Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 367: Sams city Vs Old One II

"Are you Old one or one of his subordinates?"

Sam’s voice might be loud but it sounded extremely calm.

Old one looked straight into the eyes of Sam’s face that appeared on the light curtain and said.

"Old One."

"Oh, so you are here for revenge, right?"

"Who gave you guts to meddle in the affairs of the top dogs. Even the heads of the Major power treaded carefully throughout the war and you a pipsqueak who is still green behind his years just had to butt in and ruin my plans.

How dare you do that?"

Sam also looked at the man calmly, he is not fazed by the show of strength of the old man as he raised his aura, he is just looking at him as calm as a still lake.

"All I needed is some determination. I am confident that I can save myself, my friends and my properties. It would have been troublesome to defend against the wave after wave of undead and brainless followers.

As for meddling in the affairs to the top dogs and changing the course of war? In fact, you are the one who meddled in my affairs first, by sending troops to my city. If anything, you can only blame yourself for what happened."

Old one was furious at Sam’s words, the Orange flames raged as he clenched his fists and jaw.

He wanted to see Sam quivering in fear. Normally, that is what would have happened if a Grand realm cultivator came across a Consummate realm cultivator. No matter what, as far as Old one could see, the obstacles between him and Sam are only some formations.

This shouldn’t give Sam any sense of safety.

But Sam is mocking him directly without a hint of dread.

His ego took a big hit.

After all these thoughts ran through his mind, he accounted Sam’s guts to one thing and that is Ignorance.

Yes, he accounted Sam’s courage to stand up against him to his age and ignorance.

Sam would have laughed at this because Old one should have heard the initial announcement of Sam to the citizens when he asked them to infuse spiritual energy within walls of the structures in the city.

Old One is just finding excuses to satisfy his ego.

But that is not the main point at this moment. Old One started making his move.

This time, he didn’t even bother trying to enter the city, he just extended his hands and the dark orange flames started conjuring at the edge of the formation.

He just wanted to burn the whole city without even bother to enter it, all this to just vent his anger.

But to his surprise, the light curtain is not allowing the flames to get past it. The defense of the city is stronger than he thought.

Sam’s face didn’t even flicker on the screen.

It is still intact.

Old one was extremely frustrated.

But what he doesn’t know is, the runes that appeared all over the city are glowing brighter than ever, the spiritual energy from the city was being gathered into the building.

And the Sphere is glowing brighter than ever.

The citizens are all panicking at the pace their spiritual energy is being drained from their bodies.

Old one doesn’t know the amount of fear he created in the citizens, as far as he knows, the formation and the light curtain is still stable and there is not a single sign of weakness in it.

But he didn’t stop, he just raised the intensity of flames and by this time, he started sweating and there are signs of pressure on his face.

He just finished a huge battle against ten other consummate realm cultivators, he is in his weakest state.

He can exert the strength of an Initial stage Consummate realm cultivator at most.

But he is confident that he can use that strength to defeat Sam and his city.

While Old one is estimating the strength of the light curtain, Sam is also looked at Old one trying to estimate his strength by observing the extent of his injuries.

It is still hard for him with his current strength.

But suddenly, Sam felt the aura of someone else in the direction of the Space gate.

In fact, Sam doesn’t have enough sensory level with his current strength to detect the people that far off.

But the addition of the formation is something different. He made sure to enhance his sensory perception when he activated the formation and the perception is actually quite huge.

Old one though, he doesn’t need the formation to have the same level of perception. He looked towards the Space gate and his frown got deeper.

"Seems like your company has arrived."

Sam said calmly.

Old one also knew that his company has arrived and felt the need to get past the light curtain.

He activated elemental fusion and became a fire elemental body as he forced his way into the light curtain.

Even though he is an elemental body, it is still spiritual energy that made him like that and other spiritual energy attacks would make some damage, but the damage wouldn’t be physical, rather it would consume his spiritual energy faster than usual.

The light curtain proved it was not there for a show.

The thickness of the light curtain is far higher than they could imagine and Old could feel the soul-searing heat even in his fire elemental body.

