Protect Our Patriarch

Book 2: Chapter 31: Every single person under Changchun Shangren's tutelage is talented

The next day.

After a brief rest, Wang Shouzhe and the others set off on their separate ways.

Most of the other directions were led by Ancestor Xuanfu, who led everyone away in a grand procession.

On Wang Shouzhe's side, he was led by Wang Shouxin to Changchun Valley.

He was nominally an external disciple under the Changchun master, practicing only the Qi Refining Chapter of the Changchun True Scripture. Now that his spiritual platform realm was stable, it was urgent to start learning the Spiritual Platform Chapter of the Changchun True Scripture.

In less than half an hour.

Wang Shouxin led him to the outskirts of a mountain hollow. After arriving, he apologized with a bow, "Brother Shouzhe, to avoid misunderstandings, I won't accompany you in. The disciples under the Changchun master are all good-tempered. A little inquiry will lead you to the Hall of Teaching."

Avoid misunderstandings?

Wang Shouzhe was slightly surprised, but he didn't delve into it. He returned the courtesy, "Thank you, Brother Shouxin."

Then, Wang Shouxin added, "There's one more thing to remember. No matter your background in the academy, don't casually reveal your family background. First, the academy forbids it. Second, it prevents conflicts among students from involving the family."

Wang Shouzhe had heard about this before. If you wanted, you could even change your name. However, changing his name seemed pointless.

He immediately bowed, "Brother Shouxin, I understand."

With that, the two said their goodbyes.

Wang Shouzhe entered Changchun Valley, and his view instantly broadened.

In this vast valley, the sunlight was bright but not dazzling.

The vegetation was lush, the flower fields were filled with exotic flowers swaying in the wind.

There were also groups of tamed spiritual peaks, shuttling back and forth among the spiritual flowers, collecting spiritual honey and spreading pollen. Everywhere was filled with the fragrance of flowers and birdsong.

What a pastoral scene.

No, to be precise, it was a celestial farming scene.

Once you entered the valley, you could feel the vibrant life everywhere, even breathing felt exceptionally smooth and fresh.

It was said that Changchun Valley was situated on a top-tier wood spiritual vein. Therefore, even living here for a long time could prolong life and prevent all diseases.

There were many disciples in Changchun Valley, but they were all busy with their own tasks, scattered around the fields, busily planting various spiritual plants, fruits, flowers, and herbs.

Not far away, there was an old farmer in the field.

He had a white beard, wore a bamboo hat, and was carefully weeding the spiritual field.

Wang Shouzhe stepped forward and bowed, "May I ask the way to the Hall of Teaching in our Changchun Valley?"

The old man looked up at Wang Shouzhe, chuckled, and said, "Young man, what are you going to the Hall of Teaching for?"

Wang Shouzhe politely replied, "I am an external disciple of Changchun Valley. I have reached the spiritual platform realm and am here to take the examination according to the rules and receive the Spiritual Platform Chapter of the Changchun True Scripture."

As he spoke, he took out a small gourd filled with several pounds of fine spiritual wine.

He handed it to the old man, "Please guide me, master."

The old man's eyes lit up. He opened the gourd and took a couple of sips of wine, then exhaled satisfactorily, "The wine is average. But you, young man, are quite sensible, to my liking." With that, he casually pointed out the way.

After bidding farewell to the old farmer.

Wang Shouzhe followed the path through the fields, crossed the mountain stream, the spiritual peach forest, the spiritual fish pond, and so on.

It took him half an hour to reach the place the old farmer had mentioned.

Along the way, he had a taste of the extraordinary aspects of Changchun Valley. Indeed, every three steps there was a spiritual field, and everywhere he looked there were spiritual plants.

In front of him.

There was a simple and heavy hall, which was very much in line with the style of Changchun Valley.

Even the wooden corridors were lush with greenery, adorned with beautiful exotic flowers.

Above the main entrance of the hall, there was a huge plaque. Amidst the clusters of flowers, three gilded characters were faintly visible - "Hall of Teaching".

"It seems like this is the place," Wang Shouzhe thought to himself.

Immediately, he straightened his clothes and took out a mirror to check his appearance.

Hmm, he was still as handsome and suave as ever. This reassured him.

Then, he checked the various gifts he had prepared in his storage ring. There were all kinds of things in different styles and tastes, ready to be taken out at any time.

What was this called? This was called being prepared.

He had prepared multiple plans.

Even if the steward of the Hall of Teaching wanted to make things difficult, Wang Shouzhe could handle it with his abilities.

"Sigh~" Adults were just so reliable.

As Wang Shouzhe pondered, he stepped into the Hall of Teaching with a calm demeanor, first looking around.


The scene inside the Hall of Teaching was completely different from what he had imagined.

In his imagination, a place for teaching and learning should be dignified, steady, filled with a scholarly atmosphere and historical heritage.

But to his surprise.

The place was filled with a pastoral style. They had nailed wooden boards into square boxes, neatly arranged, filled with various types of soil, growing all kinds of crops.

