Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 135

Meng Li exchanged things.

After thinking about it, let's take a look at the life of Yin Ling, the client.

After Yin Ling went back, he basically lived on the territory of the rabbit tribe.

After all, the vast and dangerous demon world, out of the rabbit tribe, has more unpredictable danger.

But it's OK. Yin Ling is used to this kind of life and lives happily.

Meng Li didn't look at it for a while, and said:

"then I have a talent now?"

"Yes, you can merge now."

Meng Li chose integration. After a while, 6018 told her that it had been integrated.

Meng Li was a little surprised and laughed. He didn't feel too much. It was like a force drilling into her soul.

So it's in her soul?

When Meng Li was fusing talents, she was still thinking about asking 6018 what the world was, but she was so serious that she forgot.

He was sent to the mission world by 6018.

When Meng Li arrived at the task world, he felt that his body was pushed and shoving, and the shrieks and shouts around him kept rising.

There is also a strong smell, Meng Li opened his eyes, it is a gray air environment, surrounded by some people, running desperately, desperate to run, and even put the people in front of a pull away, regardless of all the running.

Everyone's face was tense and scared, and they kept looking back.

Meng Li raised her eyes and saw that the sky was dark, and there was a kind of extreme ominy. Now her body was also in the crowd. In terms of the form of the team, she was already at the end.

But there are still some people behind, running slower.

The people who are also at the end of her life are desperate in fear. Some people scream and cry because of extreme fear, as if death is chasing them.

In the face of this situation, Meng Li, of course, can not stop rashly, and has no time to receive the plot, but it is essential to look back and see what is chasing them behind.

Meng Li turned his head in doubt, his eyes couldn't help opening, and his heart trembled uncontrollably.

After chasing them, it turned out to be a humanoid monster.

It's disgusting.

There are about ten humanoid monsters in the back. They are gray faced and white eyed. Some of them are incomplete. Some of their limbs are still hanging on them. Some of them are completely broken.

Their sharp tusks are exposed outside, their eyes are blank, their nails are especially long, they are cyan purple, they look very sharp, and the person who runs behind has to fight with them because they want to be chased by humanoid monsters.

Meng Li sees a woman wearing thin high heels, and she looks panicked. Seeing that the humanoid monster is approaching her, she takes off her high-heeled shoes and waves at the humanoid monster with her high-heeled shoes in both hands.

The hard heel of the high-heeled shoes made a deep hole in the humanoid monster, but the humanoid monster didn't seem to feel any pain. She didn't avoid the woman's high-heeled shoes at all and grabbed at the woman. The woman was terrified and accidentally scratched her arm by the sharp nails of the humanoid monster.

At the beginning, the woman tried to escape from the human monster, but the monster bit the woman. The woman's blood oozed out and burst out of her body's potential. She suddenly got rid of the monster.

The monster's gray and twisted face was very excited. Her jaw was stained with the blood of the woman, and she went to the woman again.

At this time, a woman's face slowly twisted strange, the blood vessels on the neck first become protruding cyanosis, and finally full of face, and her look is very painful, has been trying to pull people around to let others save her.

And those people were desperate to escape. They were very scared to see women like this, and they could not avoid it.

Meng Li Ran and looked back. The woman finally turned into a human monster. That dress is a good proof that she was associated with human monsters and began to attack human beings.

Meng centrifugal shaking again, this monster not only likes to grasp and bite people, drink people's blood, but also has the ability to assimilate others, and it doesn't seem to have any mind.

Meng Li was in the crowd at this time. She couldn't move forward or retreat. Her body was pushed back and forth. Some people thought she was slow, so they pushed her away and ran in front of her.

And Meng Li ran for a while, and found that the ranks of humanoid monsters in the back were getting bigger and bigger, while the people in front had scattered around and fled for their lives, and there were not many people in front.

Meng Li is very tired. Naturally, she can't let the monsters chase her all the time. She wants to get rid of these monsters.

Meng Li Ran and looked around to see if there were any people who could hide these monsters. The human monsters were probably human beings, so Meng Li didn't dare to rush to the places where the people gathered. Who knows if it was human beings or monsters that he met at that time.

Meng Lixie tried her best to run. As expected, she had a talent bonus. Her speed was faster, but Meng Lixie didn't give it full play and chose to keep it.Passing a street, Meng Li saw a gas station.

There was a car parked in front of the tank, and the left door was open.

The gas station seems to be empty. Meng Li's mind moves and goes towards the vehicle. As he approaches the vehicle, Meng Li pulls down an abandoned railing beside the lawn beside the gas station and goes towards the vehicle.

Just as Meng Li was about to get close to the vehicle, a monster burst out from the right side of the vehicle. He was wearing a gas station uniform, and his eyes were all white.

Because the mouth of the tusk can't be closed, the yellow liquid from his mouth is smelly. Looking at Meng Li, he is very excited. He waves his arm towards Meng Li, trying to catch and bite Meng Li.

Meng Li swung the railing and hit the monster crazily.

Because of Meng Li's attack, the monster's gray skin and flesh are broken. It's a rotten state. Meng Li breaks one of the monster's arms, but the monster doesn't seem to feel pain. Meng Li can only hit the monster's neck with the railing.

Finally, Meng Li found that the monster's neck bone was broken, and the monster's body was still moving.

This made Meng Li's heart a little complicated. Since he was changed by human beings, his brain should be the most important place. Meng Li hit him from the top of the Zombie's head again. After several times, the monster's head exploded, and his gray brain overflowed, and the monster fell down.

Meng Li saw the monster fall down, and he was relieved to go to the store with the railing.

Meng Li enters the canteen and carefully checks it. Fortunately, there is no one inside. Meng Li closes the canteen department, finds a lock and locks the door from the inside. Now he urgently needs to accept the story. First of all, he has to determine what the situation is.

What is the goal of the mission? Otherwise, as time goes by, some things will happen before she has time to change. It's just a tragedy.

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