Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 873: Give me compensation!

  Chapter 873 Give me compensation!

  Even without Aman'Thul's reminder, Varian, Vol'jin and the others voluntarily returned to the Enterprise and Storm Fortress docked in front of the Burning Throne platform after fulfilling their wish to see the Titan with their own eyes.

Those who stayed included the three Windrunner sisters, Tyrande, Maraad, Malfurion, and Elisande, who had just become demigods, but at most they were less lucky than the one who left now. Anna, Ronin and the others just played one more game.

  According to the speculation of Norgannon, the wise man among the Titans, the current Aggramar is only 30% of his strength in his heyday, barely keeping his realm at the minimum of the true **** level.

Among the people left today are five high-level demigod guardian dragons, the titan guardians led by two demigod peak powerhouses Raiden and Odin, and mortal high-end combat power such as Charlemagne. To defeat this parallel importer Agra Ma is not impossible.

While casting a spell to restore the four of Aman'Thul, Eonar said, "I'm sorry, children of Azeroth, in order to allow my compatriots to have the power to seal Sargeras, I will stay and temporarily serve Aman'Thul. Sur and the others add a little vitality."

  "The battle against Aggramar may only be faced by yourselves. Please be careful. Although Aggramar is in the weakest state ever, he is a true god-level Titan after all."

   "This battle just allows you to experience the feeling of facing a true god-level combat power. It should provide some reference for the battle of Titan Argus that is very likely to happen later."

  Everyone present nodded solemnly, but Charlemagne suddenly felt a tingling pain in his right hand, and a strange pattern appeared on his hand.

"This is…"

Just as Charlemagne looked puzzled, Aman'Thul, who was sitting weakly by the wall, had a flash of surprise in his eyes, "This is the Titan mark, a special contact method that only our clansmen can use, shouldn't it be... Azeroth Is there anything you want to tell us?"


  Hearing Aman'Thul mention this, Charlemagne's brows twitched fiercely, and he remembered the "debt collection" operation that Ai Jiang had ordered him before.

   "In short, let's see what news Azeroth has conveyed to us." Gorgones stretched out his glowing fingers and touched the pattern that gradually emerged from Charlemagne's hand into midair, and then...

   "Give me compensation!"

  A loud and charming voice yelled from the imprint, and when the other people who didn't understand Titan were stunned, Charlemagne covered his face with his hands in a shameless manner.


While the other titans looked at each other, Norgannon the Wise stroked his beard and said thoughtfully, "Is this little guy angry at the damage we caused to the planet when we killed Y'Shaarj? "

  Charlemagne nodded with a wry smile, "...Although it's embarrassing, the star soul of Azeroth is obviously immature mentally, and looks more like a... capricious and naive little girl."

   "Haha!" Titans such as Aman'Thul and Kazgros laughed heartily at the same time.

The All-Father said in a loud voice, "What is there to be ashamed of? All the titans have come from this stage. Children just need to be more tolerant. When everything calms down, we will definitely go to Azeroth to help She has a confession."

   Under the eyes of Aman'Thul and others caring for the children, Charlemagne walked forward to the soul of the world in front of Malygos, Ysera and others with their expressions of uncontrollable laughter.

  Odin's usually serious face showed a hint of joking, "I didn't expect our star soul in Azeroth to be so childlike. I really didn't expect it."

"Haha!" Hodir let out a hearty laugh, "Actually, it's no wonder that Azeroth's star soul should still have a lot of time to mature, and the huge damage caused by Y'Shaarji's death back then has indeed affected her growth." It has had a lot of impact, and it is not unreasonable to seek compensation from the father of the gods."

   Alexstrasza sighed softly, "Forget it... Now let's focus on the next battle. Let's talk about the matter of Star Soul after everything is over."

The Red Dragon Queen's words made everyone present to straighten their faces, and Azshara said with a hint of playfulness on her face, "Although I have thought about the scene of fighting against the Titans one day in the future since 10,000 years ago, I didn't expect this The day will come so quickly."

Charlemagne said seriously, "Don't be careless. Although it is the extremely weakened version of Aggramar, his strength is still maintained at the minimum standard of the true **** level. Just like Eonar said, use Aggramar carefully to test Take a look at the fighting power of the Titans."

   There is only the last platform behind the Burning Throne, which is called the soul of the world by Sargeras.

   During the period when Sargeras went to Azeroth, Aggramar sat in this hall to guard the star soul of Argus.

  When Charlemagne and the others entered the hall of the Soul of the World, a giant who was basically the same size as Aman'Thul and the others stood in the center of the hall.

  Like lava, the dark black skin spews fire at any time, the red eyes are shining like flames, and the armor of the whole body is also dominated by dark colors such as red and gray. This is Aggramar after being corrupted by Sargeras.

Because the face was completely covered by the helmet, Charlemagne and others couldn't see Aggramar's appearance clearly, but the big beard was very eye-catching, and beside him was a flaming sword with the front half burning. Two-handed greatsword.

   This sword should be half of the bronze Titan Sargeras' saber Goshalak - Tayshalak the Flame Ripper.

  When Sargeras fell, the spiritual Goshalach split in two.

   Half of them were Taeshalach, and the broken sword flew across the star universe to Aggramar, and the other half, Goribor, known as the Dark Boiler, was still in the hands of Sargeras.

   Aggramar saw a group of people walking cautiously outside the door and said in a mocking tone, "Mortals, I admit that you have done a good job, and you have pushed the Burning Legion to this point, but..."


   Pulled Taeshalach out of the ground, Aggramar pointed the giant sword at Charlemagne and the others and shouted, "This is the end of your journey! Be purified under the flames of Taeshalach!"

Charlemagne said solemnly, "Get ready, Malfurion, don't rush up to the hard top this time, and rest assured to support from behind, Oni, Azadas, you will take on this important task, try your best to Don't take Taeshalak's attack hard."

  Even if this divine sword is broken in half, it is still not a joke. Even with the powerful defensive power of the Black Dragon Queen and Azadas, I am afraid it will not be able to hold it a few times.

   "Okay master, I will try my best to hold him back, but it's a pity that Tortola is not here, otherwise the work in the front row should be much easier."

Charlemagne touched Oni's dragon horn comfortingly and said, "Tortola will not be able to exert its full strength when it comes, and we can only rely on you here. Be prepared, His Majesty Alexstrasza will provide them with support from the rear." .”

   "No problem, this time I and Freya-sama will be the support staff, you guys can fight to your heart's content!"

   "Everyone is ready!"

  Charlemagne unwrapped Thoridar's bowstring, and aimed an arrow shining with silver light at Aggramar.

   Following the launch of the arrow of order, Charlemagne ordered loudly, "The battle has officially begun, everyone, please find your position!"



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