Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 200: Mob fight

Meanwhile, the two opponents opposite Sam are having a hard time. They just want to flee, or even surrender, but Sam is not giving them a moment of peace. If he gave them a second, they would quit.

But Sam doesn’t want to let them go. They are the perfect cover up for what he would do.

After he hit first target with the methane flame, Sam closely observed the crowd and for when he found a perfect time, he threw another capsule.

This capsule is made for holding some normal liquid samples and they are unable to withstand the methane flame and exploded due to the compression of the gas.

In that chaotic time though, the sound of glass shattering is insignificant.

Sam’s target didn’t change this time, but the dosage of flame increased, it is not big enough cause any damage, however.

That guy glared at Blue fire again, but didn’t take any action this time, but he was cursing inside about how this guy didn’t even have basic control and still ended up in top fifty.

Sam smiled and just went on with the fiasco.

The third, the fourth and for the fifth time, Sam chose different targets in the vicinity of Blue fire. By this time, the big shots noticed that Sam was doing something but they didn’t get how he was doing this.

Within three minutes Sam hit around six members repeatedly without any candidates noticing and now he was making a last shot and this time he hit the first target and the attack was decent.

This time, the target didn’t stay idle because the attack did some damage. He became furious and turned his bow towards Blue fire as he shouted.

"You Punk, I thought it was accident but now I am sure. How dare you sneak attack me?"

His arrow shot through the air as it almost hit but Blue fire avoided it and looked at the attacker.

"What do you mean sneak attack? You are the one who attacked first?"

He immediately launched a fire ball. But the archer dodged and the fire ball hit another person and this person happened to be one of the people who Sam targeted which made this guy also join the fray.

Soon, the situation was in chaos. Zeke who is brother of Blue fire, tried to stick up to him in the beginning and later he was dragged into fight too.

Now more than fifteen members are in a mob fight while the opponents who are in direct confrontation with the top ten are also either eliminated or joined the mob.

Sam looked at the group of candidates fighting like madmen with a smirk. For him all it took was three minutes and around twelve capsules made of glass and some methane to not only collapse the alliance but also make them fight it out themselves.

These people have typical mob mentality, they can be manipulated in seconds and most of the people in this world have this quality.

Suddenly, eight out of top ten doesn’t have much to do. They just stood there and watched the show. At this moment, the instigator finally couldn’t take it. He came to the stage and picked a fight with the person in rank ten.

As their battle escalated, the group started to calm down as some of them are eliminated and some of them are getting exhausted.

At this moment, Sam made his move, since he was going away from the southern star city, Zeke outlived his time. It is about time he made a stop to this.

He leapt from the stage and Kicked Zeke in his stomach, he flew out of the group and crashed into the ground.

General Spark tensed up in his seat.

Sam looked at Zeke coldly and walked towards him leisurely.

Zeke looked at Sam with Pleading eyes and said.

"Sam can we leave this behind us and let bygone be bygones? I have been suffering from past eight months and had to rely on someone’s help to even compete in this competition. All I did is ambushing you with some people, I know my mistake can you please forgive me?"

Sam shook his head.

"Forgive you? I would have let you go if you had just learnt your lesson, but you have grown a pair of balls after you met your Grandfather and even dared to create trouble for me. You know the worst part is? Dragging the people around me into this and most importantly, how dare you make designs on Watt?"

Sam’s voice became colder and colder. He doesn’t want to talk much when dealing with someone, but only words could achieve his desired effect, with his words he wants to make Zeke accept some facts which he kept on denying in his heart. He continued.

"How do you feel? Zeke. When you attacked me, you had everything, wealth, lackeys, your father’s status and protection, your grandfather’s unreasonable affection and spoiling. How do you feel now that you have lost all of that?

No, I should say, how do you feel now that I destroyed all of that?

As soon as I entered the Blue flame city, I destroyed your lackeys.

As soon as opened my business, I destroyed your wealth.

As soon as I met your father, I destroyed his support.

