Professor Vampire.

Chapter 174 - 174 Dracula: Use the Sorcery spell on me!

Chapter 174: Chapter 174 Dracula: Use the Sorcery spell on me!

"Very good, I would suggest that the rest of the class learn from Mr. Potter as well." Dracula nodded gently and complimented, "Potter's will is quite strong and not completely taken over by my soul snatching spell."

Harry looked up at Dracula in confusion, and as Dracula stopped the casting of the soul-stealing spell, he felt the hollow, valley-echoing emptiness in his head disappear.

He remembered very clearly what had just happened, and the pain in his tailbone grew more and more excruciating.

"Heal as before (Epliskey)." Dracula's voice sounded again.

Harry felt his shattered bones healing rapidly under Professor Dracula's healing spell treatment, first creating a slight tingling sensation, then both the tingling and the pain faded away and his tailbone returned to its original state.

He opened his eyes wide and stood up from the ground before hastily preparing to leave the dueling stage.

"Don't rush off just yet, Potter." Dracula stopped Harry's thoughts of walking off the dueling stage and smiled, "Remember how you just felt and we'll do it again. Hopefully this time you'll be able to get out of the Soul Snatching Spell's grip quicker."

Before Harry could respond, the hollow feeling of being under the control of the soul snatching spell resurfaced in his mind.

Turn over a heel ...

Dracula's voice resurfaced, as if echoing from a very distant place.

Harry had already had one experience and followed the feeling of the last time he had been controlled by the Soul Snatching Curse and resisted Dracula's command to turn his heel.


He fell to the floor again.

This time it was his nose that landed on the floor, nosebleed rubbing off.

"I don't see any significant improvement in you." Dracula said in a cold tone as he casually healed Harry's nose.



Harry was tested seven times in a row, and basically each time there was some improvement over the previous one, with the amount of time he was under control being shortened one by one.

It wasn't until Harry was able to completely free himself from the control of the Soul Snatching Curse that Dracula finally allowed him to leave the dueling stage.

After leaving the dueling stage, Harry felt nothing but aches and pains all over his body.

Even though every time he fell to the ground, Dracula used a healing spell to heal the injuries Harry had sustained. But whether it was the strain on his muscles or the exhaustion in his heart, it was not something that a healing spell could directly heal.

So as soon as Harry got off the dueling platform, he sat down on the ground next to Ron and Hermione, grimacing and rubbing his sore muscles, relaxing his brain that had not been calmed for a long time.

One by one, the young wizards around them came up to Harry, trying to ask for advice on how he had broken free of the hold of the soul-snatching spell.

"Let's not rush into that discussion just yet." Dracula's voice rang out from the dueling stage once more, "There are three Unforgivable Spells in total, and we've only explained one of them here."

The young wizards under the stage raised their heads in surprise and looked at Dracula.

It was really because the performance of the Soul Snatching Spell just now was too wonderful. Whether it was Riddle's handsome street dance, Fred and George's spicy dance, or Harry's excellent performance of breaking free from the control of the soul snatching spell, all of them attracted the focused attention of the little wizards that they had never had before.

Now that the lecture on the Soul Snatching Spell was over, it almost made them think the class was about to end!

"Not too much time left, let's pick up the pace next." Dracula glanced at the clocks hanging on the walls of the auditorium and then explained, "Does anyone else know what the other two Unforgivable Spells are, besides the Soul Snatching Spell?"

The schoolboys on stage such as Percy, Cedric, and Hermione threw their hands up in the air.

Dracula was about to do what he always did and pick a schoolboy to get up and answer the question.

However, just as he was about to call Percy from Gryffindor up, he suddenly saw a small, usually obsequious wizard from the Gryffindor team, weakly raise his hand.

"Neville Longbottom?"

Dracula was a little surprised.

Neville Longbottom, a small wizard with a very low presence, basically never raised his hand voluntarily in the Defense Against Black Magic class.

Not only that, but Dracula had heard that Defense Against the Dark Arts was sort of one of the classes he did better in, as if in Snape's Potions class he always boiled the wrong potion, and basically had some odd mishap in every class.

Dracula looked over at Neville and noticed that he had a slightly dumbfounded expression on his face, as if he too was surprised by his bold actions today.

"Mr. Longbottom, tell us about it." Dracula said, "Which other Unforgivable Spell do you know?"

"I know of a ... drilling spell." Neville's voice was soft, but clear.

Dracula gave Neville a deep look, then nodded softly.

"That's right, Gryffindor plus five." He said.

"The Cruciatus Curse, also known as the Torture Curse, is highly iconic black magic and one of the three Unforgivable Curses."

Given the lack of time, Dracula didn't look for another person to answer the question this time, "When a curse is successfully cast on a human or creature, the curse causes intense, unbearable physical pain to the victim. If the victim is subjected to the curse for a prolonged period of time, it may lead to insanity."

Dracula frowned slightly as he said this.

He vaguely saw Neville's face become a little pale, and wondered what exactly was the reason.

