Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 283: Meetings in the Distant lands

On the middle-eastern side of the planet. An archipelago just like thunder-god temple islands.

On the largest island of the archipelago, there is a majestic palace inside which there is a meeting being held. The scene greatly resembled a royal court where the emperor sits on high ground and the ministers below him.

A middle-aged looking man is sitting in the seat of the head which is on the high ground, while several other people who care about the same age as he occupied the seats of ministers.

They are discussing something.

There are five images that are hungover five stands and four of them are images of Jack, Philip, Watt, and Hawk.

The fifth image is Sam’s but it didn’t really show much of his features. One might not even recognize it if they don’t observe it extremely keenly.

There is a subordinate standing in the middle of the court, who happened to be the same person who gave the picture to the young man before.

After much talk and discussions, the head of the court declared.

"We will send a team of three, who are in Initial stages of the Grand realm. We must get our hands on the Shadow sword and there is a high chance that the Astral paintbrush also might be in his possession. So, we will try our best to get that in our hands.

As per the information, the person who possesses the sword has a Level-6 beast as his guardian, so the team we send shall not confront him directly. His companions shall be our targets and we will hold them hostage to get what we want.

But before that, we shall extend an offer for them to join. They are talented and they can be a part of us.

Send, Tran, Sylvia, and Rid. Ask them to finish the assignment as fast as they can. There are only a year and a half for our Ten-year meeting. They shall use this as a practice mission."

At this moment, deep inside the palace, the young man who burned Sam’s picture sat on a rocking chair and murmured in a low voice.

"Practice mission, you say? We shall see who practices with who."

Meanwhile, in the same archipelago on an inhabited island which was densely filled with woods, a young man who is wearing a dark cloak with a Chain Sickle in his hands sat beside a fire on the beach with a huge shark skewered over the fire.

He too had the same black eyes and Black hair as the young man on the rocking chair.

At this moment, a hawk type beast flew over to him and delivered a scroll.

He opened the scroll and saw the details and turned over towards the woods as he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Tran, Sylvia, Rid. Report immediately."

As soon as his words there is a huge movement in the forest and within a minute three beasts started running towards the beach.

One of them is an Elephant type beast, another one is a Tiger and the last one is like a Wolf.

The three beasts carried three people on their backs.

Two men and a woman. All of them looked like they are in their early twenties.

Then came down from their beasts and gave a slight bow to the person who is roasting the large fish. The young man in the cloak didn’t say anything and just threw the scroll to them.

"One month. Deal with this."

The young lady took the scroll and bowed again before leaving with the two other men on their beasts.

Sam’s type of meetings and incidents took place in many other places and in the southeastern area of the world, there is another archipelago where the meeting was still going on.

At this moment, a man came into the court while limping. His clothes were tattered and his body was completely drenched in blood. One of his arms was gone and the wound didn’t even completely stop bleeding.

He had a small orb within his another hand which was mostly still intact. All the people inside the court stopped talking and looked at this approaching man with shock.

Even the head of the court is having the same feeling. He almost couldn’t recognize the person, but he did in the end.

"What happened? Captain? Why are you in such a condition?"

The head of the court asked anxiously.

"A—A – Horde. We were caught in a beast horde." The man said in an extremely low voice which doesn’t have any strength at all.

"W- We got that orb though." He extended his still intact hand.

At this moment, the door was swung open as she entered the court without regard to anyone. She is rather tall for a girl. She has a near-perfect body that would make any man take an extra-long meaningful glance.

The long Black silky hair that flowed down like a waterfall only made things more difficult to whoever was observing her.

She has blue eyes that looked like icy crystal lakes whose depths are unfathomable but desired to be completely explored.

Her sharp but small nose and the ruby lips, she is a woman any man desired.

She walked to the middle of the room gracefully as her h.i.p.s swayed side to side.

The injured man is not in a state to notice her presence and continued.

"Our team was completely wiped out in the beast horde as we went to retrieve this orb. The opponents knew there is a no way that they could escape, so they..."

