Rebirth in One Piece as Deputy Captain

Chapter 607

Chapter 607

Outside the Sabaody Archipelago, a marine warship came, immediately causing countless pirates in the entire archipelago to fall into panic.


Before approaching the Sabaody Archipelago, the cannons on the marine warship had already fired. It seemed that the marine had received an absolute order. They didn’t even care about the ordinary residents of the island and directly attacked.

On the flying artillery shell, Kisaru stood on it and flew towards the town in front of him.

“Not good, everyone hurry up and run, Admiral Kisaru is here…”

The news of Admiral Kisaru’s arrival swept across the island like a hurricane, and countless pirates who hadn’t left immediately fled towards the port where the pirate ship was staying.

“Everyone rush, don’t let these pirates run away!”

The warship docked, and a group of marine soldiers rushed out from the warship that was docked at the shore. With the Admiral coming, the pirates on the island were doomed.

At this time, Area 1, after Lin Tian brought everyone space transfer, only Law, Kid and others broke through the marine blockade.

Not waiting for the two groups to run far, on the bridge of Area 1, a huge body strolled over, in addition to Pacifista, there was also a pirate with the same look.

“This… this is Seven Warlords of the Sea…”

Kid and his group who had not left were suddenly blocked here, unable to move forward, looking at Pacifista standing on the bridge, there were pirates who could not control the fear in their hearts.

The surprised Kid immediately calmed down and said with a serious face, “I didn’t expect the marine to come so quickly, and it was one of Seven Warlords of the Sea, Bartholomew Kuma, the Pacifista.”


Before Kid could finish his words, a yellow laser shot out without warning. Even if Kid reacted in time, the speed of light was very fast.

Before Kid could dodge in time, the yellow laser passed through him. Although it did not concentrate on the spot, there was still a blood mark on his face.


The thick mangrove root behind him was shot by the yellow laser. With a loud explosion, the thick tree root exploded in the orange-red light.

“This… How is this possible!”

Kid felt the pain on his cheek and the air wave from the explosion behind him. His face changed greatly. How could Pacifista in front of him attack like this?

In Area 36, because the Admiral had arrived on the empty street, Admiral Kisaru was standing there.

Kisaru, who was looking for his subordinates, suddenly lost contact and called for the Den Den Mushi on his wrist.

Kisaru was worried, “This is not easy. If that guy, Sentomaru, meets Lin Tian, then it will be troublesome.”


Suddenly in an alley, two stupid pirates dared to attack Admiral Kisaru.

The figure flashed, Kisaru directly moved to the small alley, stopping two bold pirates, looking down at the two guys who were about to be scared.

Kisaru lowered his head and asked, “By the way, have you seen a guy called Sentomaru? I can’t find him now.”


They looked at each other and quickly ran behind them. As for what Kisaru asked them, they didn’t hear.

Seeing the two of them run away, Kisaru said helplessly, “Hey, I just want to hear something from you two.”

As he spoke, Kisaru raised his right foot, and light particles gathered on his right foot. He kicked out, and a shining laser shot out from his foot.

It passed through the middle of the two people and hit the huge mangrove ahead of them. In the next moment, a terrifying explosion sounded, and the orange-red light produced by the explosion could be clearly seen in the whole Sabaody Archipelago.

The thick and huge red tree, under the light beam of radium ray kicked out by Kizaru, suddenly broke and slowly smacked towards the town built on the root of the tree.

Fortunately, with the surrounding huge mangrove blocking, the broken mangrove did not collapse under the fearful eyes of countless residents in the town.


At the root of the collapsed mangrove, a figure came out here, it was Lin Tian who saw the movement and rushed over, looking at the huge mangrove slowly falling in front of him.

He looked at the direction of the laser beam. “He really has the style of an Admiral. Kisaru, he broke a mangrove as soon as he appeared. What does he want to announce?”

The soldier on the warship was shocked by Kisaru’s action. He covered his head and said helplessly, “Mr. Kisaru has gone too far. No matter what, he doesn’t have to break the mangrove.”

“Is that Kisaru, one of the three strongest Admirals of the Marine? He is really strong.”

While hiding in the dark, he saw the scene that just happened. Looking at the collapsed mangrove, Apoo was interested.

The subordinate on the side suppressed his fear and said to Apoo, “Mr. Apoo, let’s hurry up and leave. It’s Admiral Kisaru.”

Apoo hugged his subordinate and said with a smile, “What’s the point of sneaking around? It’s better to run before you anger the enemy.”

