Questioning Heaven, Desiring the Way

Chapter 157: Good Tools Make Light Work

Chapter 157: Good Tools Make Light Work

Where are you going? asked the Huangquan Evil Ghost via telepathy as it stuck its head out from the shadows.

Good tools make light work. I have to get a good tool first, said Gu Suihan quietly as he turned slowly to look at the sharp peak in the distance that rose high into the clouds.

Do you need me to come along?

You? Youd only end up exposing yourself, scoffed Gu Suihan before leaving.

Damn it, grumbled the ghost as it reluctantly hid in the shadows again. As a creature of the underworld, it wasnt afraid of the sunlight anymore, but its innate hatred of the light made it prefer to remain in the dark.

Along the way, Gu Suihan silently spread his spiritual sense so that he could observe his surroundings easily.

Sword Concealing Formation. Thousand Transformations Formation. Sword Shadow Formation. Dark Fiendish Space Destroying Formation. Gu Suihans expression shifted as he sensed the faint energies that were hiding in several inconspicuous areas.

That doesnt sound right. These formations arent enough to protect the entire sect unlessthese formations are meant to be combined, Gu Suihan thought aloud. He half closed his eyes so as to cover the glint that appeared for just one second.

All these formationsa combined formationit has to be the Heaven and Earth Dark Fiendish Sword Space Destroying Formation!

He just needed to confirm if that thing existed, and he would know if this formation was the same one he remembered.

He started flying much faster than before, making use of a thin layer of qi to fly like a nimble bird. He avoided the disciples around him easily and flew rapidly toward where he would find answers.

Swordsmith Court? After looking carefully at the layout of all the structures on the mountain and making several rounds as he headed for the formation eye, he ended up at Swordsmith Court, much to his surprise.

Thatsinteresting, he chuckled as he strolled through the entrance.

YoureGu Suihan? exclaimed a staff tending to another customer with some surprise when he spotted Gu Suihans disciple token hanging from his belt.

Ive come to take a look and thought Id make a weapon while Im here, said Gu Suihan without hesitation as he took his time to look at the shelves around him.

What sort of spiritual root do you have? The staffs eyes lit up. He knew that this fellow was a rising star in the Youthful Clarity Sect, and he had also heard that the sect leader had specifically instructed the elders to train and groom this young man. He was determined to take this chance to get into Gu Suihans good books. After all, Gu Suihan might remember him and say something in a time of crisis that could save his life. Anything could be possible.

For a cultivator at the lowest rungs like himself, he was willing to give it a shot even if the chances of getting close to Gu Suihan were only one in a million.

Senior brother Gu, my name is Yan Hua. Would you like to take a look around first? Or do you want to get a weapon custom-made12 right now?

Gu Suihan smiled, glanced at Yan Hua, and said in an ambiguous manner, That will depend on how you want to resolve the issue I have at hand.

Yan Huas face lit up. Gu Suihans words were an indication that he accepted Yan Huas friendliness, and it was now up to Yan Hua to seize the opportunity given to him. He excitedly straightened his clothes, put on a serious face, and said, No problem. You might not know, but the Swordsmith Court only has two floors.

These swords are mostly merely magical weapons, he said as he pointed to the sharp swords on the shelves next to him that had been purposely displayed such that part of the blade was sticking out of their sheath.

He pointed to the staircase behind and said, If you want to customize a weapon, its better to discuss this matter with the swordsmith elders.

These swords look like theyre pretty but not very useful. Gu Suihan casually picked up a blood-red sword. The hilt had a design involving several decorative holes, golden scales, and tiny gemstones that shone brightly in the light. He pulled the sword out from its sheath and saw that there was a flame design engraved into the middle of the blade as well as an intricately carved demonic beast between the blade and the hilt to serve as a guard.

Well, thathahaYan Hua laughed along awkwardly and said, Not all the disciples are as knowledgeable as you are.

That was enough to say a lot, so there was no need to explain what was going on. This place was just like the Weapon Refinery Court of the Seven Kill Sect. Pretty items were put on display on the shop floor because there were always idiots who would walk into this trap.

How many swordsmiths does the Youthful Clarity Sect have? asked Gu Suihan distractedly as he narrowed his eyes and randomly put the sword in his hand back on the shelf.

