of horses, and the nobles were amazed that the prince had become a completely different person. The wizard who went to the concert said that the prince prevented an accident.”

Calian’s hands grew stronger.

They were surprised that Alan knew what was going on at the concert hall.

“Still, I thought I would just move on from here. But there was something else strange.”

A hollow smile lingered on Calian’s lips. There is another one. In this case, it was necessary to wonder why Jan did not suspect Calian.

“When I told you that you were addicted, I saw the murder in the prince’s eyes. But it was quickly erased. Those eyes did not belong to a prince who had never killed a butterfly. I had seen a lot of blood on my hands, or something like that. “It’s about knowing how to reap what you want. I was thinking about it all night because the threads that were so tangled one by one couldn’t be resolved. But.”

Alan, who had said that, slightly lifted the knife in his hand.

“It was made by Sispanian. I put it on the display for hidden weapons, and the flower pot turned into a knife. It means the prince has a knife, and the prince is a man who knows how to show his deadly skills. I handed it to him just in case.”

Calian smiled involuntarily and responded.

“You handed it to me with the intention of piercing my uvula.”

Alan bowed his head and apologized again and then spoke.

“I trusted the prince and entrusted him with one aspect of my life. I felt like I would be suspicious if I didn’t know that the so-called first disciple I made was hiding it and not releasing it. So please stop explaining now. I will listen.”

Calian nodded.

Since he was already sure that he was not the real Kalyan, there was nothing more to hide.

“I’ll tell you.”

Calian did not worry about where to start or where to say something. I decided to take everything out. So, I quietly closed my eyes and began to speak slowly.

“It’s Bern. It’s my original name. Bern Secretia.”


Alan’s shoulders flinched. The name that popped up at this point reminded me of something.

Chase and…

Calian didn’t stop talking. Because I had my eyes closed, I didn’t notice that Alan’s reaction upon hearing his name was unusual. Therefore, Calian’s continued words felt like he wanted the truth to Alan, so he should listen to everything and deal with it together.

“The current crown prince was the younger brother of Chase Dullahan Secretia, who was the king at the time I was there. He was a knight. So, he knows how to ride a horse, handle life, and use a sword.”

A calm voice continued.

Bern, who was the prince of Secretia, became a knight to avoid being crowned crown prince, and Chase ascended to the throne. And the war with Kairis followed.

The last week was like a massacre surrounding the capital, Secreta.

It was a desperate situation in which even the royal guards, who were supposed to protect the king, had to leave the castle and leave the king behind. Everyone died, and even Bern, who was guarding the castle gate alone, ended up dying. All the stories that became the past for Kalian were revealed.

And Calian took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“But. There was something special about Secretia. It was an item that became the cause of the war.”

– Rattling.

Alan put the knife down on the table. I thought I would drop it when I heard the next words.

“It may be difficult for you to believe, Master, but it is the axis of time.”

This time Alan closed his eyes.

When I put down the knife, I felt like my heart dropped. A confusion that had never been seen before appeared on Alan’s face.

“… They said it would turn back time.”

Calian couldn’t believe his ears when he heard Alan’s words.

It took me a while to understand what the sound I had just heard meant. Alan, who had been looking at Calian for a while, asked.

“When did you come back?”

A sound of intake of breath was heard from Calian’s mouth.

Isn’t this as if you know everything?

I wanted to hear an explanation right away. But Alan’s face demanded an answer. Calian, barely able to hold on to his trembling fingertips, answered in a dry voice.

“A month… It was a month ago. When I opened my eyes, my servant Jan was waking me up. Ten years had passed.”

Alan leaned back on the sofa. Then, without saying a word, he raised his hand and massaged his temple.

Why didn’t I remember that?

Even after thinking about it all night.

It looked like he needed time to think, so Calian calmed his impatience and waited.

When Alan finally opened his mouth, it was around the time when sunlight began to shine through the window.

“He must have already been poisoned. He must have known how the original Prince Calian would die. That is why he waited as if he knew I would come.”

Calian answered with a sad look on his face.

“That’s right. What happened on the day I met Master… was not a coincidence.”

I was like a cat that had lost its mother and had lost all the energy from the first day. Alan, who was staring at Calian, said.

“Anyway, the prince was looking for me to help him on his journey, so it doesn’t matter whether he knew in advance and waited for me or not. I won’t be disappointed by something like that, so don’t worry about it.”

After saying that, Alan fell silent for a moment. Before I told him how I knew about the axis of time, I had something to tell Calian.

“But there is something you need to know first, Prince.”

Calian’s head moved up and down.

I was ready to listen to everything Alan said.

“Currently, there is only Crown Prince Chase in Secretia. Chase was originally an only son, and the queen had no children. You probably don’t know that.”

