Rebirth of a Village Girl

Chapter 33 - 33: 032: Long-term development !

Chapter 33: 032: Long-term development !

Translator: 549690339

Wang Meifeng handed over the money, which Ni Yang couldn’t refuse, so she accepted it.

“Aunt, then I won’t stand on ceremony with you.”

“There’s no need for ceremony, young comrade. This money is what you deserve,” Wang Meifeng said with a smile.

For her, her son’s life was more important than anything else.

What’s the significance of this money?

Wang Meifeng was really fond of Ni Yang. This young lady was delicate in her thinking, even considering to avoid discussing these matters in front of the child.

Ni Yang faintly smiled, “Aunt, since you said not to stand on ceremony, you can just call me Yangyang.”

“Alright, Yangyang,” Wang Meifeng cheerfully agreed.

When she returned to the room.

Ni Cuihua had already come out of her room and was chatting with the old lady and Ni Chenggui.

Yang Guobao sat quietly at one side, as demure as a young girl.

Ni Yang took the initiative to introduce: “Mom, This is Aunt Yang, Guobao’s mom.”

Ni Cuihua looked somewhat discombobulated at Wang Meifeng. “Hello. You…”

Wang Meifeng was well-educated and her husband’s family was also very affluent, hence she was dressed neatly and was elegant. She was obviously not an ordinary person. Born and raised in a rural area, Ni Cuihua felt somewhat inferior when seeing Wang Meifeng.

Wang Meifeng grasped Ni Cuihua’s hand warmly, “Sister, you are really blessed to have such an outstanding daughter.”

Ni Cuihua relaxed a bit, and laughed, “My Yangyang has been sensible since she was a child.”

After a while of chatting, Wang Meifeng and the others left the Ni’s house.

Ni Chenggui stared at Ni Yang with disbelief, “Yangyang, I never thought you would have such skills, even medicine.”

Ni Cuihua blinked in confusion, but didn’t speak up.

She remembered that her daughter didn’t know medicine, and the Mu Family wasn’t a family of doctors.

Ni Yang laughed and said, “Aunt Chenggui, it’s not as exaggerated as you think. It’s just a minor skill. Let’s eat soon. The Stewed Carp with Kelp and Pork Tendon will lose its effects once it gets cold.”

“Effects?” Ni Chenggui’s attention was immediately drawn to this, “What effects does this soup have? There is kelp and pork’s feet and carp in it, can we really eat it? This is my first time seeing such method of stewing soup.”

People in this era didn’t have many demands for food like in later generations, they fancy variety.

There was basically only one requirement.

That there is rice in the pot and meat in the bowl.

Ni Yang served Ni Chenggui a bowl of soup, “It has a beautifying and nourishing effect, and it tastes great too, try it.”

After saying this, she served Ni Cuihua a bowl of soup and finally one for herself.

All women loved beauty. Upon hearing that the soup had beauty and wellness benefits, Ni Chenggui immediately took a big gulp, then expressed with sincerity, “Yangyang, your cooking skills are amazing! This soup tastes so good!”

The soup was stewed until it was thick and the color turned into a rich milky white. It combined the freshness of the fish and the gelatinous texture of the pig’s feet, and the kelp subtly balanced out the greasiness from these two ingredients. The soup tasted amazingly delicious and was hard to resist.

Ni Chenggui never knew that apart from Sour Fish, there were other delicious foods in the world!

“Try this as well.” Ni Yang used the serving chopsticks to serve Ni Chenggui some Fried Shrimp with Green Peas.

“Mom, you should eat more of this dish.”

All three dishes and one soup on the table, including the main course Leek Porridge, were meticulously researched and created by Ni Yang which greatly beneficial to the human body. In addition to being delicious, these dishes also had beauty and wellness benefits.

The culture of traditional Chinese medicine is profound. Beauty comes from a substantial diet.

In this life, Ni Yang was not going to shortchange herself.

Neither externally nor internally.

After eating and prepping the Pickled Cabbage Fish Soup and the noodles for the next day, Ni Yang went to bed.

She slept soundly, deeply, and peacefully that night.

Since leaving the big village, everything has been moving in a positive direction.

At three-thirty in the morning the next day, Ni Yang got up.

At this time, it was still dark out.

The stars were brilliant in the sky.

After Ni Yang had prepared everything and cooked breakfast, she set off on her bicycle.

Although it was early, there were already farmers in the fields reaping the harvest.

In June, it was still hot, everyone was trying to get more work done before the sun came out. At noon, when the sun was at its hottest, they could take a little nap.

When she arrived at Food Street, it was just after five o’clock.

At this time, several people were already waiting at the spot where Ni Yang had set up her stall yesterday. They had all come specifically to eat her pickled fish noodles.

The noodles were not only cheap, but they were also incredibly satisfying. The tart and refreshing taste was irresistible.

“Young comrade, you’re finally here, we’ve been waiting for a long time,” said a middle-aged man wearing glasses.

Ni Yang raised her eyes with a grin, “Uncle, I normally arrive around five-thirty. You don’t have to come so early.”

In the meantime, Ni Yang quickly set up the stove, fetched tables and chairs from the nearby hardware store, arranged them swiftly, and then invited the customers to sit down.

In no time, all five tables were filled, and there were still many people standing.

Despite being a young girl, Ni Yang was quick and efficient. It wasn’t long before she had cooked the first batch of noodles.

Creamy noodles were scooped into bowls, smothered with spicy and sour pickled cabbage fish soup, sprinkled with spring onions, cilantro and garlic, alongside a touch of secret chilli paste.

The taste was beyond compare.

Even before the noodles were served, several diners had started to salivate.

Ni Yang quickly served the noodles to each of the customers, “Here are your noodles, be careful, they’re hot.”

The air was filled with the sounds of slurping noodles and satisfied sighs.

“They’re absolutely delicious!”

In no time, a long queue had formed nearby.

Based on yesterday’s experience, Ni Yang had prepared extra soup today, enough for over three hundred servings.

Unexpectedly, even after selling nearly three hundred bowls, there were still many people waiting in line.

Ni Yang could only say, “I’m sorry, I only have about twenty bowls of noodle soup left, there’s no need for everyone to keep queuing. For those who missed out, don’t worry, come here and take a coupon. Tomorrow you can use it to get three pennies off per bowl.”

At her words, the previously disgruntled customers perked up, crowding around Ni Yang and asking for coupons.

The coupons were something Ni Yang had hastily put together last night. They weren’t particularly fancy, but neither were they crude.

This was also a way to promote her business.

In her previous life, Ni Yang was a famous entrepreneur. She knew the unwritten rules of business and she suspected that within half a month, others would certainly attempt to replicate her pickled fish noodles.

Whether or not they taste good is one thing, winning the hearts of the people is what really matters.

After selling the three hundred bowls of noodles, Ni Yang had made 106.8 yuan.

The noodles had cost her 6 yuan, the fish 2 yuan, and the pickled vegetables were worth even less. In other words, she had made nearly one hundred yuan in profit that morning.

For the ordinary person, they might be overjoyed to earn so much, but Ni Yang was no stranger to big businesses, she didn’t have high expectations for the hundred yuan.

Her sights were set much further.

Now that the noodle business was going well, it was definitely time to consider its long-term development. Always running a street stall wasn’t ideal, so Ni Yang planned to rent a storefront in a prime location at the market, apply for a permit, and become a legitimate business owner.

While Ni Yang was moving the tables and chairs back into the adjacent shop, she was thinking about this issue.

“Yangyang, how was your business today? Did you sell out again?” The voice of the shop owner sounded next to her..

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