Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 184: Call Me Supreme

Chapter 184: Call Me Supreme

Youre asking for it! The middle-aged man flew into a rage and stomped hard on the ground, causing a sonic boom. Within one second, it had created realistic afterimages that went on for hundreds of meters. It was as swift as a dragon and as powerful as the wind as it brought the mighty glow of his sword toward Gu Suihan.

Inches Away! Ends of the world! Gu Suihan smiled faintly and took half a step back. In just one second, the distance between the two of them had grown so large that it was as though there were a few dimensions between them. No matter how the middle-aged man brandished his sword and tried to slice through the space in front of him, he was simply unable to get any closer to Gu Suihan.

Ghostly Shadow Seven Stars Like Shadow Like Shape! Gu Suihan turned and suddenly disappeared into thin air. While the middle-aged man was still in a state of confusion, a loud swooshing noise came from behind him. A strong wind howled, and the laws of nature gave way as the sparkling tip of a long spear suddenly came toward him.

Move the spear three inches down, push seven-tenths of it forward, and aim for the dantian, Gu Suihans indifferent voice rang out once more as he slowly reappeared from the shadow beneath the devils feet.

This isthis is a god-level technique! exclaimed the middle aged man in shock as he used his sword to defend himself and stumbled backward. He stared at Gu Suihans calm demeanor with a look of horror.

Now is the time said Gu Suihan as he ignored the mans reaction. At the same time, he said to the devil via telepathy, Gather fiendish qi in your finger. Pretend to wave your spear, then point your finger at his chest.

Clang! The sound of metal against metal rang once more. The middle-aged man wielded his sword like it was a snake, slithering along the length of the spear and using his sword to inflict harm on the devils wrist.

Pfft! The middle-aged man was forced backward again. The devils secret finger attack had left a bloody hole on the left of his dantian.

Bits of flesh kept falling from his body, and blood flowed profusely. Bright red patches appeared on his clothes. It was a terrible sight to behold.

Hold the Soul and Keep the Body Whole! Heavenly Spirits and Fiends Arise!

The middle-aged mans shout was like the ringing of a swords blade, his footsteps like a water dragon, his face as twisted as a vengeful ghosts, and his manner like one ready to meet his end.

Retreat! yelled Gu Suihan without hesitation. Only a shadow of himself was left behind, while he had already moved 300 meters away in the blink of an eye. The laws of nature around him transformed into a huge web of obstacles.

Just then, the giant eye in the sky that was created out of the will of this world hardened its gaze.

Kaboom! Thunder crashed, and lightning flashed through the sky, as imposing and as quick as a ferocious beast pouncing on its prey. Lightning bolts came raining down, and its target was clearly the slightly pale looking Gu Suihan.

Youre joining the party too? Gu Suihan scoffed before suddenly drawing his saber and raising his arm. The space around his saber sank in, and the sonic boom it created was no less explosive than the lightning and thunder. The blade was blackened by the devilish qi swirling around it, made from countless vengeful spirits and nasty ghosts howling and contorting. A thick beam of light measuring a few hundred meters in width shot out from the blade and headed straight for the sky.

Die! yelled the devil furiously. Its spear attacks fell like rain and as fiercely as a tiger. It was as though the sky was covered in the frosty light of the stars, shining down brightly and covering the middle aged man in an instant.

The saber and the thunder collided violently, causing cracks in the space, as though there was a giant spiderweb in the air.

Six Slashes of Mara Slaughter Thousands of Souls!

After Gu Suihan had dealt with the thunder, he turned his attention to the middle-aged man. His body moved quickly as he leaped up suddenly. His saber vibrated slightly and rang softly as it flew into the sky. He covered a distance of 300 meters in just one move and suddenly appeared behind the middle-aged man. The laws of nature had already accumulated power and flowed along the blade like water. He took a step out and brought his saber down.

He then lifted a leg, stepped hard on the middle-aged mans back and used the momentum to push himself into the air like a roc, propelling himself toward the flying ship.

Stall him! Gu Suihan yelled at the devil without turning back. His icy gaze was staring straight at Shuanger and Jingjing, who had both collapsed on the deck of the flying ship.

How dare you! The middle-aged man spun around with a start and looked up. Gu Suihans intentions instantly made him fly into a rage. His snow-white clothing turned as red as blood. Red mist sprayed out from his wounds, and fiery red flames started burning. The middle-aged man used this to get himself out of a fight with the devil. He charged at Gu Suihan without turning back because he was hoping to kill Gu Suihan before Gu Suihan could reach the flying ship.

Kaboom! Just then, a bolt of lightning as thick as a bucket suddenly crashed down. Everything that the bolt struck caused the particles in the air to move violently and create cracks. One could clearly see the empty void and the fiendish qi in the void that moved like a storm.

Justdie now! The devil stomped angrily on the ground and instantly created a trench measuring 300 meters. Its spear was like a dancing dragon and the metallic glint of its tip was like a pretty ribbon.

