Professor Vampire.

Chapter 183 - 183 Dracula and Dumbledore’s Big Production

Chapter 183: Chapter 183 Dracula and Dumbledore's Big Production

After making it through the first stone step without incident, Harry once again stepped onto the second.

With the help of the old snake's cavity, he was nearly unhindered and easily ascended the seventh stone step to the small square in front of the magnificent palace.

"Come on up, you two!" Harry turned to Rolf and Ginny who were standing at the bottom of the stone steps watching him perform alone, "This row of steps should be cleared of all danger!"

Once both Rolf and Ginny had come up, Harry walked with them to the door of the palace.

"Actually, if we go by common sense, I have a feeling that all those little snakes from before were just little minions, and the real big danger would have to be the guards at the gates." Rolf said to Harry with some concern as he tilted his head and looked at the tall lintel of the palace.

Harry lifted his head similarly, his eyes having already turned empirically to the thick stone pillars on either side of the gates, to the two giant snakes that were tens of feet long and wrapped around them.

"If the greatest danger is these two snakes, then we can basically declare victory already." He said with a confident smile, "The old snake accent is still useful!"

Ginny glanced at Harry, her expression still a little uneasy.

"I always feel like I shouldn't jump to conclusions so early, what if something goes wrong?" She asked in a small voice.

"Just as well," Harry thought about it, but nodded, "You two stay here, I'll take a few steps forward alone and see what's going on."

With that, he walked alone towards the interior of this palace.


Unsurprisingly, just as he was about to step into the palace door with one foot, the stone pillars on both sides suddenly moved.

The giant snakes wrapped around the stone pillars suddenly emitted dazzling green light from their eyes, and four beams of light shone on Harry at the same time.

Harry felt as if he had been struck by a powerful fixation spell, and his half-stepped footsteps could no longer land on the ground, and he was unable to take a single step beyond the palace doors!

At this moment, one of the giant snakes had extremely decisively and fiercely fallen from the stone pillar, heavily hitting the ground with a heavy muffled sound.

It was also because of this unimpeded action of its decay from the air that almost the next second Harry was immobilized, this giant snake had already arrived in front of him, opening its bloody mouth and attempting to tear him into pieces with its sharp teeth.

"Don't move!" Harry shouted in the urgency of his situation.

His voice came out in a hissing sound that changed from human speech to a strange language that no other human in the area could understand.

But the snake understood.

There was a moment of hesitation in its green eyes, but in the end, it gently nodded its huge head and returned to the stone pillar where it was originally located, winding itself up and resuming its silence.

Fortunately, the fixation magic that had just been unleashed by the two giant snakes hadn't sealed Harry's mouth off all together, so he still had a chance to control the giant snake's movements with the snake's Old Cavity.

But now was far from the time to let down his guard!

Just in the few moments that the one giant snake hesitated just now, the other giant snake had already coiled and crawled from the stone pillar to the ground, snaking its way towards Harry.

Its bloody mouth was already open, and Harry could vaguely see the same grayish-white stone interior through the snake's mouth.

"Get back to your pillar!" Harry shouted again.

In time, after shouting in the snake's old accent, his demeanor had subconsciously relaxed.

Because Harry had thought that this giant snake would be just like the one just now, and would immediately return to the stone pillar he had just been on, so that the barrier in front of the palace door would be completely cracked by him alone.

"Harry, look out!" Ginny's terrified cry rang out from behind her.

Harry turned his head menacingly, only to find that this time the snake was not as well behaved under the intimidation of the snake's old cavity as it had been with so many obstacles before.

Just as a trace of the same hesitant color as the giant snake just now flashed in its eyes, fiercely, the figure of this one snake changed -

The grayish-white scales on its body suddenly stood up and widened, changing into another shape, the snake's mouth gradually lengthened and widened, the snake's body became slightly shorter and fatter, and several different-looking synapses stretched out from under the abdomen and on the back.

The synapses grew rapidly, and in the next moment, the two synapses on the back stretched out and transformed into a pair of wings with a huge area; while the four synapses on the lower part of the abdomen stretched downward and transformed into four sharp claws full of scales.


With a deafening dragon roar, a grayish-white fire dragon that was dozens of feet tall landed in front of Harry with complete shock.

As soon as it appeared, the fire dragon opened its bloody mouth and lunged at Harry, even more lurid and chilling than the snake's mouth just now!

"Get out of the way, Harry!" Ginny's shout came from behind once again. This time her voice was closer and seemed to be speeding towards him.

Harry looked at the approaching bloodbath with a bitter smile.

He would like to dodge, but the fixation magic that was hit on his body has not yet completely faded ... Now Harry's whole body is unable to move, and he can only watch as the gray-white dragon's teeth almost get next to his body!

"You guys run, leave me alone." He said with determination.

Just in the nick of time, however, an oddly shaped root reached behind Harry.

The front end of the stick had a pincer-like grip that hooked the hood behind his back with pinpoint accuracy, and yanked back menacingly-

Harry fell over backwards, while also avoiding the bloody maw that nearly wrapped around his body.