"The Drill Curse was invented in the early Middle Ages, and for a while this curse that wouldn't harm anyone's life was quite popular until the early 18th century when it was completely recognized as black magic, and was listed as one of the three Unforgivable Curses along with the Soul Snatching Curse and the Life-Stopping Curse."

Dracula went on to explain, "Using any of the three Unforgivable Curses on a fellow human being will result in a life sentence without parole in Azkaban!"

Dracula's voice turned a little icy as he spoke of the penalties for using the Unforgivable Spells, causing the young wizards on stage to shiver.

"Of course, I personally think that the Drill Curse is the most useless of the three Unforgivable Curses." Dracula's words suddenly changed, his tone becoming lighter, "This curse's effect is only one thing, torturing people, which basically only comes in handy in the middle of torture work."

"In my opinion, using the Drill Curse for interrogation is far less efficient than dropping three drops of spit truth agent in the prisoner's mouth.... What? How can there be people who don't even know what a spittin' agent is? Ask Professor Snape yourself after class, this aspect of magic potions is out of my hands."

"The reason why I say that the Drill Spell is of little use is because under the effects of the Drill Spell, the person being interrogated is likely to make a false confession in order to alleviate the pain that they endured during the spell, regardless of whether or not they actually possessed the information that the interrogator was trying to seek and extract."

"Also, under the torment of the Drill Spell, an interrogated person does not reveal information protected by secrecy magic such as the Unbreakable Spell or the Barefaced Loyalty Spell, as what wizards say under the effect of the Drill Spell is not considered voluntary."

Dracula shrugged, his disdain-filled expression fully reflecting how much he despised the spell.

"Of course, dark wizards may choose to attack in a duel using the Drill Curse, thus inflicting great pain on their opponents. As long as they keep the curse in effect, their opponents will not be able to fight back."

"A much more common use of the heart-drilling curse than its application in dueling is when the ten evil black wizard uses the heart-drilling curse to satisfy his or her desire to abuse and torment others."

"To successfully cast this curse, it is not enough to simply recite the incantation. The sorcerer using this curse must have a strong, burning desire for the victim's pain and derive great pleasure from the victim's suffering."

"Thus, this curse is in a sense the most cruel and perverse of the three Unforgivable Curses."

"Next, I will show you how a dark wizard would cast the Drill Curse."

Saying that, Dracula suddenly hooked up the corner of his mouth and looked wistfully at Riddle, who was still standing on the dueling stage.

"Assistant Professor Riddle, come and cooperate with me?"

Looking at Dracula's expression, Riddle's face was instantly turned pale with fear.

"Professor Dracula, don't be impulsive!" He panicked and dissuaded, "If it's someone else's drilling spell I might still be able to withstand it, but if it's a drilling spell cast by you, then I won't be able to withstand it even if I'm given a few more decades!"

"Don't be so presumptuous, Riddle." Dracula laughed derisively, "Besides, there are so many innocent students present, if I were to use the Heart Drilling Curse on an innocent person I'd still be a bit reluctant to do so! So it's better to just take you to demonstrate it instead."

"It's not ... I'm innocent too!" Riddle cried out in defense, "It's clearly not me who's doing the evil, it's that ... person, you can't confuse us!"

"What's the difference?" Dracula laughed softly.

Riddle's next words choked in his throat.

He could see that Dracula was still a little bit bothered by the fact that the secret of the Forbidden Forest had been hidden from him, and controlling it with the Soul Snatching Spell to make Riddle dance wasn't able to completely calm him down.

The careful Professor Dracula really lived up to his name!

"That what, Professor Dracula ... you can actually use other creatures to demonstrate the drill spell ah." Riddle wiped a handful of slightly damp sweat from his forehead and whispered, "I'll get Dobby over here and have him find a critter that's not dead enough to do it."

He waved his wand and called out softly:


Dobby, a house elf who had been taken on as Dracula's assistant, appeared on the dueling stage with a snap.

"It is an honor to serve you, Professor Dracula, Assistant Professor Riddle." Dobby bowed to Dracula and Riddle in her exquisite little dress.

Back when there was still more than a month to go before the Christmas vacation, Dracula was feeling a little bored with life at Hogwarts and instructed Dobby on one thing -

Dracula told Dobby to tell Riddle to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts class in his place. During the period of substituting for the class, Riddle could approach Dobby for appropriate help when he needed it.

During the period of time when Dracula did not return, Dobby still cleaned Dracula's office every day, and at the same time gradually became familiar with Riddle.

This was also the reason why Riddle knew the way to summon Dobby.

"Dobby, didn't you used to help out in the kitchen a while back?" Riddle asked in a low voice, "Are those rats that hide in the sewers and occasionally run up to steal ingredients still alive?"

"All those bad rats are still alive," Dobby said with big eyes as big as tennis balls and great exasperation, "Those bad rats should have been punished immediately as they deserved for stealing the Lord Wizard's food!"

"But Hogwarts ran out of rat poison, and the head house elf chef just happened to be getting ready to go buy some more today, so it's too soon to get rid of all those rats."

