Realm of Monsters

Chapter 66: The Central District

Chapter 66: The Central District

Chapter 66:

Feli linked arms with Stryg as they strolled down the busy streets leading to the central district. The suns bright rays shined down on the people of Hollow Shade.

Its a beautiful day and the cool breeze is just so perfect isnt it? Feli asked.

I guess, Stryg shrugged.

The white mage doctors had discharged him the very next morning after Miss Byrel had been arrested. Stryg had wanted to go home as soon as possible. He left before the white magi could poke and prod around his body to study the reason as to why his injuries werent fatal or why he was doing so well considering his injuries. Stryg knew he was different, but he still hated being stared at like some freak of nature. He wasnt going to let them experiment on him like some animal.

Instead, Stryg had gone home and slept like a rock. He only woke up to eat whatever food Feli made him and to use the bathroom.

He repeated the cycle for several days and would have continued had Feli not begged him to accompany her today. She stated that today was special and that Stryg had already promised his friends that he would come anyway. The latter part wasnt true, Stryg never promised, he only planned to come. Of course, his plans had changed after the fall. Nonetheless, Feli wanted to go and after incessant pleading and a bit of bed-play, Stryg was begrudgingly convinced.

His superficial wounds had already completely healed, but his broken right arm was still mending as was his leg. His left arm had been severely burned, luckily it seemed to be growing new skin. The only problem being that it was incredibly painful and tender. He was forced to still cover his left arm in bandages and his right arm in a cast.

At least he didnt need a cast for his leg anymore, all he had to do was not put any weight on it. That part was easy, he just needed to lean on Felis soft body. Stryg didnt mind.

How are you feeling? She asked.

Feli, I cant move my hands. How do you think I feel? He frowned.

Well, at least were outside with fresh air. Ive only gone to the central district a few times. And those were always only to renew my nameplate. It wasnt very fun.

So, remind why were going to the central district then?

Hed rather spend more time in bed with Feli.

Because today is the end of Spring. The whole city is celebrating the festival of the gods. Most districts have relatively small parties, however the central district throws the biggest celebration in all the Ebon Realm. Ive always wanted to go, but the entrance fee has always been a little too expensive. Until now.

I still dont see why I needed to tag along. I could have just given you the money and you could have gone by yourself, he said.

Feli bit her lip. Today was particularly special to her, but Stryg had enough to deal with, it was best if she let it be. Where would be the fun in that? Its nice to celebrate with those important to you. Besides, didnt your friends invite you?

Meh, I dont think it matters too much if I dont make it, he shrugged.

Thats a pity. I hear they have the most delicious food from all over the Realm, she said.

What? Seriously? Stryg began to hobble his way down the street.

Feli giggled and helped him along. The closer they got to the central district the more crowded the streets became. Most of the upper and middle-class had decided to take their centaurs and carriages to the festival, which only helped clog the streets.

A few commoners gave strange looks to the beautiful purple-haired woman and her blue hybrid partner. That was until Stryg began hissing at them. Feli smirked at the onlookers. The commoners quickly learned to look away. They were smart enough to not trifle with crazy people.

The central district was blocked off by large ornate slate walls. A steel gate stood as the only entrance to the district. Stryg bypassed the long lines and showed the stationed guards his nameplate and handed them a few coins. After seeing the silver nameplate and being paid, the guards didnt bother to even check Felis nameplate. Instead, they simply waved them by and bid them a good day.

Feli loved the special treatment. She looked back at the commoners who had to wait in a long line. The sorry bastards would probably be there for hours. She smiled to herself, she wasnt a part of that wretched world anymore.

The central districts street was lined with pristine red bricks. Normally, the district boasted a large wide expanse of space, with only a few buildings in the entire area. Now the entire place was covered in throngs of people and bright colorful stalls. A troupe of dancers and singers paraded down the street.

So, where to first? Feli asked with excitement.

Im not sure, wherever the best food stalls are I guess?

Stryg! Over here! Stryg! Kithina waved from across the street.

Is that redhead dwarf one of your friends? Feli whispered into his ear.

I suppose so, Stryg sighed.

Whats her name?


Oh, so thats Kithina. Shes pretty, Feli smiled wryly.

The dwarf was admittedly curvy and had a pretty face, but Feli didnt believe she fell short in comparison.

Yes, but dont tell her that, Stryg said before walking over.

Feli followed along with a skip to her step.

She placed herself between the dwarf and goblin and smiled brightly, Hi! Im Feli, Strygs fiance.

Kithinas eyes widened, I didnt know Stryg had a fiance.