Ginny followed closely behind Harry, catching him in her arms as he fell backwards.

"Phew ... I told you, the snake fork pliers I got specifically from Hagrid should always come in handy somehow." Rolf wiped the cold sweat from his head and a small smile appeared on his face.

He then extended his wand and pointed it at Harry and recited, "Spell Standing Stop (Finite)."

Under the effect of the Universal Cracking Spell, the fixation magic on Harry's body slowly faded, and his stiff limbs gradually softened.

"Thanks to you this time, Rolf." Harry gasped in shock and afterthought, "I thought I was dead ..."

"Don't say anything demoralizing, Harry." At this moment, Ginny was still hugging the limp Harry, and said with a slightly reddened face, "Rolf and I can't just watch you go about your business and do nothing at all ... At least we'll save you from danger no matter what!"

"Yeah, we're a team, aren't we?" Rolf said with a smile, "Of course, if we want to test whether our team is qualified or not, then this crisis in front of us must be dealt with properly!"

He tilted his head and looked at the huge fire dragon in front of him, his face slowly becoming grave.


At the same time, Dracula Castle, inside the most luxurious hall.

A huge and luxurious round table was placed in the center of the hall, on it were countless delicacies and delicacies, mountain treasures and seafood, and plates of delicacies of all colors and tastes were placed all over the round table.

Many different kinds of expensive wines were placed on the table, and several well mannered and handsome young men in tuxedos poured the wine for all the VIPs present, and stood by the table at all times to provide impeccable service.

The Hogwarts staff were seated around the round tables, their faces all flushed from drinking, with Hagrid alone occupying two of the chairs put together, tapping the table excitedly from time to time and singing along with Professor Kettleburne.

Professors Freeway and Sprout savored the sumptuous food with happy looks on their faces.

Snape's expression seemed to carry some disdain, but the cutlery in his hands moved faster than the stirring he did when he was making magic potions, and he didn't know how much food went inside his stomach.

Professor McGonagall looked a little worried, but then a few happy-go-lucky faculty members came to the side to persuade her.

Professor Sinista, the Astronomy professor, told her that the young wizards would not have any problems simply staying at the castle for a day on their own, and that even some of them would most likely not even know that the professors were not at Hogwarts!

It wasn't just the professors Dracula spent more time with that received invitations, but other Hogwarts faculty members were invited over to Dracula's party, and those who didn't want to come were forcibly taken captive-

Divination professor Silsbee Trelawney, needless to mention, was still talking nonsense like crazy because he was drunk; the ever-unpleasant Filch was sitting in the corner with his cat, Mrs. Loris, and eating furiously; Arithmetic and Divination professor Setima Victor was studying the construction of this gilded hall ...

Even Professor Binns, who was a ghost, did not miss this faculty gathering.

Originally, with the special nature of ghosts, they were unable to go to places they hadn't been to in life.

But under Dracula's magical influence, this hall of Dracula's Castle was hardwired by him to simulate a parlor that Professor Binns had been to before, successfully deceiving Professor Binns' perception as a ghost and allowing him to also teleport with the light of the dark moon to this location that he had never reached in his life.

In addition, this party was approved by Headmaster Dumbledore with a nod of his head, and for the professors there were absolutely no worries about payroll deductions or anything like that, so most of them treated it as a rare vacation before final exams and began to indulge in drinking and drinking.

But more than the atmospheric hall, Dracula, who had thrown the party, and Dumbledore, who had nodded his head in agreement with the vacation, were sitting in another quiet room, eating snacks and enjoying a good show -

"It's still you, Dumbledore, that shapeshifting trick is out of this world!" Dracula stuffed a mouthful of blood-flavored pudding into his mouth and reached out to pat Dumbledore on the shoulder-

"That dragon you casually transformed has completely taken on the characteristics of a dragon, hasn't it? How else could it have broken free of Salazar's magic and completely stopped obeying the control of the snake's old cavity?"

"After all, I was also a professor of Transfiguration back in the day, so I can't mislead people, right?" Dumbledore said with a grin as he chewed on a Zippy Honey candy.

The two men were seen sitting on a couch with their backs against the wall, while a yellowed parchment was taped to the wall across from them, which revealed a clear, colorful image of three young wizards battling a fiery dragon in a fierce battle.

"This is the first time I've used this feature of the Hogwarts deeds, and I didn't expect it to work." Dracula looked at the picture on the wall with interest and gave a rather good comment, "Zooming the deeds onto the wall and displaying the picture of the corresponding area, isn't this much better than Nicole's old projector?"

"Except there's no way to show Nicole's favorite plays," Dumbledore smiled, "so if it's a choice between the deeds and the old projector, I think he'd still choose the projector."

"But this is a much better way to watch a play than a theater." Dracula shrugged, "I've never realized what's so good about theater so far anyway, I've seen too many of those clichés in my life."

"Never mind that," Dumbledore shook his head with a lost smile, "I'm curious now, how did this palace complex that Slytherin himself built in the Forbidden Forest end up on the Hogwarts deeds?"

"Because it's connected to the Hogwarts magic network as well." Dracula said, "In the beginning this palace complex was actually shielded, the same as Slytherin's chamber ..."