We have seven elders at Origin Core who can forge spiritual weapons. Yan Hua was now doing his best to answer any questions that Gu Suihan might have.

Seven elders? Gu Suihan smiled. Compared to the ten-odd weapon refiners at the Seven Kill Sect, who could make all sorts of spiritual weapons, the Youthful Clarity Sect was really lacking in this area.

What place is that? Is there a basement room too? Gu Suihan asked curiously as his glance swept past a small door at the foot of the staircase.

That is the furnace for making spiritual weapons that requires fire from the Earth, explained Yan Hua after seeing what Gu Suihan was looking at.

I need a sword, but I must watch its entire forging process, said Gu Suihan quietly after pausing to think for a while.

That Yan Hua wasnt sure if he could accede to this request and looked hesitant.

Why is this a difficult question to answer? Gu Suihan smiled faintly.

When Yan Hua saw how Gu Suihan was still smiling, he suddenly realized what was going on. Gu Suihan did not actually intend to watch the entire process. He was just saying this to make things difficult for Yan Hua in order to see how useful he would be.

No, no, its not a difficult question at all, said Yan Hua through gritted teeth. He got Gu Suihan to wait for a while before running upstairs.

He had no choice but to beg his uncle to help him. For the sake of his own future, he was going to make sure he was in Gu Suihans good graces, no matter how much it would cost him.

Fifteen minutes went by. Gu Suihan had just sent his spiritual sense into the small door he had seen earlier to find out the truth behind it when Yan Hua came scurrying back down again.

Yan Huas expression was stiff and a little odd, but he said, Senior brother, you can come up with me. But Elder Yan said that you need to add 20% to the price. He stole a glance at Gu Suihans face and quickly added, That was the best compromise I could get for you.

Hes also a Yan? Interesting. The red spider lily between Gu Suihans brows flickered unnoticeably. He had a twinkle in his eyes, and he patted Yan Huas shoulders. Thank you, junior brother. I owe you one for doing this for me.

Youre welcome, said Yan Hua as he quickly bowed, shocked yet excited that he had successfully gained the favor of someone as important as Gu Suihan.

Lead the way then. Id like to meet with the elder, said Gu Suihan with a smile as he pointed at the staircase.

Sure! Yan Hua clearly treated himself as Gu Suihans most loyal lackey now. He puffed his chest out, raised his head, and walked briskly in front of Gu Suihan to bring him upstairs.

Dont disappoint me! Gu Suihan secretly glanced at the tightly shut small door, and his smile widened.

Meanwhile, at the First Peak of the Seven Kill Sect.

You Hantian had a grim expression as he stared at the three jade slips on the table. The veins of the arm he rested on the armrest of his chair bulged slightly.

The first one was made from white jade with delicate carvings on it. It had the words Devil Abyss engraved on it.

The second one was entirely green, like jadeite. The word Ethereal was carved on it.

The third one was a red that was so dark it looked like it was black in color and resembled a piece of dried blood. Black dragons adorned its sides, and the border was embossed in gold. The two words Secret Killing were on this one.

Damn it. Theyve actually decided to all come at the same time! You Hantian scanned the three jade slips again and again. His gaze would occasionally stop, mostly to stare at the blackish-red one in the middle with reverence in his eyes.

A bunch of useless bums who cant get anything right and only end up making a bigger mess. What shortsighted idiots, cursed You Hantian angrily as he glared at the green one. You failed to do what you set out to do, and now youre hoping to make up for it? You really think Im a fool?

The black one was from the empire.

The green one was from the Ethereal Court and the other sects in its alliance.

The white one was an urgent message from the cultivator guarding the Devil Abyss.

The content of the three jade slips was connected to one another. The Ethereal Courts stated the conditions they were willing to accede to in order to make up for their mistakes, and it included something about the Devil Abyss. The one from the empire was asking about Qingming. The one from the Devil Abyss was about how the seal was about to become ineffective soon.

Since youve pushed everything to me, dont blame me for being heartless, spat You Hantian through clenched teeth, emphasizing each word he uttered with an expression even gloomier than the night sky.

  1. TL/N: #Bespoke 

  2. ED/N: #Humblebrag 

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