Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 816: forever seventeen year old girl

  Chapter 816 Forever seventeen-year-old girl

   "Go'el asked us to suspend the attack on Orgrimmar?"

   Charlemagne looked at the parchment in his hand and frowned, "What does he mean? Do you want the tribe to split?"

Karrick Frosteye said passionately, "No! Go'el wants the Horde to get back on track. Now that those in the Horde who disagree with Garrosh's actions have all gathered on Darkspear Island, we plan to deal with Ogg Rema launched a counterattack!"


  Charlemagne threw the parchment on the table, and said playfully, "So Goyle wants us and the Alliance to suspend the attack on the Horde and wait for him to clean up the portal?"

   "Yes... that's what Goyle means."

  Charlemagne put his chin in his hand and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "I personally can agree to this proposal, but it is only limited to Kalimdor and the eastern continent."

  "Garrosh's troops have already caused a substantial invasion of Pandaria, our ally's territory. Go'el won't stop us from counterattacking, so let's wait for death?"

   Thunder God Island and Giant Beast Island in the north of Kun-Lai Mountains are not the territory occupied by pandaren. If the tribe is satisfied with these two islands, it is reluctant to accept it.

   But now that Garrosh has allowed the Potian to enter Shanze Island, the actual area occupied by the pandaren, there is nothing to talk about, and he didn't discuss it!

  There was a sly smile on Karrick's face, "Of course not, it's better to say... Go'el hopes that you can draw Garrosh more energy in Pandaria, so that he will encounter less resistance when he launches an attack."


Charlemagne smiled with interest, "Interesting, mutual use? Well, I agree, and I will submit this proposal to the leaders of the oath for a vote, but I can't restrain the alliance. Good luck."

  The northern castle was destroyed, and the furious alliance had every reason to launch a retaliatory attack on the Horde. Whether or not the alliance could be persuaded depended on Gouel's diplomatic skills and the price he was willing to pay.

After Carrick left, Charlemagne turned to Tyrande and said, "Let the legions of Ashenvale, Azshara, and the Lost Isles stand still for the time being. If there is internal friction in the tribe, it is a good thing for us, at least we don't need to lose ourselves. soldiers."

   Tyrande smiled and nodded, "No problem, but Jaina's side..."

  Charlemagne rubbed the center of his brows with a wry smile, "This is what bothers me more. I wonder if that girl who got into the horns will focus on following the Alliance to fight the Horde. Let's persuade her to sail the fleet to Pandaria."

  In the original history, Jaina’s first half of her life was in stark contrast to the second half of her life. She went from one extreme to the other, from an extreme peace lover to the most extreme Alliance hawk.

   "Forget it... I'll personally go to Okaz Island to persuade her. At least I can bring her up from a girl to a young man. My words should still be useful."

  Aurelia squinted her eyes and glanced at her husband, "Persuasion is fine, but don't cross the line. Now I'm a little worried about your so-called 'persuasion'."

  Charlemagne raised his eyebrows, looked at Alleria angrily and said, "That night I will show you what real pajamas are!"

   "Who is afraid of whom!"

   After leaving Quel'Thalas, Charlemagne first teleported to Boralus, the capital of Kul Tiras, to visit Daelin.

   When he entered Daelin's bedroom, he accidentally discovered that Jaina, his second target, happened to be here too.

  Dai Lin lying on the hospital bed looked very weak. The usual heroic admiral was indeed old. With half black and half white hair, Charlemagne, who had witnessed his youth, couldn't help but sigh.

   "Daelin, how is your body? Is there nothing serious?"

  Daelin smiled bitterly and said, "I can't die, but I'm afraid it's not suitable to charge to the front line in the future. I was trying to persuade Jaina to come back and inherit the throne of Kul Tiras."

   Jaina, who was born three years before Heimen, is also thirty-two years old this year, and Dai Lin, the old man, is almost sixty years old.

In the early years, Dai Lin experienced the pain of bereavement twice in succession. The blows Dai Lin suffered were not small. Although he survived with his strong will, the incident in the northern castle this time served as the fuse, destroying Dai Lin's originally strong body. collapsed.

  During many years in the world, Daelin has never experienced such a feeling of weakness. Time is not forgiving, and his heart is gradually getting old. Now the only thing he worries about is the throne of Kul Tiras after his death.

Jaina took Daelin's hand and patted it, blinked her eyes mischievously and said, "Father, didn't I tell you before, I want to start a foundation by myself, the question of the throne...or should I leave it to you?" How is Fenner?"

  Charlemagne couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw the cute Jaina.

  Although due to the influence of the face-preserving spell taught by Aegwynn, Jaina's appearance looks no different from the eternal seventeen-year-old, but she is already a thirty-two-year-old mature woman after all...

Dai Lin reached out and tapped Jaina's forehead, with a helpless smile on his face, "Fenna has been unwilling to admit me as a father since Gina died of illness, besides, she is an illegitimate daughter after all, and the nobles of Kul Tiras are right Her acceptance is doubtful, if it is not a last resort, I still hope that you will inherit it."

   There are four major families in Kul Tiras, excluding the royal family of Proudmoore, they are Stormsong, Ashvane and Vixtor.

  It would be fanciful for these great nobles to admit that an illegitimate daughter would inherit the throne of Kul Tiras.

  Jianna took Daelin's hand and comforted her, "Don't worry, father, I believe you will recover. If that time really comes... I will not evade my responsibilities."

  Dai Lin smiled gratifiedly, "With your words, I feel relieved."

   Then Dai Lin turned his head to look at Charlemagne and said, "Charlemagne, you didn't come to Boralus just to visit me, you might as well just tell me if you have anything to say."

Charlemagne was taken aback, then scratched his head and said, "Who do you think I am... I really just came to see my old friend's condition this time, but I didn't expect Jaina to be here. I really have something to want Find her."

  Looking at Jaina and Daelin who were puzzled, Charlemagne smiled and said, "It just so happens that this matter has nothing to do with you, Daelin. Just listen to me."

  When Charlemagne finished Gouel's proposal, the father and daughter Jaina and Daelin fell into deep thought at the same time.

Daelin's illness seems to have restrained his violent temper a lot. At this time, he calmly asked, "Charlemagne, is the oath going to follow Goel's proposal and attack Garrosh's direct army in Pandaria with all its strength? ?”


  Charlemagne nodded and said, "Infighting within the tribe can reduce the casualties of our soldiers. Why don't we concentrate more troops on eliminating Garrosh's direct lineage? After all, he has now constituted a substantial invasion of Pandaria."


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