"Great!" Riddle sighed in relief and looked over at Dracula, "Professor Dracula, those rats in the kitchen sewers are vermin that steal food from Hogwarts, I don't suppose you'll be able to let go of those animals?"

Dracula raised an eyebrow at Riddle, who was doing everything he could not to experience the Drill Curse, and finally shook his head with a lost smile.

"In that case, catch a mouse and bring it here." He laughed softly, "It just so happens that using an animal for the demonstration might create less of a psychological shadow for the young wizards."

Dobby, being a house elf with outstanding abilities, very quickly grabbed a mouse from inside the kitchen drain and brought it over.

Because he knew Dracula so well, he even cleaned the rat with a cleaning spell after catching it to prevent Dracula from being disgusted by it.

"Trouble you, Dobby." Dracula nodded in satisfaction as he looked at the clean mouse that Dobby brought over, "It needs to be enlarged a bit or the little wizard in the back row might not be able to see it."

Without waiting for Dracula to cast the spell, Riddle very doggone well went ahead and used an expansion spell on the rat and used a floating spell to keep it suspended in the air so that all the little wizards could get a clear view of the rat.

The mouse bulged up and was now larger than a normal sized cat-beaver.

As the small wizards looked on in either anticipation, puzzlement, or fear, Dracula took two steps forward to the side of the large mouse.

He raised his wand, pointed it at the mouse, and whispered:

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bones (Crucio)."

In an instant, the rat's eyes snapped open and its limbs stomped frantically in all directions. It flipped over while its body convulsed violently, swaying from side to side.

"Squeak squeak squeak-"

The rat let out a mournful squeaking sound and desperately screamed. The grayish fur all over its body shook, and the muscles all over its body twitched more and more-

"Professor, stop!" Hermione from the stage suddenly shouted.

Dracula turned his head to look at Hermione.

She didn't look at Dracula on the stage, or at the mouse that was the demonstration object, but at Neville.

Dracula frowned and saw Neville's hands clutching the corners of his coat, his bones white, his eyes wide with fear in them.

"How are you doing, Mr. Longbottom?" He withdrew his wand and the drilling spell stopped.

The rat dropped to the floor, no longer screaming, but its limbs and body still twitched every now and then.

Neville looked at the rat on the stage with bleary eyes and a pale face.

"Mr. Longbottom, if the Drill Curse has ever brought back some bad memories for you, then I would like you to face the spell head on." Dracula crouched down at the edge of the dueling platform and looked gently at Neville.

"One should not dwell on the tragic past, but face up to the pain one has experienced."

"You are a Gryffindor, Mr. Longbottom. The last thing a Gryffindor needs is courage, don't let those setbacks on the path of life blind you and waste your temperament."

"Think about that when you get back, I hope you'll be different next lesson."

Dracula gave Neville a deep look and stood up, once again walking over to the rat that was still twitching every now and then.

"There is no specific way to resist the Drill Curse, one can only rely on one's superior endurance of pain, and fearlessness, to harden against the torment, and to complete the counterattack in the midst of the pain." He said softly.

"Of course, if possible, I would advise you not to be struck by the Heart Drilling Curse, as there are very few people who can resist this kind of pain."

After explaining about the Heart Drilling Curse, Dracula's eyes suddenly became stern.

"Next, I will tell you about the last and most powerful of the three Unforgivable Spells ..." He gently raised his wand and pointed it at the still trembling rat.

As if sensing the impending doom, the mouse endured the still weak and painful muscles and desperately struggled to get up, trying to avoid the direction Dracula's wand was pointing.

But the next moment, the evil spell came out of his mouth-

"Avada Sorcery (Avada Kedavra)."

A blinding green light pierced one's eyes, while a jumble of sounds whistled as if unseen behemoths were flying through the air-

At the same time, the rat collapsed and lay on its back on the dueling stage, its body no longer showing signs of twitching.

It didn't have half a scratch on its body, but it was undoubtedly dead ...

Several of the young wizards watched the scene in horror, trying to hold back the shouts they wanted to make.

Among these few wizards who were trying to hold back their screams was Harry, who had a vague image in his eyes-

It was a blinding creepy green light, a beautiful woman in front of him, falling to the ground after being shot by the green light, and then an even more blinding green light ...

"The spell of life-claiming is also known as the spell of death, there is no antidote, no defense magic can block it, and no one can survive after being struck by the spell of life-claiming ...," Dracula said.

He then paused and suddenly looked over at Harry, "So far, the Sojourn Curse has only happened to one person as an exception."

The eyes of the room twisted around to look at Harry, who stared blankly at Professor Dracula on the stage, feeling like he could relate to what Neville had just been feeling.

"Focus on me!" Dracula shouted out, relieving Harry of some of the stress, "You don't need to care about how Harry Potter escaped under the Sorcery spell, and don't even think about surviving it yourselves."

"You will not be able to defend yourselves against the Sorcery spell!" Dracula said coldly, "So I will teach you some tricky ways that might give you some means of survival in the face of the black wizard's life-saving spell."

In the next moment, he suddenly turned to look at Riddle under the gaze of the small group of wizards.

"Riddle, use the Sojourn Spell on me!"

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