Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 861: warm welcome

  Chapter 861 Warm "Welcome"

  Received the signal from Mimiron, Storm Fortress was also ready for the jump under the command of Romuel.

  That’s right, teleportation, this kind of black technology that travels between Azeroth and Argus, which are far apart in the universe like crossing a wormhole... Charlemagne can only call it a teleportation.

  Started by the Enterprise, followed by the Stormwind Fortress fleet, the two ships gradually entered a strange space tunnel.

  After some grotesque scenes, Charlemagne and others came back to their senses again and were already in the outer space of the planet Argus.

   Observing this tormented planet up close, even Malfurion, Varian and the others showed unbearable expressions.

  The surface of Argus’s planet has long been corroded by evil energy. It is full of potholes like lunar craters. There are only a few places on the entire planet that can barely settle.

   "In the Holy Light..."

  Maraad and Onara looked at their once beautiful home planet in shock, and Velen's eyes were even more empty, wondering if he recalled the painful memories back then.

   But there is obviously no time for the draenei to recall the past slowly. After sensing the invaders on the outer layer of Argus, the battleships of the Burning Legion quickly lifted into the sky.

  Storm Fortress, the battleship group used by the Naaru to escape, is itself equipped with an optical stealth system.

  However, the Enterprise adhered to Charlemagne and Mimiron's attitude of "don't be cowardly or reckless", and did not consider hiding at all except for a large number of weapons on the hull.

   Naturally, after the transition is successful, the Enterprise will first face the dozen or so Legion fel warships that are obviously several circles smaller than itself.

Mimiron saw that the actual battle was ushered in as soon as he arrived, and excitedly began to issue orders, "The whole ship is ready for first-level combat! All weapon operators are in place, and the energy supply is fully activated! Rookies, you will really test your proficiency soon. Already!"


   "The shield is activated, the front and rear main guns are aimed at the enemy command ship, and fire!"

   "Boom boom boom!"

  Two sets of 460mm main guns fired almost at the same time, and the dazzling magic cannons blazed across the dark starry sky to attack the legion warships that had not yet entered their range.

  The commander of the Burning Legion fleet reacted quickly, and blocked two mass-produced fel energy spaceships from the bombardment route before the bombardment came.

   Although this cannon fodder consumption method is very inhumane, it is a practical conventional tactic for the Burning Legion, which can be resurrected infinitely.

  Those two spaceships were undoubtedly ignited by 460 Dagen, but the large command ship they protected was able to continue giving orders unscathed.

   "Tsk...that's despicable, if you have the ability, confront me!"

   Mimiron’s displeased words made Charlemagne twitch his brows, as if responding to the king of invention’s expectations, the Burning Legion’s fleet opened up its main and secondary guns after entering the range, and launched a massive salvo at the Enterprise.

  Of course, the main guns of these small shrimps can't even break through the outer shield of the Enterprise, let alone the secondary guns, which are completely tickling.

  Charlemagne looked at the command ship hiding in his own fleet and touched his chin, "Mimiron, in this case, it will take time to break through the fleet's defense by conventional methods. Do you want to try that?"


   Mimiron immediately became excited, "Okay! Just take this opportunity to check the use of various weapons."

   "Quick! Release the mirror armor, set the coordinates of the relay point, and try not to make any trouble for me! There may only be one chance for a sneak attack."


As some unactivated armor plates were silently separated from the hull of the Enterprise, these mirror armors did not arouse any vigilance from the Burning Legion, and quietly moved to the relay point determined by Mimiron with his calculation ability beyond the computer .

   Mimiron rubbed his hands expectantly, "Okay! Let's try it, the front main gun fires a separate bombardment, targeting the first relay point!"

   "Yes, the shelling is launched!"


  A burst of energy bombardment was fired from the 460mm cannon in the middle of the front main gun group, and shot in a direction that was completely out of bounds under the confused gaze of the Burning Legion.

   "Haha! Have these idiots been beaten so hard that they can't find the north? Keep attacking, their shields won't last long!"

  The unknown eredar commander thought that the Enterprise was about to lose its shield and ordered the fleet to fire more frequently. He already saw a bright prospect for himself to be appreciated by Sargeras.

  However, something unexpected happened to the fleet commander. The obviously missed shelling suddenly deflected in the empty universe.

  Under the attention of the captains of the legion battleships, this bombardment was deflected four times in the boundless universe, and finally...appeared behind the buttocks of the legion command ship.

  The legion commander stared blankly at the shelling that was rapidly approaching his own ship on the screen, and let out a final roar of despair, "No! This is impossible!"


   Mimiron and Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief at the same time as they watched the legion command ship whose bridge was shot through.

   "Fortunately, it succeeded once. Now, taking advantage of the destruction of the flagship of the legion and causing chaos, we will destroy them in one go!"

   "No problem! All the cannon doors are open, give me a hard blast!"

  15 minutes after the start of this space battle, only a large number of legion battleship wrecks remained in the entire star field, and the Enterprise was ready to land with its head held high and the Storm Fortress.

   "Prophet, where do you think we should land?"

   Charlemagne turned to Velen for his advice, but he found that His Excellency the Prophet was still in a daze at this time.



  Veyron finally came to his senses when he heard Charlemagne's call. He sighed softly and said, "Let's land on the land directly below us first. In the past... this place was called Krokuun."

  After receiving the signal, Mimiron jumped and replied immediately, "No problem! All units are ready to land, target, Krokuun!"

  Charlemagne came to Raiden and Odin when the battleship descended, "What's the matter, is there any new news from Algaron?"


  Leiden shook his head, "But no news may be the best news. It means that Eonar is still relying on the Temple of Life to tenaciously resist the Burning Legion. Once a breakthrough is found, Algalon will contact us as soon as possible."

   At this time, the Enterprise and Stormkeep had gradually arrived over Crokune with a large number of Legion anti-aircraft guns. At this moment, an unexpected situation happened.

  A medium-sized ship gleaming with gold seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air, appearing about 20 kilometers in front of the Enterprise.

"That is…"

  Veylon looked at the spaceship with some surprise, "Zenidar?"


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