I bet theres a lot of things you dont know, Felis smile froze for a moment. Anyway, its a pleasure to meet you. I love your hair by the way.

Kithinas nose wrinkled, ...Thanks. Its nice to meet you too. Stryg did mention a girl with purple hair once, but he never said how pretty you were.

Feli tilted her head, Thats funny, he never mentioned you.

Stryg looked at Feli questioningly but said nothing. Kithinas smile fell just a little. Her face turned bitter when she looked at Strygs bandaged state.

Stryg, Im so sorry for what happened that day in the final exam. If I hadnt missed my yellow spell, you would never have been hit with that blast of wind. You would never have pushed Clypeus out of the way to save me You would never have fallen. Im so sorry. Kithina clenched her fists and bowed her head, trying to hide her watery eyes.

Wait. Youre the reason my darling Stryg is in this horrible state? Feli asked with feigned horror.

Kithina took a step back, It wasnt on purpose. Im sorry, I should have been a better teammate.

Ignore Feli, Stryg pulled Feli back.

Tch, Feli muttered and looked away.

He took a deep breath, You did fine in the exam, you held your own against that vampire. Besides, Loh gave us a passing grade in the end. You definitely suck at aiming your spells, but youre not the reason I fell. The person responsible for that is already dead.

What? You killed someone? Kithina asked, shocked. Although, some part of her mind told her she shouldnt be.

No, the shades at the wall did that, Stryg shook his head.

I see. Kithina cleared her throat, I tried visiting, you know. Right after the accident. The doctors said only family members could see you, since you were in critical condition. I spent the whole day worried. The next morning Loh told me that you were going to be alright. I tried visiting again, but they said you had been discharged.

Yeah, Im not a fan of infirmaries, clinics, or doctors for that matter, Stryg looked pointedly at his arms cast.

Fair enough, Kithina nodded. How are your injuries?

Better than they were yesterday.

Kithina paused. ...Stryg, I dont mean to be rude. But, are you going to be able to do your part of the project for professor Rimes class? You were in charge of the practical aspect, which Im not sure you can do in your current state. If you cant, its fine. Ill take care of it somehow, I promise.

No, Ill manage. Im injured, not weak. Besides, its a team project. If I dont participate, we all fail.

How did you find us anyway? We just arrived, Feli interjected.

Oh, well, Kithina scratched her cheek. We all agreed to meet for the festival today. So, I just waited at the entrance. Its kind of hard to miss a blue goblin.

Im cyan, he frowned.

Kithina ignored him, Anyway, Callum and Plum are running late it seems. I suppose well have to wait a little longer.

Thats a hard pass for me. You can wait for them while I get some food, Stryg said.

Huh? Wait, youre just gonna leave me like this? Kithina asked with wide eyes.

Yup, he said nonchalantly.

Feli did a little twirl with her blue dress, Shall we get going?

Definitely, Stryg linked arms with Feli.

Kithina watched with a frown as the couple melded into the crowd.

At least get me something to eat too, Kithina pouted.


What is this? Its spicy, yet sooo good, Feli said between bites.

Its curry chicken with a hint of lime, the food vendor explained.

Stryg, you gotta try some of this, Feli brought a spoonful to his mouth.

He recoiled away, Im not putting any poison into my mouth.

Its just a little bit of spice, stop being such a baby, Feli teased.

Stryg hissed at her.

Okay, okay, I get it. Feli raised her hands in surrender.

Hmph, Stryg looked away, peeved.

Im sorry, alright, Feli ate another mouthful.

Youll be sorry tonight when we get home. I dont need my hands to make sure of that, Stryg bared his fangs.

Feli winced playfully. He had gotten into the bad habit of biting her when they made love. It was his way of payback for her constant teasing or so he said. But, the fact that he only bit her bottom and bust made her think he just liked biting. She was used to their rough play by now, even liked it, though his sharp little fangs still hurt like a bitch.

Im really sorry, Stryg. How about we go back to that stall over there? The one with melted cheese you liked.

...Okay. But, Im still going to bite you.

Heh, why did I expect anything less, she hung her head in defeat.

Stryg? A voice called out.

Feli turned around, Are those Plum and Callum? Do they always dress up like that?

Stryg shook his head, No, Plum normally just wears the academy uniform and Callum likes wearing bright red clothes. Either way, thats not them.

Karen, the goblin, stood in front of the couple, wearing a priestess white robe. The human priest Elm stood next to her, donning ceremonial regalia.

Hey, Stryg, I thought that was you, Karen smiled.

Good afternoon, young mage warrior. Im glad you could make it, Elm bowed his head.

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