Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 212: Live Action

Chapter 212: Live Action

Where is she? Xia Yun suddenly remembered what Gu Suihan had said earlier and asked this question immediately. She had already gotten up at this point and looked ready to kill someone. She was clearly going to seize this chance to kill the other woman despicably.

I think shes still of use right now, said Gu Suihan with a smile as he took a leisurely sip of his soup. He flicked his finger and shot a beam of qi at the second story.

You are able to detect my presence?!

Chamu and the rest immediately became wary, and their expressions tensed up when they heard the shocked exclamation from upstairs. A murderous aura from within them quickly engulfed the building.

Everyone, please dont panic. I just happen to be here. There was a chuckle as a young man who looked like a Confucius scholar strolled down from the second story with a folding fan in hand. He put a palm over his other fist and said apologetically, I got here before Brother Chamu did. Since I had nothing to do, I thought Id rest here for a bit. I didnt expect the rest of you to eventually appear later. So sorry for alarming everyone.

After he said those words, he sat down next to Gu Suihan in a relaxed and unaggressive manner, poured himself a cup of wine like he was old friends with Gu Suihan, and sipped it happily.

The act of gathering is fate in itself. Besides, were not the only people in this city, said Tang Xiaoyun in a cryptic manner. He burst into a smile when he saw the other party and was the first to put his weapon down. He clearly knew this person.

Hurry up and tell me where that little bitch is! Xia Yuns brows were furrowed, and she put on a nasty expression as she glared fiercely at Gu Suihan. Unfortunately, her facial features were too adorable for anybody to feel wary of her, no matter how hard she tried.

You want to know? Ill just show you. Gu Suihan couldnt convince her to calm down, so he sighed a little and poured the wine in his cup into the air while casting a mirror spell on it. The slightly cloudy liquid instantly seemed to boil, then slowly calmed down, extending itself into a screen that measured a few feet in diameter. Everything that was happening on Li Yus side could be seen clearly on the screen like it was a movie.

Oh my Tang Xiaoyuns eyes instantly lit up, and he licked his lips as he focused all his attention on the screen.

Thisit is rude to watch such a thing. The scholars face instantly turned as red as a lobster. He started reciting passages from literature about holy and virtuous things while keeping his head down so that he wouldnt have to watch the steamy scene in front of him.

Its a little small Chamu commented in a garbled voice as he chewed on a piece of meat in his bowl that looked like it belonged to an arm while looking disdainfully at the vigorously moving Li Yu.

This position isnt too bad, lookmy my! A saintess is truly a level above the rest. Even her technique is extraordinary, remarked Gu Suihan as he glanced at the very embarrassed yet angry Xia Yun next to him.

The few enjoying the show exchanged glances and let out a few lecherous laughs.

This is reallythisI Xia Yun was a young lady who hadnt seen the world and her mind was as pure as Shuangers. She had spent all her life on cultivation and planning this big scheme. She didnt know anything about such things. As she watched this silent movie that seemed to somehow have sound, she actually began to feel shock and panic inside.

As the few of them continued to comment on what they were watching, 15 minutes flew by.

Li Yu and Rou Lingyuns bodies stiffened up, trembled for a while, then they embraced each other weakly. The live show had finally come to an end.

Gu Suihan tapped his wine cup gently with his finger. The bright sound made the liquid screen in the air fall apart and return to his cup.

Hmm, that boys a little weak, huh, grumbled Tang Xiaoyun as he made a face like he was hoping for more.

And its small, short and skinny, added Chamu with a grin.

You two are really into something else, eh? I was focused on the pretty girl but you two were focusing on the man? Tsk! Gu Suihan threw Chamu and Tang Xiaoyun a weirded out expression.

Shut up and stop talking about this already! Xia Yuns face was already as red as cooked shrimp and she was just short of spewing steam. She started yelling at them when she realized they were still talking about what they watched earlier and glared angrily at Gu Suihan.

The whole place fell silent for a moment and they just exchanged glances without saying anything.

After this little seemingly mischievous incident, the group seemed a lot less wary of one another now.

Only five people can live in this place, the scholar finally broke the silence. His expression was grim and that embarrassed expression he had earlier was gone.