The entire Sabaody Archipelago, led by Kisaru, fell into a large-scale panic and chaos. Both sides were fighting fiercely.

In a region of the Sabaody Archipelago, Basil Hawkins, who was second only to Luffy and Kid, was leading his pirates to stay next to a pool.

He had am elegant gold hair, a slender figure, six symbolic vertical lines on his forehead, a suit of armor on his left arm, and a black cross on his chest.

Surprisingly, the black pants were paired with a white shirt, his eyebrows were vertical, his eyes, mouth, and nose all seemed to show a melancholy and frightening appearance.

The riot caused by the marine and pirates on the islands did not hinder these people. As the captain, Basil Hawkins calmly took out the poker card in his hand.

The man wearing a dark red cloak looked at the pirates fleeing in front of him and turned back anxiously. “Captain Hawkins, the Admiral is here. We are still…”

“Don’t worry, our future is already arranged by fate.” As he flipped through the cards in his hands, Hawkins’ gloomy face showed no signs of anxiety.

“Oh I want to inquire about something. I wonder if you have…”

“Kiz… Kizaru” Looking at Kizaru who appeared like a ghost, lowering his head and asking them questions, the crew member who had advised him to leave earlier was so scared that he could not even speak.

Suddenly, the crew member who had been scared to death before, out of nowhere, had the courage to block Hawkins’ trembling voice behind him.

“Captain, hurry up and leave. I will block him!”

In the face of the Admiral, Hawkins ‘naturally melancholy face still didn’t change, as if the one standing in front of him wasn’t an Admiral.

Putting the cards in his hands in front of him, Hawkins comforted his subordinates, “Don’t worry, today is not the day I should die.”

On the other side, Kid had already begun his battle with Seven Warlords of the Sea, Pacifista.


Killer jumped back and dodged Pacifista’s fist. He picked up the sickle weapon hanging at his waist with both hands and dived down. He gripped the rotating sickle with both hands and quickly slashed at Pacifista.

However, this attack, which was enough to cut through steel, hit Pacifista. There was no wound at all, but there was a sound of metal colliding.

Another subordinate of Kid rushed out, opened his mouth and spat out a ball of fire, putting Pacifista into the fire that was enough to melt steel.

“How is it? Is it resolved?”

Without any moves, Pacifista relied on his terrifying body to disperse the surrounding flames. He continued to attack Kid and the others.

“Go away, let me do it!”

Kid, who had not made a move until now, finally made a move. Many powerful right arms made of metal suddenly rushed towards Pacifista who was walking over.

Without using the laser beam that had injured Kid previously, Pacifista clenched his right fist and swung it towards Kid. A small fist collided.

Under Kid’s steel fist, Pacifista only managed to resist for a few seconds before he was sent flying. Two deep trenches slid out of his feet on the ground.

On Hawkins ‘side, they did not dare to act rashly because of Kizaru’s combat strength.

As for Kizaru, after asking this question, he did not move at all. No one could guess what he was thinking.

Perhaps his patience had been worn out. Kizaru said, “Hey, why are you all like this? I just wanted to find someone, but I didn’t get an answer.”

“Since that’s the case, I can’t just do nothing. I have to get rid of you. The bounty criminal, Hawkins, your bounty is very high.”

Hawkins stopped playing cards and looked at Kisaru, who had killed his subordinate. “It seems that fate is on my side today. Admiral Kisaru, my death is not here today.”

“Is that so?” He slowly raised his right foot and turned it into a beam of light, emitting a dazzling yellow light. “Speed is weight. I wonder if you can survive the kick of light.”

He raised his right foot and kicked out a beam of laser light. A beam of laser light pierced through Hawkins’ head and destroyed a large area of the house on the side.

As the beam of light flashed by, Kisaru looked down and saw that Hawkins was completely fine after being hit by the laser beam. He revealed a look of surprise.

At the edge of the Sabaody Archipelago, a pirate ship was preparing to leave. The captain standing at the bow of the ship suddenly exploded. He was dead.

“It’s really interesting. Nothing happened at all. You newbies are really amazing. You all have such terrifying abilities.”

While saying those words in fear, Kisaru kicked out again, and another ray of laser shot through Hawkins’ head.

Just like before, Hawkins was still sitting there without any injuries, but he said something strange, “It’s not bad that he is an Admiral. It’s far beyond my imagination. He actually killed two of them.”

“It’s really strange. Interesting ability. It clearly has a physical body.”

With a kick, Kisaru didn’t continue to move. He looked at Hawkins with great interest. This was the first time Kisaru had seen this ability.

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