There were also various small formations, creating and simulating different temperature changes and light conditions.

Near each indoor "field", there would be one or two disciples dressed in Changchun Valley attire, enthusiastically discussing.

Or there would be someone squatting down, staring at a plant intently, completely focused.


Such a scene left Wang Shouzhe somewhat shocked. He was a bit at a loss as to who the steward of the Hall of Teaching was.

Out of necessity, he had to approach a good-looking female disciple for some information.

Why didn't he ask a male disciple? The reason was quite simple.

Wang Shouzhe was so handsome and dignified. If he asked a male disciple, he might provoke jealousy and unnecessary conflicts.

Such troubles should be avoided if possible.

"Excuse me, senior sister," Wang Shouzhe interrupted a woman who was planting flowers, and politely greeted her.

"Get lost, you..." The interrupted female disciple stood up angrily, ready to curse, but was stunned when she saw Wang Shouzhe. Blushing, she softly said, "Junior brother, what can I do for you?"

Her voice was incredibly gentle, and her eyes were constantly sizing up Wang Shouzhe, her face flushing from time to time.

This was the advantage of being handsome.

After exchanging a few pleasantries with her, Wang Shouzhe got straight to the point: "Could you tell me where the brother in charge of preaching is?"

"You're looking for Brother Jinshan?" The senior sister seemed a bit disappointed, but she still said, "I'll take you to him."

She then led Wang Shouzhe to a complex field, and said to a middle-aged man in a bad mood, "Brother Jinshan, someone is looking for you."

Brother Jinshan appeared to be in his forties or fifties, but his actual age was unknown.

He was quite ordinary-looking, with a somewhat lecherous look in his eyes.

His attire was careless, covered in mud. He glanced at Wang Shouzhe and casually asked, "Kid, what do you want?"

His attitude was not very good, he seemed quite impatient.

This was the downside of being too handsome, it was easy to be disliked by disciples of the same sex.

Wang Shouzhe was prepared, and first respectfully greeted him: "I am Wang Shouzhe, an external disciple of the Everlasting Spring Sect. I have now advanced to the Spirit Platform Realm and wish to apply for the continuation of the Everlasting Spring True Scripture. This is my identity token, please..."

But before Wang Shouzhe could finish, Brother Jinshan impatiently interrupted him: "Everlasting Spring True Scripture, the continuation, right? Show me the aura of the Spirit Platform Realm."

Wang Shouzhe did as he was told, releasing some of the aura of the Spirit Platform Realm.

Brother Jinshan nodded, then rummaged through a dilapidated bookshelf next to him and threw out a book: "This is the Spirit Platform Realm part of the Everlasting Spring True Scripture. You can only read it here, you can't take it away. Remember it and then leave."

Then he ignored Wang Shouzhe and continued to focus on his field, studying a type of wheat that matures quickly.

Was it really that easy?

Wang Shouzhe was somewhat taken aback, he thought it would be a difficult task.

He had prepared several alternative plans, expecting to overcome several obstacles.

Well, if it was simple, then it was simple.

After giving a small gift and thanking the senior sister who led the way, Wang Shouzhe found a clean place and began to memorize the Spirit Platform Realm part of the Everlasting Spring True Scripture.

With his body that had awakened three layers of bloodline, his memory and other abilities had greatly improved. Coupled with his meticulous mind and extraordinary wisdom.

In less than an hour, he had memorized the Spirit Platform Realm part of the Everlasting Spring True Scripture by heart.

He then returned the book to Brother Jinshan.

Brother Jinshan, who was about to do an experiment, took the book and threw it aside, waving his hand impatiently at Wang Shouzhe: "Go away, don't disturb me. I'm at a critical point in my research, I'm about to succeed."

Wang Shouzhe glanced at his indoor experimental field, where a dozen wheat plants were about to mature. Brother Jinshan was using his profound wood energy to hasten the maturation of the wheat.

Wood-based techniques seemed to have the ability to speed up the growth of plants, but the speed was incredibly slow. It was dozens of times slower than when Wang Shouzhe first awakened his thin bloodline.

And it seemed to be very strenuous for him, his body was steaming, looking like he was running out of profound energy.


Wang Shouzhe looked at the maturing wheat and the robust roots, and found them somewhat familiar.

Before he could speak.

Brother Jinshan, while manipulating his profound energy, began to mutter to himself: "Humph! I don't believe it. This little Wang's No.7 wheat, I, Jinshan, will conquer you. This time I will definitely succeed and make you reproduce a second time."

Wang's No.7 wheat?

Wang Shouzhe was slightly stunned, he slapped his forehead and couldn't help but laugh. No wonder the wheat looked so familiar, wasn't this the No.7 wheat of the Wang's Clan that he had cultivated eight or nine years ago?

This Brother Jinshan was actually trying to crack and duplicate his No.7 wheat.

He looked so determined and full of hatred, he must have been researching for a while.

Wasn't this a futile effort?