"But then I went to go through what he left behind and accidentally found this palace complex, so I took the liberty of including it in the deed's shroud. In hindsight, that decision was quite wise at the time!"

"A really good decision, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore smiled pleasantly, "And incidentally it also provided an excellent venue for adventures, which now makes Harry's resolution of his emotional problems and improvement of his personal abilities this school year predictable."

Dumbledore was now very satisfied.

If it hadn't been for the remains of Slytherin, how to find Harry suitable adventures in such a windy school year would surely have been a bit of a dilemma.

And he would have been even less satisfied if Harry had been allowed to just breeze through the school year.

After all, a savior who isn't always prepared to face difficulties and setbacks isn't a good savior!

How can you see a rainbow if you don't go through the storm? Well ... provided that one doesn't use the weather spell to cheat.

Dumbledore knew that the time left for Harry was not sufficient, and he had to let him grow up as soon as possible ...

Not only was Dumbledore satisfied with this, but Dracula was equally satisfied.

Being able to stay out of the house and enjoy such a wonderful scene while eating snacks, Dracula said that he was very comfortable.

But there were drawbacks to this play, such as the fact that Harry's old snake accent was simply like a fish out of water in Slytherin's territory -

After entering this complex, the three young wizards barely fought with the snakes that were used to guard the palace, all of them casually saying a few unintelligible words in the Old Snake Accent, and a battle ended easily and uninterestingly.

In fact, this is not difficult to understand, because this relic was originally Slytherin wanted to leave his offspring's inheritance place, which contains his lifelong research, even more comprehensive than left in the secret room.

These snakes guarding the palace were waiting for someone who was originally Slytherin's descendant, and would naturally make concessions when they encountered the snake's old cavity.

If it wasn't for the fact that Harry was not related to Slytherin, I'm afraid that these snakes wouldn't even make a move and would have just put the three little wizards inside the palace.

It was also because Harry was not a descendant of Slytherin that the two snakes at the entrance of the palace showed expressions of doubt and hesitation when they heard the old snake's voice, but in the end, obedience to the old snake's voice prevailed, and one of the snakes eventually gave way ...

However, Dumbledore and Dracula naturally could not let this drama end so easily.

When Dracula saw that only the last snake was left at the entrance of the palace, he made a snap decision to cast a Dark Moon, which was connected to the remains of the Slytherin, and used the Phantasmagoria spell on the opposite side of the room to hide the Dark Moon's trail, preventing it from being discovered by Harry, Ginny, and Rolf.

Dumbledore also used the dark moon's passage to cast his best Transfiguration spell, directly changing the characteristics of the last snake into a fiery dragon, and from then on it would be completely unaffected by the snake's old cavity.

Regardless of how comfortable this side of the theater is watching, the fierce battle continues in the picture -

Rolf had followed his grandfather Newt to spend some time in the Fire Dragon Reserve in Romania, so he had some experience in capturing Fire Dragons, and was able to use various props to stall them for a while.

It was also because of the existence of Rolf, a semi-expert, that Harry and Ginny, the two guys who knew nothing about taming fire dragons, were able to barely survive until now.

Of course, the biggest reason was that Dumbledore, who was controlling the fire dragon, was deliberately letting the water out, only that none of the three little wizards knew about it.

"This can't go on like this, our physical strength can't possibly compare to the fire dragon!"

Rolf said a little uptight after he once again attacked the Fire Dragon's eyes with an eye spell, only to have his stony eyelids bounce off.

"Is there anything else we can do, Rolf?" Harry didn't have any experience with fire dragons and could only look to the future Pokémonologist for help, "You arrange it, Ginny and I can work with you."

"But there's nothing else I can do ...," Rolf said helplessly.

The time he spent stalling the fire dragon before he had already used all his strength, using almost everything he had learned in Romania, and now he couldn't think of any other way, he was at his wits' end.

"It's such a shame that the Romanian side only taught how to capture a fire dragon in the safest way possible, but never how to kill one." Rolf sighed, "Now we're stuck with capturing a fire dragon when we know it's not really a creature, and that's the hardest part."

"I think I should be taught some killing magic that ignores defenses so my spells don't bounce off its skin."

At that, he sighed helplessly.

Harry nodded rather approvingly as he thought about the picture he had described.

Just then, the fire dragon that had been tangled up with Rolf seemed to be getting tired of being harassed by Ginny's little vile spells from time to time next to him, and suddenly switched directions, letting out a high-pitched dragon roar at Ginny.

Ginny was stunned in place, while the fire dragon flapped its wings and came next to her in an instant, opening its bloody mouth to devour Ginny's neck.

In Rolf's stunned expression, Harry reflexively stepped in front of Ginny and stood face to face with the fire dragon.

"Harry, get away!" Ginny reacted then, panicking and pushing at Harry's back, trying to see what the difference was between him and the others.

However, Harry was still standing in the middle of the fire dragon and Ginny, and the child's hole enlarged menacingly -

Mass Destruction Attack Magic that could ignore magical defenses, he really seemed to know one!

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