The light beams are having their way with them.

But he was extremely determined to cross it no matter what and he did so with determination.

Sam who is sitting on the roof of the is observing the situation and just as Old one entered the center of the light curtain surrounded by light beams.

He started concentrating, his veins almost looked as if they are ready to burst apart as the pressure on his brain increased.

All the light beams which are in light golden color suddenly changed and turned green.

They turned from normal concentrated light beams to laser beams.

Sam felt like his head is about to burst open, this is the largest laser beam transformation he has ever done.

He started bleeding from his nose, but he didn’t give up, he held the armrest of the chair so hard that it started cracking.

But at this moment, Old one who is inside the light curtain is the one suffering the most.

The light beams which are already hard to bear suddenly turned denser, concentrated and the color change made it hard for him to bear.

He halted in his tracks completely and didn’t dare to take a step forward.

The laser beams didn’t stop though, every light beam that was just searing his elemental body earlier, suddenly made holes through it, his elemental body couldn’t resist the laser beams and just let them pass throughout of instinct.

Now, Old one is only halfway through and if he dared to move forward or backward, the laser beam will have to cut through the elemental body horizontally and it is not even a single cut, there are more than twenty beams passing through him.

Old one has currently a face full of resentment.

He wanted to burn the whole place to ashes in a second and escape before Sai and others chased after him.

But it seems like he couldn’t do that.

He could sense Sai, Sravan, and one more person nearing him and in fact, he is absolutely current.

Sai is already here along with the other two and all three of them have the same expression when they looked at Old one’s current situation.

They didn’t expect Sam to possess something that can defend against a seasoned Consummate realm cultivator.

When they watched the change of the light beams to lasers, they only have one thought in mind, they don’t want to be in Old one’s position.

Sam’s voice was heard at this moment.

"Old One listen to what I have to say. Carefully.

I am but an ordinary young man, who lives on his own terms. A young man who doesn’t like his life getting disturbed.

But if I do get disturbed for whatever reason it is and whoever the person is, they can only suffer."


Old one started laughing maniacally after Sam finished his words and replied.

"You pathetic worm. You are but a small weakling, who relies on these tricks to get by and defend against the strong.

In this world, weak like you shouldn’t possess more than what you should and shouldn’t meddle in the affairs you are not supposed to even know.

But you did both of them. That is against the natural order of heaven. You a pathetic and puny human who didn’t even live past two decades trying to go against it is a pipe dream."

With those words, he released a heavily compressed spiritual energy and the laser curtain had ripples for a moment and there is a small break for Old one to move and he didn’t let the chance go.

He bypassed the laser curtain and could see the entrance to the city. The door is right ahead of him.

He placed his hands on the large door and it started burning down.

"See that, all these tricks can only bring you so far, I will still kill you." Old One said smugly.

"Whatever you said is right. But there is only one mistake.�� Sam’s voice was heard again and ever so calmly. He continued.

"The heavenly order you are so proudly claiming to be the deciding factor of lives and deaths doesn’t have a right to judge me.

Because I am born to defy it. And no other order other than me can decide what I do, where I stand, and who I stand against."

With those words, Old one suddenly felt a sense of crisis, as he walked past the entrance and at this moment, he noticed that the laser curtain disappeared because all the prisms are rotating and the light beams are all concentrated towards the large Glass sphere on the top of the tower as they conjured into one.

Sam’s words rung again in Old One’s ears.

"For the people, I stand against, it is I who decide their fate irrespective of what the natural order dictates."

With that, the Glass Sphere shot a large light beam straight at Old one and his whole body which is already exhausted was enveloped in that laser beam.

Before Sai and others could make sense, the light beam disappeared and all that left there is are some bones of Old One.

A Consummate realm cultivator who can challenge the whole world and wage a war against them. A cultivator who could slip past ten of his peers and come this far, couldn’t even get past the entrance of Sam’s city.

This is the only thought in the three people’s heads.

But what they didn’t see is that more than three hundred thousand people are infusing their spiritual energy into the city and more than half of them are feeling drained.

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