Then Wang Shouzhe looked at him sympathetically and couldn't help but advise: "Brother, the No.7 wheat of the Wang's Clan can't reproduce a second time from the root..."

Then Brother Jinshan glared at him and rolled his eyes.

"You're just a little external disciple, what do you know!? I will definitely succeed this time."

Well, okay, you keep playing, keep pretending. Sigh, being handsome really does provoke the temper of brothers.

This time Wang Shouzhe didn't leave, he crossed his arms and leisurely waited for Brother Jinshan's final result.

His speed of hastening growth was too slow.

Wang Shouzhe waited for a full hour, boredly watching him take several breaks in between. He took some Yuan-nourishing pills, ate some portable spirit food, and meditated to replenish his profound energy.

Finally, he barely finished the last bit of work, and the dozen or so No.7 wheat plants of the Wang's Clan were fully matured.Then, he excitedly and tremblingly threshed those wheat seeds, carefully soaking them in the nutrient solution he had specially prepared.

At this moment.

Because Brother Jinshan's experiment had reached a critical moment, many brothers and sisters gathered around, wanting to witness this historic moment.

"Let this heretical disciple of yours take a good look. See how powerful I, a core disciple under the tutelage of the Everlasting Master, am." He confidently urged his pale blue mystic energy to rise.

His mystic energy emitted a vibrant aura, as if it could promote the growth of all things, enveloping the wheat seeds in the nutrient solution.


A quarter of an hour passed, then half an hour, and Brother Jinshan's mystic energy was exhausted.

However, none of the dozens of wheat seeds showed any reaction.

The surrounding brothers and sisters sighed regretfully, "Brother Jinshan, it seems you have failed again. It seems that the No. 7 wheat of the Wang's Clan is not so simple."

"Impossible, impossible! I was well-prepared this time, thoughtfully activated its life factors before planting, and used the most precious materials in the nutrient solution."

Unwilling to accept this, he swallowed a pill and sat down to recover his energy.

After a short while, he jumped up again, trying to stimulate the growth of the wheat seeds, but there was still no response.

This left him sweating profusely and pale, lamenting, "Damn No. 7 wheat of the Wang's Clan, what the hell is it? Where did my second cultivation go wrong?"

Wang Shouzhe was secretly amused. You're trying to crack my patented grain, and when you can't, you curse and swear. The awareness of intellectual property protection in this world is indeed poor.

But Wang Shouzhe was just watching, verifying that it indeed couldn't be cracked, not mocking him or anything.

These disciples of the Everlasting Valley, their dedication to research is commendable. It is said that the insect repellent was also developed by them.

Just as he was preparing to leave quietly.


A shout came from outside, "Everyone, hide! Little Senior Sister is coming."

Little Senior Sister? As Wang Shouzhe was puzzled.

The surrounding brothers and sisters disappeared in an instant.

Some hid in the cupboard, some simply buried themselves in the ground.

Even more exaggerated was one who opened a secret door in an indoor tree and hid inside the tree.

Even Brother Jinshan's face changed drastically, and he squeezed into the bookcase in a hurry, even moving two flower pots to serve as cover.

The whole process took only a few moments, leaving Wang Shouzhe unprepared.

Who exactly is this Little Senior Sister, and why is she so terrifying?

At this moment, a woman in a green dress who looked to be in her twenties but of unknown actual age rushed in. She was quite beautiful, but for some reason, everyone wanted to avoid her.

Before she entered, her voice came in, excitedly shouting, "Brothers and sisters, I have good news. My life factor fusion technology has reached the most critical stage of breakthrough. As long as anyone is willing to cooperate with my experiment, I can give you a co-authorship, and we can share..."

After the woman in the green dress entered and found that the entire hall was empty, except for Wang Shouzhe looking at her blankly, her voice abruptly stopped.

He had nowhere to hide, and didn't know what to hide from.

The two stared at each other, creating a somewhat tense and strange atmosphere.

Then, the woman in the green dress looked Wang Shouzhe up and down, curiously asking, "Are you a new student this year?"

Wang Shouzhe politely bowed, "I am Wang Shouzhe, a heretical student from the Academy."

"Heretical student? What's that? Never mind, you look quite heroic. I'll give you a chance. As long as you're willing to cooperate with my experiment and contribute your life factors to me."

"I'll let you co-author with me, share the honor, and make a name for yourself." The woman in the green dress's eyes sparkled with excitement, "My life factor fusion technology is a great technology that transcends the era, comparable to the technology of the Divine Martial Dynasty."

From the moment she ran in and everyone ran away and hid.

It was clear that this senior sister's so-called experimental cooperation was definitely not a good thing.

Wang Shouzhe shook his head, "I have no interest in making a name for myself, nor will I do experiments."

"Senior Sister, hello. Senior Sister, goodbye." Then, Wang Shouzhe left without looking back.

"Wait! This experiment is very simple." The woman in the green dress blocked him, took out a stack of gold tickets and said, "As long as you give me a little bit of your life factors, these gold tickets are yours."

Wang Shouzhe: "......"


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