And finally, after I dealt with your grandfather you are almost forsaken.

How do you feel losing everything?"

Zeke could feel his head bursting with pain. He was completely consumed in his despair. He is asking himself. ’What do I have now? What can I hope for? Can I even survive if Sam pursues me? Can my father even save me? Can my grandfather protect me?’

All these kinds of questions plagued his mind.

Sam squatted down as he placed his hand on Zeke’s head who was now sitting weakly on the ground. He forced Zeke to lift his head and made him look straight into his eyes. He completely unleashed his bloodl.u.s.t and killing intent. His aura is similar to a God of killing.

It was as if he just swam in a sea of blood.

Zeke felt suffocated and went into a trance and heard Sam’s words ringing in his ears.

"Zeke, you are a hopeless piece of trash, you lost everything. You have no one who would care for you. You are abandoned. If I want to kill you no one will stop me, you don’t have anything that can be called yours, anyone that can be called yours and anywhere that can be called yours.

All you have is your pathetic self."

As Sam said this, he released his spiritual energy and let it enter Zeke’s body. As he saw this scene, General Spark immediately raised from his chair and yelled.


Sam looked at the general coldly and with an evil smile but still didn’t stop what he was doing and with a snap, the spiritual core cracked. He didn’t destroy it entirely but left a deep crack which is nigh impossible to heal. He left it so because, he wants to make Zeke feel more and more despair.

No matter, how insignificant the person is, one must pay the price for targeting him and his friend.

As Sam stood up a large spiritual energy wave hit him. He crashed into the ground and spurt out a mouthful of blood.

The General Spark wasn’t able to control his anger and released his energy wave which injured him, such was the difference in their levels.

Sam wiped the blood and looked at the General with extreme cold gaze, he would have killed general if he can right now. And he can if he plans properly, but now he changed his mind.

Sam stood up weakly and looked at General for a second. The old man came to himself and took a deep breath to calm down and this was mostly due to the suppression from Duke.

Sam walked towards Zeke and gave him a kick which broke almost all of his bones in the chest but still sending him near the General’s feet. Then without speaking he was about to turn back, when a person with a short sword attacked him.

Sam narrowly dodged the attack but he was still grazed on the cheek and he felt a numbing pain on the wound, not because of the sword cut, rather it was because of some foreign substance entering.

He was surprised that the opponent was able to attack him, but the opponent was even more surprised.

"How can you survive that strike?" He thought out loud in shock.

Then only Sam thought about the strike and felt that it is indeed extremely powerful. Even if he was able to dodge and was only hit lightly, he wouldn’t be able to get away easily. If another Peak stage Novice was in his place, his face would have been cut in half.

This was all thanks to his body cultivation.

Sam realized this and became furious, the other party intended to kill him.

Sam didn’t care about the foreign substance and was about to make a move and his fist moved in full force. His fist was covered in golden flames and a heated tail wind with extremely sharp aura and his body’s strength was fully unleashed.

He directly aimed at the opponent’s heart and there was no doubt it would connect.

The opponent was caught off guard and he didn’t even have time to react.

Just as the fist was an inch away, a loud shout was held.

"HALT." Duke shouted on top of his lungs, which stunned the candidates for a second, Sam also slowed down, but he didn’t want to stop at all.

But at this moment. Two hands caught his arm and another pair held his body from the back and forcefully halted Sam’s movements.

Nicholas, who held Sam from behind whispered to calm him down.

"The fight is over Sam. The forty people are eliminated. Calm down."

Sam withdrew his spiritual energy and shrugged the two people off, he looked at the person who attacked him coldly.

He is none other than the instigator. Sam noted him down and then looked at the person who caught his hand.

He is the person in rank 5 Trevor. The latter also observed Sam with a keen look.

Sam took a final look at the instigator and walked to the stage, where the rest are standing.

After they assembled, Duke said.

"Take a break for today. The last round will be conducted tomorrow." He didn’t say much and just waved his hands.

Read the author’s thought

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