The young woman who came inside just came to him and grabbed the orb from his hands. She examined the orb and frowned when she found a small dent on it.

The injured man paused for a bit and said.

"The whole team died to save this one orb. I hope Sir will take care of their families."

"Why is there a dent?" An extremely melodious voice came from the side of the injured man.

The young lady has an extremely deep frown as she asked him coldly.

"It happened due to struggle with the beasts."

She shook her head and threw the orb away as if it was worth nothing and asked.

"Where is the other one? That is the most important." The injured man is looking at the orb which was rolling on the floor towards the corner. He didn’t know what to think of the situation at all. All those people sacrificed their lives just to get this but it was disregarded.

He looked at the young lady expecting a haughty and proud face, instead, she was emotionless. He expected that she treated the lives of others as worthless, but rather she seemed completely unbothered and indifferent towards the whole concept of their lives and death.

"Where is the other one?" The young lady repeated herself again.

The captain came back to his senses and said to the head of the court.

"Sir, the Garuda King took away the other object. His subordinate beasts are the ones that are leading the horde. He said that he felt a peculiar presence in the object and took it away."

At these words, the whole court stilled. There is extreme silence.

The Garuda King is a beast beyond the Transcendent stage. The beast king who rules a part of the domain of the Central continent.

They have a long term hatred with this Garuda king and they have tried to hunt the beast many times but to no avail.

Anything related to the best results in a war between them and the beasts.

Everyone was thinking of the threats garuda king can pose, but the young lady’s words dragged them back to reality.

"I want that thing." She directly said to the court head. She doesn’t have any emotions on her face to the point it almost felt as if the woman is a robot. She didn’t even consider the threat of the Garuda king.

Before the court head could reply one of the people who sat below the court head seat stood up and said.

"Little-girl, you seem delusional. Did you just say you want something that is Garuda King’s possession?"

She didn’t reply at all and just looked at the court head. While the person who called out was furious, he didn’t dare to do say anything as the head opened his mouth.

"Dear, there will be a lot of blood that would be shed if we demand that thing. Many people will die in the war and it would be a difficult time for the whole organization."

When the young lady, heard these words, she looked at the head and asked.

"So, what?" These words almost made the head choke to death.

"It is not beneficial to all of us."

"But it is beneficial for me." Her reply didn’t even bother to hesitate.

The court went silent and another person in the court yelled with frustration.

"Are you telling that the thousands of soldiers who will lose lives in this war are worth less than your experiment?"

The lady looked at that person and said.

"I didn’t say that..."

"Then what is the meaning of your words."

"They mean that their lives have no worth to me at all. For me they are worthless. I want my property. It was gone due to the incompetence of your guards and servants, so you be responsible for that." Her face didn’t display any emotion at all she looked at that man.

The whole court was angered by these words.

One of them stood up and pointed a finger at her and started yelling.

"You little bitch. How dare you say those words? You are raised by the..."

*Whish* He wasn’t able to finish his words.

Because at this moment, a pillar behind his seat opened and a metallic blade was shot out towards his neck.

The man evaded the attack based on his instincts but was still hit on his shoulder.

His eyes are filled with horror as tried to stop his bleeding but to no avail. He could feel his blood started warming up, but couldn’t find a way to stop it.

At this moment, the young lady spoke up.

"I don’t like it when people call me names." Then she looked at the head again still emotionless and said.

"I heard someone got Murali’s formation inheritance, from the records I gathered there is a high chance there is a formation simulator with him. I want that."

With those words, she left.

Only then did one of the court attendants help the injured man and another minister spoke up.

"Sir, are you going to leave her like that? How can she behave like that, for all the things we have done for her?"

The head looked at him and sneered.

"For all the things we have done for her? It is because of the things we did for her that she became like this. I remember saying that every genius is a double-edged sword if you try to manipulate them. All these years it her who suffered, now it is us who is suffering under her.

You reap what you sow?

Ask the informers to stay alert and observe the targets, we will make a move once we observe the moves of others."

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