Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 127 The Selection Process (2)

Chapter 127 The Selection Process (2)

The air was thick with anticipation as the students gathered in the auditorium once more, awaiting the announcement of the results from the written exam. Whispers of excitement and anxiety echoed through the chamber, while the tower representatives sat in their plush seats, their expressions inscrutable.

Professor Isabella, her presence commanding as ever, stepped forward to address the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed students and tower representatives, I am pleased to announce the results of the written exam."

A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned toward the stage where Professor Isabella stood. The tension in the air was palpable.

"In first place," she declared, "we have a remarkable achievement. Aurora Brittan has secured the highest score in the written exams."

A murmur of approval rippled through the assembly, acknowledging the prowess of the princess. Her reputation as a prodigious talent had clearly been well-deserved.

But on such an occasion, the princess didn't seem happy, there was no smile on her face as she received congratulations from her peers, she seemed lost thinking about something.

"In second place," Professor Isabella continued, "we have Julia Rozantal, who displayed a deep comprehension of magical principles."

Julia's face lit up with a mixture of pride and relief as she heard her name called. She had worked diligently for this moment, and it had paid off.

But it only lasted for a minute before her face somewhat distorted as she mumbled, "Tch! I should have gotten first place!"

Nevertheless, Instructor Issabella continued her announcements.

"And in third place," the professor announced, "we have Luna Primrose."

Luna's expression remained composed, but a gleam of satisfaction shone in her eyes. She had always been dedicated to her studies, and although she was happy she didn't forget the grace of being a noble and carried herself in a collective manner.

The rest of the results were read out, and the room buzzed with a mixture of disappointment and elation. Among those who had passed with flying colors was Eren Pendragon, who had secured the 13th place. Eren couldn't help but smile inwardly at his ranking. While it might not have been at the top, he was satisfied with his performance, given his unique circumstances and past experiences.

Among thousands of first years who gave the exam only the top 150 were chosen to the next round which was obviously very cruel.

But the students had to agree to the decision of the tower and went back with a sad face.

As the announcements concluded, the tower representatives prepared for the next phase of the selection process—the interviews.

Each student who had passed the written exam would have the opportunity to face a panel of tower representatives who would assess their knowledge, potential, and suitability for sponsorship.

Eren, along with Julia and Luna, found themselves in the waiting area outside the interview rooms. The nerves were palpable and they seemed obviously nervous to face the representatives.

In truth, Eren had no pressing need to succeed in this selection process. He knew that he would likely pass the midterm exams with ease, given his recent remarkable achievements and he was also not worried about the academic expenses as in this life, his family was still thriving.

However, he held a deeper motivation for participating in this opportunity—to forge a connection with the enigmatic world of Magic.

It was a widely held belief that the resources and knowledge within the magic world were unparalleled, setting it apart from all other realms of study. This was precisely why even Freljord Academy, recognized as a formidable institution in its own right, willingly collaborated with the towers to offer this unique opportunity to its students.

Putting aside these considerations for the moment, Eren focused his attention on the matter at hand. One by one, candidates were being summoned into the interview room. As they awaited their turns, a palpable air of nervous anticipation hung over the faces of each aspirant.

Finally, the moment arrived. A voice called out, breaking the silence, "Number 13, Eren Pendragon."

Eren's heart skipped a beat as he rose from his seat, ready to take the first step toward the gateway to the magical world he so fervently desired to enter.

The interview room was spacious and adorned with elegant decorations, in stark contrast to the earlier examination hall. Seated across from Eren was a formidable panel of tower representatives, including Vice-Master Aurnox from the Tower of Justice.

The questions started with inquiries about magical theory, historical developments, and the contributions of renowned magicians throughout the ages. Eren answered each question with confidence, drawing upon his extensive knowledge from his previous life and his recent studies.

Then came a question that piqued his interest. "Can you explain the principles behind grand mage Lith Verhen's groundbreaking magical theory?" asked one of the representatives, his eyes fixed on Eren.

Eren leaned forward, eager to showcase his expertise. He began to articulate the intricate concepts of Lith Verhen's theory, delving into its applications and implications. The representatives listened attentively, nodding in approval.

But just as the interview seemed to be going smoothly, a new presence arose in? the room—a representative distinguished by the insignia bearing the image of an ox.

'The Tower of Diligence,' Eren silently acknowledged as he recognized the emblem. As his eyes fell upon the man, he found himself met with an intense and unwavering gaze. The man possessed fiery red hair and eyes that gleamed with an almost predatory intensity, their piercing scrutiny making Eren feel like he was being sized up for consumption.

The name of this formidable figure was Vlad, a moniker that carried an aura of infamy and notoriety.

Vlad, the Scarlet Scoundrel.

It was a name that had become infamous, largely due to his fiery temperament and the ruffian-like attitude that had become synonymous with it. Yet, beneath this notorious exterior, he radiated an aura of intensity that seemed capable of altering the very atmosphere around him.

Fixing his piercing gaze squarely on Eren, Vlad posed a question that hung in the air like a palpable presence, "Tell me, Eren Pendragon, in your estimation, what is the single most vital virtue for a man?"

Eren felt a sudden weight in the air, as if the very room was pressing down on him. Yet, He didn't back down but met Vlad's eyes, unwavering. "The most important virtue for a man in my life is resilience. It's the ability to keep moving forward, no matter the challenges or setbacks he faces."

Vlad remained unresponsive, his intense gaze fixed unwaveringly on Eren. She couldn't deny the validity of Eren's perspective, though she was unwilling to admit it openly.

"Hmp! I see," Vlad eventually uttered, his voice laced with a challenging undertone. The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, and in the next instant, a tremendous pressure descended upon the interview room, an invisible force that pressed down relentlessly, testing Eren's mettle.

"Vlad!" the voices of other tower representatives rang out in unison, their concern evident as they observed Vlad's actions. Freljord Academy had been unequivocal in its directive that no students were to be harmed during the selection process, leading to understandable worry among the other representatives.

However, a hand raised among the representatives, signaling for them to withhold their interference. It was an elderly woman from the Tower of Wisdom. Her intervention commanded respect and silence from the others, who observed the unfolding scene with rapt attention.

Eren, realizing that no one is going to step in, drew upon his inner well of magic and his profound understanding of magical theory. He focused his mind, countering the oppressive force with a subtle magical barrier he conjured. The room crackled with energy as their opposing forces collided.

The other representatives watched with growing fascination, captivated by this unexpected confrontation. Eren and Vlad engaged in a silent battle of wills, a test of magical strength and knowledge. From a mere glance, it was evident that Eren was at a distinct disadvantage, yet it was no less impressive that he managed to hold his ground against the pressure exerted by a 7th-star knight, a testament to his remarkable resilience and determination.

As time passed, Eren realized that this interview was more than just a formality. It was a trial by fire, a chance to prove himself not just as a student but as a magician worthy of sponsorship by the Towers.

As the pressure in the room reached its zenith, Eren's determination remained unshaken. He was ready to meet this challenge head-on, determined to show that he was more than just a promising talent—he wanted to show that he was a force to be reckoned with.


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