Calian looked into Alan’s eyes without saying a word.

There was no emotional disturbance as Alan had feared.

“I had a vague feeling that since I was here, there would never be another Vern. I didn’t know if it would be an early death or something, so I was worried about how he might have disappeared. It seems he was never born.”

“Yes. I think that’s what happened.”

It was difficult to imagine what it would feel like to have one’s life erased. Therefore, instead of giving modest consolation, Alan only said that and Calian answered calmly.

“It’s rather fortunate.”

What can I do? That’s all Calian thought.

Didn’t Bern already take someone else’s life?

“So, the original Prince Calian is dead?”

Alan asked, as if he had read who Calian had in mind. This is because the old Kalyan was still alive at this moment.

Calian shook his head.

He then answered by drawing his own head and pointing to his heart.

“I didn’t know about it at first, but it’s still there. Although I think I’ll leave when the scheduled day comes.”

Memories that come to mind like answers to Kalian’s words.

I suddenly realized that it was not just a memory. The reason why I always had to ask a question to remember it was because that was the old Calian’s answer.

“It’s not that we can talk to each other, but it’s clear that we exist. However, it doesn’t tell us what happened that brought me here. Old Calian may not even know.”

Alan nodded his understanding. Kalian asked, tapping his knee with his finger.

“The axis of time. How do you know?”

“It’s not that big of a deal.”

Alan responded with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

“I visited Secretia last year. Chase called me secretly. He said that something called the axis of time had been discovered and asked for advice on it. I returned after only meeting Chase, so even if the same thing had happened in the previous time, the prince would not have known about it. I will.”

Calian opened his mouth in a dry voice.

“I see you were looking into it separately.”

“I’d like to tell you in advance in case you’re expecting anything. Unfortunately, I haven’t found out anything else about him.”

“No. I thought so. If Master had found out, I should have known.”

Alan nodded and spoke again.

“The thing called the Axis of Time didn’t seem to have been made by man, so we exchanged opinions about whether it might be a new item from Serenti.”

“Aren’t divine objects used by priests? They are a means of replacing divine power, and as far as I know, the sacred objects themselves have never had any other abilities.”

Due to the war between the two gods, the evil god was sealed and the god Serenti fell asleep.

Since then, the priests have not been able to display their divine powers. Therefore, the remaining divine power in Serenti’s sacred item was consumed to exercise its healing power.

“That’s right. So in the end, only questions remain. And now I can’t confirm it.”

After saying that, Alan’s hand turned towards Calian.

“A month ago, I received word that the axis of time had disappeared. It seems that they brought in a cat like this. Anyway, Chase and the prince are looking for me because of this, so brothers should be called brothers.”

Hearing that, Calian laughed a little painfully.

Alan pretended not to see it. Instead, he looked at the knife on the table and asked.

“The day you first saw me, the prince said that what you wanted was not the throne. If so, may I ask you again what you want?”

There was no reason not to answer. Calian answered readily.

“We were trying to prevent war.”

“The axis of time, which was the cause of the war, has now disappeared. In that case, it would be okay to assume that war does not occur.”

Calian answered.

“We don’t know the cause. We still don’t know why Plantz wanted to have the axis of time. If the cause remains, the problem will only repeat itself, so we want to find out and confirm it.”

“Is it for Chase?”

Calian looked at Alan. It was difficult to understand the intent of the question. Alan noticed this and added an explanation.

“After meeting Chase, I was very impressed. His personality, knowledge, and ability were all lacking. Even if all three Princes of Kairis were put together, just one Chase would not be able to do it.”

It was true a hundred times a thousand times. No matter how I explain it, I can’t fully praise Chase.

“you’re right. My brother has become an even more excellent monarch.

” “So the 3rd prince of Kairis, whose life is on the line, will not have to worry about the great crown prince of Secretia.” ”

… What you are saying is not to live trapped in the past . .”

Calian nodded with a calm expression.

“I gave up my desire to live in Bern the first day I came here.”

Alan sat up and pointed to the knife on the table.

“I want to ask you something . There is someone worthy. He knows more than me, and although he won’t meet me or Chase, he will meet the prince soon.” Calian, who

followed Alan’s hand with his gaze, raised his head again and looked at Alan. It didn’t take long for him to answer.

” “Roselita.”

Alan nodded.

A name that was now so familiar came to mind.

“There is Cispanian.”

Prince Rosellita Kyris’s coming-of-age ceremony.

It was a ceremony to visit Cispanian’s empty nest and announce that she had become a true royal. . And the prince who went to Rosellita said that he met the will of Sispanian.

“So please resolve the poisonous tea problem as soon as possible. “Siegfried’s territory, the land of the elephants, is quite far away. You need to prepare.”

Calian nodded slowly.

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