Rebirth: The Villainous Young Master Doesn't Want to Follow the Script

Chapter 31: Unresolved Mysteries


< Hidden Task Unlock! Unveil the secrets of the Marquis Chevalier household's bloodline and its ancestry. Reward for completing the mission; Increase of the world plot progression and unlock some information regarding the worldline >

For all his life as a world-hopper, Eclipse never questioned the system because he knew the system wouldn't dare to release a task without reason and right now that he was no longer bound to his designated role as the minor villain of this worldline.

He's now free from the strings that pulls him into that role.

However, it doesn't mean that Eclipse wouldn't be able to receive mission task from the Main System as he is still considered as a world-hopper and the job of a world-hopper is to do various tasks that was assigned to them by the Main System.

'Since the world plot progression rate in this world is slower unlike the others, this task will help me to be able to move the progression rate a little bit higher and If that happens, I'll be able to reconnect myself with sir Red and ask for the situation.'

He's been in this worldline for a couple of months already, but the progression rate is slower like a turtle that was on the lands that couldn't raise up higher.

Without further ado, Eclipse looked at Rheina with his most serious expression written on his face; "Can you stab me?"

Rheina, on the other hand, got startled by the young man's words as she couldn't process the whole ordeal for a moment; "HUH?!"

Eclipse sighed as he saw the dumbfounded expression written on the assassin's face and because they needed to finish what they started, without hesitation, he took the hidden weapon from the assassin's side waist and immediately stabbed his arm for him to bleed.

Rheina snapped from reality when she smells the scent of blood flowing around and she shouted; "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

Eclipse winced in pain as the blood flows around and even though he was in pain, he looked at Rheina with a blank expression; "What am I doing? Of course, taking some blood."

"You could have just slit on your fingers a little! No need for you to bleed this much! Are you insane?!"

Eclipse chuckled because it's been so long that someone called him that way.

Way back from his previous life, because he wanted to be acknowledge by his family, he did some extreme measures that would make him to be acknowledge, not just from his family, but also the people around him.

He was sick and tired of hearing to be labeled as a half-blood noble and a disgrace to his family's name that he became somewhat twisted on his own ways.

Just thinking about it makes Eclipse frowned even further as he shook off his head to set aside those irrelevant memories from his previous life.

Now back at the topic on hand, he places his bloodied right hand at the inscription and wait for what will happen while ignoring the woman who was seething in anger because of the stunt he just pulled.

'What's her problem? It's not her blood and she was not the one who was harmed though.'

Rheina, while composing herself not to explode in anger, saw the expression on the young man and the assassin could tell what he was thinking about that makes her snapped from her composure.


Rheina halt on whatever she was about to say when the assassin suddenly remembered what this young man's position within the Chevalier household, and it didn't take for a genius to figure it out.

'He might have the main blood of the Chevalier running through his veins but in reality, he is still nothing but a half-blood noble with a commoner's origin. Just how lowly he thinks about himself? He's just 15 years old!'

The assassin couldn't help but to sympathize with the young man and she knows better than to speak so she refrained from scolding the young man and besides, she knew her place.

Eclipse noticed that the assassin halt on what she was about to say and asked; "Do you have anything else to say? If you're going to say about that girl's stuff or something, then forget it."

Rheina; "..."

'Geez! This guy really knows how to make people getting on their nerves with just his sentence alone, would he?'





"So, he finally got his first task on that worldline?"

Kira looked at his superior as he stated those words while looking at the big screen indicating about the world plot progression rate and then on the other side, was the first mission task that was popped out from that worldline.

"The secrets of the Chevalier's bloodline and their ancestry? From the system archive, they were known to have the Knight Warrior Bloodline and their household was one of the pioneer households during the establishment of the Stellarus Empire, right?"

Kira stated what she knew, and Red could only nod at her statement while still looking at the screen in front of them.

"However, it seems like there is more to the Chevalier's bloodline that even the system archive doesn't have it. Let's just hope whatever Eclipse found about it, still, it won't affect him that much and remember that Eclipse is one of our candidates to become the successor of this Worldline Realm."

Kira knew what her superior was implying, and she couldn't help but agree to his statement.

"You're right, sir Red. Eclipse is no longer bound to that worldline and therefore, he is one of our prized candidates for that position and you took the liberty on protecting him by sending him back to his original world for him to recuperate for the meantime."

The man sighed as he looked at his assistant and asked her; "Have you collected some other information in regards of the last worldline that Eclipse took part into? The ones about the protagonist of that worldline, Xiao Zixin?"

As a dutiful assistant of one of the Higher Councils, Kira opened her system interface and send it to the big screen in front of them so that Red can read the contents about what Kira had found.

"According to my analysis from the previous worldlines, not just one but there are multiple worldlines have the similar wavelength coming from that protagonist Xiao Zixin. It seems like before this worldline, this entity or person has been following Eclipse through its journey."

As the man read further the contents coming from Kira's report, he frowns and Kira notice.

"Sir Red, is something wrong?"

Red; "Have you check the current worldline if this entity has the similar wavelengths from the other worldlines?"

Kira shook her head as she explained; "Even though from the last video footage that this entity or person knew about Eclipse's real name way back from his original world, we though that this entity might came from the same worldline as Eclipse but upon checking, I couldn't sense the similar wavelengths from before."

Red frowns; "That's odd. If this entity knew about Eclipse's real name, this entity should be from the same worldline as Eclipse, and we should have detected the strong wavelengths since we are now in the current worldline where the origin source came from."

The man paused for a minute as he continued; "And besides, if that entity is hiding then, it should take for someone much higher being for them to do that.... for example...."

Both of them looked at each other with wide eyes as they speculate someone.

'It can't be.... right?'





"What are your orders?"

???; "Just watch over him and report everything back to me. Don't just recklessly approach him without my permission, understood?"

"Yes, as you ordered."

After that, the servant left, and another person entered the room and gave its utmost respect for the person seating at the center of the room.

"Forgive me for my insolent, but I do have a question in mind though."

???; "Speak."

The person who just entered took a deep breath and muster up the courage to speak; "We have been on countless worldlines and following Eclipse without being detected by the World-Hopping Department, especially from that Red guy, one of the Higher Councils and Eclipse's mentor. Why now?

Why did you purposely let them know?"


???; "That is because..... I couldn't wait any longer....."



« "A kin whose blood ties are half from its unknown origin." »

Eclipse painted the wall where the inscription laid into and based on Rheina's explanation and from [that person]'s statement, it seems like it's his blood that needs to be the one to open the mechanism here.

'It felt strange that it needs my blood for it but well, I'm the only half-blood noble within these household and besides, most high-ranking noble households had an inter-marriage within distant relatives so of course, being the only half-blood here, it makes sense.'

However, it feels awkward to think that marrying your own just to preserve the bloodlines from their ancestor makes Eclipse want to shudder in disgust.

'Why am I suddenly thinking about it?'


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