Youre just a failed product and youve tried to stop me so many times. Did you think I dont have a way to kill you? Gu Suihan moved aside and barely managed to dodge the attack of the lightning bolt. Fiendish qi enough to make one suffer a nervous breakdown appeared in his eyes. The seal between his brows swayed gently in the wind. As it swayed, a giant sea of blood that could make the heavens and earth collapse immediately started to gather from all directions.

It came from beneath the ground, from the sky, from the cloud, from the forest.

Anything made from the five elements were twisted out of shape the moment Gu Suihan commanded them to. They combined and repelled one another, forming a layer of elements.

The sea of blood rose and darkness fell on the land.

Everything anyone could see was as red as blood. The only thing they could hear was the sound of rushing waves.

The Sea of Blood Appears! Swallow the Sky! Green veins appeared on Gu Suihans forehead. His tightly pursed lips emanated a terrifying tinge of frostiness.

BOOM! The air was filled with shrieks, howls, the sound of cursing and pleading. It was like hell on earth.

The wind rose to the skies.

The waves were thousands of meters high.

Violent qi appeared from nowhere, fiendish qi like a dragon.

Howhow can it be? The middle aged man paled in shock as he stared in horror at Gu Suihan riding on the waves.

The five elements and the laws of nature had been forcibly distorted. This was not a level that a cultivator at Divine Soul could reach.

Zing! The middle aged man raised his sword and deflected the long spear. He glared furiously at the devil that kept attacking him and a look of determination appeared in his yes.

Ive nourished this sword for a thousand years and I will sacrifice it here. I use my blood, sweat and tears to sacrifice it to heaven.

After he finished uttering this incantation, his sword suddenly lit up. A bright white light filled the sky and its sword will like a domain.

In the blink of an eye, a sword domain was transformed. It broke through the sea of blood and smashed it to pieces before quickly surrounding Gu Suihan and the devil.

A domaina sword domain, hissed Gu Suihan as he suddenly turned around to look at the middle aged man floating in the sky with his sword in hand like an emperor, as well as the solid swords that covered a three thousand meter radius.

He didnt expect the older man to actually go all out to create a sword domain just to save his daughter.

This was a move that would make it impossible for him to improve in the future.

80% of weapon cultivators, especially cultivators like sword cultivators, would choose the illustrated world route. Compared to creating a domain, creating an illustrated world was an easier and faster method that could help one to maximize their fighting prowess.

Domains were usually something that only traditional cultivators like Qingming would do.

Qingmings domain stretched thousands of miles and seemed like a little world in itself, but there were no living things inside at all. It was filled with nothing but dead air, dead bodies, puppets and the like. It was more like a backup in a fight and the laws inside were fairly weak.

As an example, Qingmings domain might look big and powerful, but it was actually like a cage made of plastic. If a fight broke out inside, it wouldnt take long for the cage to fall apart.

This sword domain, however, was like a cage made from refined iron and steel. It looked small and delicate, but it was actually extremely hardy. Its laws were simpler, purer andmore powerful.

This is going to be troublesome. Gu Suihan and the devil exchanged sad smiles and were on high alert as they looked toward the middle aged man who wasnt too far away from them. He looked really tired, but continued to emanate a fierce brightness.

My name is Su Yuqing.

The middle aged man wasnt in any hurry to charge at them. Instead, he took his time to straighten his clothes out and shook the bloodstains off his body. He was back to that nonchalant and serious looking man dressed in white.

Gu Suihan grumbled inwardly. His expression became more and more aloof and the previously unnoticeable intention to kill was slowly rising from his body and forming a dark grayish black mist around him. Any part of the swords that came within 10 meters of him would decay badly and the bright, icy glint of the metal would darken in an instant. It only took a few breaths for it to become a rust-covered fragile piece of metal.

Introducing himself by his full name meant that Su Yuqing now saw the two of them, or rather, he now saw Gu Suihan as an equal to him.

This man had sacrificed his future and forcibly created a sword domain. That meant that he wasnt going to stop until someone died.

I am Marahu, said the devil after staying silent for a moment, his expression solemn as he slowly pushed his spear into the ground.

I am the supreme one, Gu Suihan zun. Gu Suihan emanated ruthlessness, his pearly whites shining brilliantly in the light of the thousands of swords around him.

Zun? Su Yuqing had a grave expression on his face as he looked at Gu Suihan. He slowly wrapped one palm around the other and bowed as a show of respect to the other party.

The terms of address used among cultivators were governed by a fairly strict set of rules.

Those at Origin Core or Nascent Change could only be called zhenren.

Those at Divine Soul were called zhenjun.

Those at the legendary Immortal stage, those who could be compared to the legendary immortal race in ancient times were zun!

It was just one word, but it represented a juniors respect for a senior. It was an acknowledgment of how much this senior had understood the laws of nature, as well as a fear of such formidable seniors.

You may rise, said Gu Suihan as he exhaled slowly. He raised his right hand slightly and placed it on the saber hanging on his belt.

Senior, please teach me your ways, said Su Yuqing solemnly after exhaling deeply.

In that moment, heaven and earth changed, and galaxies flowed.

Wind and clouds met. Blades resonated loudly.

A fight was about to begin!

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