The Divine Soul cultivators in the city are all dead, said Xia Yun. She paused to sit down, then continued, They died right in front of me. They didnt even get the chance to fight back.

Fengyang still has countless Origin Core and Nascent Change cultivators, murmured Chamu in a deep voice after spitting out something that resembled a finger bone.

Gu Suihan calmly poured the wine out of his cup onto the floor. The puddle of wine turned into an inconspicuous teleportation formation and Gu Suihan tried to activate it, but it didnt react at all. He figured that this was probably going to happen, but when it actually did, he still felt a little disappointed.

The situation is rather complicated. Once those Nascent Change old fogeys are done killing everyone in their way, well be like sheep waiting to be slaughtered. Teleportation formations areuseless. Or rather, anything related to the laws surrounding space and dimensions dont work anymore, includinggod level techniques, spells, forbidden techniques, secret techniques, dao equipment and so on.

The rest of them exchanged glances silently, then looked down at the palm sized formation at Gu Suihans feet. They were horrified that it hadnt worked at all, and a little despair crept into their hearts at the same time.

Youre a saintess of the Equal Spirit Order. I highly doubt your folks would send you out here all by yourself to do everything by yourself, said Tang Xiaoyun suspiciously as he suddenly looked up and stared straight at Xia Yun.

And do you think my status as saintess is still useful in any way given the current situation? Xia Yun looked up as well and snapped right back at him. If I hadnt run fast enough, I would probably have perished from that wave earlier too.

Chamu said quietly, Impossible. Youve travelled all the way here with such a big scheme in mind. Its impossible that you werent accompanied by other trusted members of the Order.

Those people? Xia Yun snorted. Theyre all dead. The first ones to diewere them.

Everyone immediately realized what must have happened.

It was easy to explain.

The people who came with Xi Yun must have been pretty formidable when they fought together. They had no problem fighting the random stragglers, and those cultivators didnt stand a chance against them at all.

But the random stragglers werent stupid. They immediately joined hands and killed the entire entourage. With so many people in the fight, her team had to fight on their own, and that was much easier.

So, these people werent the problem. The problem was the Nascent Change cultivators.

You could be at Foundation Establishment or even Origin Core, but so what? They didnt mean a thing to Nascent Change cultivators. Such high-level cultivators just had to wave a hand, and anybody, regardless of whether you were at Origin Core, Foundation Establishment, or whether you cultivated in demonic techniques or the physical body, would end up keeling over and dying. The difference in the level of cultivation was simply too large.

Those Nascent Change cultivatorsthey cant possibly be invincible, spat Tang Xiaoyun through gritted teeth. He looked angry as he gripped his halberd tightly.

It was clear that he wasnt willing just to sit around and wait to die like this. He didnt want to be quashed dead by those cultivators in such a humiliating and helpless manner.

But right now, they are literally invincible. Chamu seemed to enjoy making such cutting remarks naturally and spoke these words of despair very casually with his usual deep voice. Tang Xiaoyuns motivation vaporized, and he slumped his shoulders again.

Thats not necessarily true Gu Suihans eyes were like the indistinguishable flame of ghostly fire as they glinted dimly. His strange and unfeeling eyes sent a shiver down their spines.

The scholar remained silent for a moment, then suddenly said, You have a way out of this?

Everyone immediately focused their attention on Gu Suihan.

What were your original plans? Gu Suihan did not answer the scholar and turned to Xia Yun instead.

He had sensed that there was something odd about Fengyang in the first place, which was why he wanted to make use of Li Yu to help him find out more. He didnt expect the Qin emperor to intervene from nowhere.

From the looks of it, all of this was likely to be because the Equal Spirit Order had been preparing for their big plan.

So, he had to clarify the situation before making plans.

Xia Yun hesitated for a while but eventually clenched her teeth and slowly explained their plan to him. We spent a few decades to make sure that the Divine Soul cultivators watching over Fengyang were all members of the Order. We then used another ten-odd years to slowly make changes to this city. Finally, we were going to make use of this Clan Ranking event to sacrifice the blood souls of a million cultivators to teleport the entire city into the void, before the elders of the Order drag it to a secret location belonging to the Order. We didnt expect

Why did the Order come up with such a plan? What did they want to do with this city?

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