Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 823: What is the stinky sock that has been in the pickle jar for a month?

  Chapter 823 What is the smell of stinky socks that have been in the pickle jar for a month?

   Qisha's abilities are almost all about arousing the emotions of intelligent creatures. In terms of combat effectiveness alone, they are really not that strong.

  Charlemagne seems to be mocking constantly, but he has been vigilantly monitoring his emotions in his heart, trying to maintain a mentality as clear as a mirror.

  Although the Sha of Wrath quickly recovered from Charlemagne's taunt, he was completely powerless to fight back in the face of Charlemagne's arrow blocking the way and Xuen chasing after him.

  The summoned Sha Demon was also cleaned up completely by Charlemagne using Solidard through rapid fire.

  No matter how he shifted in the ink-and-wash painting-like black and white evil spirit pool, he couldn't escape Charlemagne's arrows that followed him like a guided weapon.

  In the end, Xuen's whole body was shining with white light, and with a high leaping blow, he completely pushed the Sha of Rage to the ground, and the claws and bites quickly tore the unlucky boy into pieces.


   Spit out the black pieces in his mouth, Xuen showed a look of disgust on his face, "This tastes like a stinky sock that has been in the pandaren's pickle jar for a month..."

   Charlemagne took back Solidar while teasing, "Who told you to talk to me, wouldn't it be enough to tear him apart with your claws?"


   Xuen did not intend to argue with Charlemagne on this issue, he shifted his attention to the frontal battlefield between the oath and the tribe.

   "Without the Sha of Wrath, these evil soldiers should not be able to cause any trouble. Can you deal with these intruders?"


  Charlemagne looked confidently at the three space battleships in the sky and Onyxia, who was spouting shadow flames everywhere, "If the air-ground coordination still can't handle them, I still have one last shot, look!"

Pointing to the Theramore fleet gradually appearing on the sea, Charlemagne had a confident smile on his face, "Even if the orc troops are very resilient, it is impossible for them to persist forcibly after being attacked by sea, land and air. It is not far from their defeat." Far."


  As Charlemagne said, the orc base on the island of giant beasts was solved, and Jaina's fleet completed the siege of Zhuojin Beach, and the landing craft on the beach were completely bombarded by Theramore's gunboats.

  No matter how stupid the orcs were, they knew that the battle was hopeless. A desperate lieutenant knocked out Malkorok, who wanted to break the jade for the tribe.

  When the battle in Zhuojin Realm ended and Charlemagne and others had begun to capture the prisoners, the rotten battle on Shanze Island continued.

  Because of the coordinated operations between Mad Sha and the tribe, the difficulty of vowing to attack Shanze Island is much stronger than that of Zhuojinjie.

  Dragonmaw's air force and Skybreaker are also hovering in the sky annoyingly everywhere to harass, even if Dalaran and the Cloud Serpent Knights resist with all their strength, they can barely contain their range of activities.

  Zhu Talan even went into battle in person, riding his black cloud serpent to join the air battle, but he could barely maintain the balance of power on Shanze Island.

  3 days later, when Charlemagne arrived with the main force of the high elves on an air-space battleship to support him, Emeril and Jaina, who turned to attack the Island of Thunder, sent him new bad news at the same time.

  The intelligence from Immorel did not exceed Charlemagne's expectations. The Sha of Confusion and the Sha of Doubt broke out from the Red Crane Temple in the Krasarang Forest and the Qinglong Temple in the Emerald Forest respectively.

Since the yakren and the high mountain tauren had made preparations in advance, they and the temple guardian monks stopped these two evil spirits in the temple. Coupled with the coordinated attack of Chi-Ji and Yulong, they killed them again. They are only a matter of time.

  The point is…

   "You said that Garrosh personally led the Kor'kron Guards and Blackfuse Company to land on Thunder God Island?!"

   Jaina nodded solemnly, "My fleet is still docked behind the Whispering Seaport on the southeast side of Thunder God Island, and Garrosh's fleet landed from Echo Bay in the northwest."

   "Now the tribe on the island seems to be getting into some trouble for digging up the collapsed Thunder Throne... At least I saw a huge turtle and a strange creature with eyeballs."


  Hearing this, Charlemagne, who was originally frowning, couldn't help laughing, "Eh... If I remember correctly, it should be the tail that I confiscated when I brought Azadas to the Throne of Thunder..."

  The remaining boss-level monsters in the Throne of Thunder are Todos the Tortoise, Megarela the Hydra, Ji-Kun the Giant Bird, and Durum the Forgotten.

What Jaina saw should be Todos and Durum. Most of the low-handed guys in the tribe saw the gorgeous palace complex of the Throne of Thunder and thought there was something valuable or useful below and ran to dig without authorization. There is a big basket.

"Okay, those boss-level monsters are enough for them to play for a while. What's going on with Garrosh? Go'el is attacking Orgrimmar right now? He actually left his capital and led all the elites to Pandaria coming…"

  Jianna shook her head in doubt, "I don't know his motives, but judging by his swift and resolute actions, it seems that he has a complete plan."


  Charlemagne also couldn't figure out what this guy was thinking, but Garrosh led the elite out and undoubtedly handed Orgrimmar back to Go'el, pushing most of the pressure on the side of the oath.

   "It doesn't look like Goel deliberately let Garrosh escape. What is that muscular Brain Roar planning?"

   After thinking about it for a long time, but still having no idea, Charlemagne simply gave up guessing for the time being, raised his head and said, "Jianna, you continue to let Theramore's fleet keep monitoring Garrosh, and I will let Valeera cooperate with you."

   "I always feel that Garrosh is putting all his eggs in one basket to make a big fortune, shouldn't it be..."

Just as Charlemagne caught a clue, Brand suddenly pushed open the door of Niuzao Temple's room, and said in a panic, "It's not good! Mr. Zhi from the Golden Lotus Sect sent information that the Sha of Pride under the Valley of Eternal Blossoms There are some changes, and it seems that they want to take advantage of the chaos in Pandaria to come out and add fire!"


   "Tsk... I really know how to find opportunities."

   Jaina and Charlemagne gave different reactions almost at the same time. Charlemagne said calmly, "According to the original plan, the reinforcements of the high elves joined the attack on Shanze Island, trying to kill the Sha of Madness and defeat the tribe's army as soon as possible."

   "Jianna, you must stay vigilant on Thunder God Island. Don't let the Horde's fleet escape your sight. Let me take Onyxia to the Eternal Blossom Valley. I hope it won't be too late."


On the rear deck of the Silver Moon, Alleria looked worried as she watched Charlemagne leaving on Eragon, "I always feel that there seems to be some kind of connection between these evil spirits, and their behavior seems to be to achieve The same goal, is it my illusion..."

Cirvanas patted the elder sister on the shoulder and said, "Don't think so much, this is something that Charlemagne should consider. As generals, we still have our own responsibilities to do. Let's go! Give those tribes some color." have a look!"

  Veesa, who was riding on Gorm, stretched out her hand full of energy and responded "Oh!"

  Aurelia also smiled when she saw the fighting spirit of her two younger sisters, "Okay, let's deal with our own responsibilities first, and strive to defeat the Dragonmaw Orc and the Sha of Madness in one go!"


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