Professor Vampire.

Chapter 115 - 115 Harry: I’m going to use the disarming spell

Chapter 115: Chapter 115 Harry: I'm going to use the disarming spell


Dracula's voice echoed on the stage, filling the entire auditorium.

An invisible light curtain spread outward from Dracula on the stage, gently sweeping over all the second-year wizards engaged in the duel.

The chaotic magical lights in the auditorium disappeared in an instant, leaving Seymour with a dark face, Ron covered in bumps, Harry dancing wildly, Draco laughing uncontrollably...

These young wizards who had been hit by each other's spells all returned to normal. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Now only two young wizards remained entangled in the chaotic duel—

Hermione and Millicent were still dueling each other!

Millicent clamped her head with arms thicker than Hermione's thighs, and Hermione screamed in pain, tearing Millicent's hair desperately...

Both of their wands were forgotten on the floor, and everyone forgot that this was a magical duel, instinctively treating it as a daily brawl among Muggles.

Dracula rubbed his forehead in dismay and shook his head helplessly.

Miss Granger still had the problem of getting nervous in battles. This issue had been evident since the second half of her first year when she, Harry, and Ron were looking for the Philosopher's Stone, and it still hadn't been completely corrected.

When Millicent realized that she couldn't beat Hermione with magic, she lunged at her with her strong body. Hermione immediately panicked under the pressure of weight, her mind went blank, and the vast amount of magical theories stored in her brain seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

Thus, the two young witches ultimately returned to the primitive state and engaged in a physical fight...

Dracula waved his hand gently, and the muscles of Hermione and Millicent immediately lost strength, loosening their grip on each other's necks and hair, and they were easily separated by Harry and Ron who rushed over.

"You are too rough and violate many rules of the duel," Dracula criticized. But his eyes were not serious at all, but rather full of interest, "To prevent other grade wizards from having such phenomena, I think it is necessary to find two young wizards to demonstrate—"

He pretended to select, then looked at Ron and Seamus in the audience with great interest, "Why not you two, Mr. Weasley, and Mr. Finnigan."

Ron looked at his broken wand in confusion, and Seamus also touched his hairstyle that was still "angry" due to the explosion, looking at Professor Dracula standing in the center of the stage in disbelief.

"We?" they asked in doubt.

"Cough!" Before Dracula nodded, Snape finally couldn't bear to watch any longer and coughed heavily.

"Professor Dracula, if you want to appreciate the art of explosion and the performance of self-harm, you might as well watch it privately later," Snape curled his upper lip, looking maliciously at another young wizard not far from Ron and Seamus,

"Potter, Malfoy, why don't you two come up and show everyone?"

Dracula shrugged, looked at Ron and Seamus with some regret, but still nodded.

"Well, Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy's duel is also very exciting, not inferior to Weasley and Finnigan at all," he chuckled, "Listen to Professor Snape, you two come to the stage."

Harry glanced at Snape angrily, then stared at Malfoy with hostile eyes, and then quickly walked up to the stage in the center of the auditorium, standing next to Dracula, not wanting to be close to Snape at all.

And Malfoy was not willing to be outdone, strutting onto the stage with his head held high, standing next to his headmaster and staring at Harry.

Snape took two steps closer to Malfoy, leaned down and whispered a few words to him. Malfoy's eyes lit up, his expression immediately became extremely confident, and he sneered.

Seeing Malfoy, who obviously had been taught by Snape, might use some vicious spells, Harry looked up at Dracula nervously.

"Professor, Snape seems to have secretly taught Malfoy a spell, can you teach me a way to stop him temporarily?" he asked in a low voice.

"Scared?" Malfoy saw Harry's performance and said in a low voice.

"You're dreaming!" Harry gritted his teeth and blurted out these words.

"Before the formal duel, the opponents on both sides should not whisper to each other," Dracula glanced at Malfoy.

Then, he turned his head to Harry, "Well, in order not to let the biased Slytherin Professor Snape destroy the balance of this duel, it seems that I should also tell you some practical small spells."

"Hmm... How about this one, have you heard of the Tongue-Tying Curse?" Dracula stood in place, but his voice was very accurately transmitted to Harry's ear, without letting Malfoy and Snape hear.

"I haven't heard of it." Harry shook his head in confusion.

"It's okay, it's a very simple spell that can be learned quickly. Although it can't completely seal a person's voice like the Incarcerous spell, it can make the opponent's tongue stick to the palate." Dracula said, "Second-year wizards still don't know how to cast spells silently, so if you can make the opponent unable to clearly say the spell, you can easily interrupt his casting."

"The spell of the Tongue-Tying Curse is 'Langlock', stretch the first syllable and stress the second syllable, do you understand?"

Harry nodded in confusion, then opened his mouth, wanting to ask some more detailed questions.

But Dracula seemed very confident in him, and didn't wait for him to ask other questions, and turned his gaze to the audience.

"I just neglected to introduce the rules of the wizard duel, which led to a lot of behavior that violated the rules." Dracula said loudly, "But the specific duel rules are too long, it's too troublesome to read, you go back and check the materials yourself... I'll briefly introduce a few important ones here—"

"In a formal duel, one wizard needs to first challenge the other party. If the other party agrees, both parties will agree on the time and place of the duel. As for the duels conducted in our duel club, because there is an organizer, there is usually no need to challenge, but the organizer arranges the schedule..."

"Also, as I mentioned earlier—before the duel begins, the two wizards should bow to each other to show courtesy."

"In a formal duel, there is usually an 'assistant' who is a trusted ally of the duelists and can take over the duelists' fight when necessary. But this was rare more than a hundred years ago, and wizards usually dueled one-on-one."

"In a formal duel, duelists can only use magic to fight each other, and no physical contact is allowed. For example, Miss Granger and Miss Bulstrode, your 'duel' violated the rules and turned the wizard duel into a brawl."

Hearing Dracula's evaluation, Hermione's face turned a little red, and she lowered her head and stared at her toes. Millicent looked proud, as if she was very happy because she won the fight...

"In addition, in a friendly duel, it is forbidden to use black magic." Dracula continued, "Pay attention! The black magic here not only includes the most vicious curses (Curse), but also covers the evil curses (Jinx) and poisonous curses (Hex) you use on each other..."

"So, many groups of second-year players such as Potter and Malfoy, Wesley and Finnigan, Lombard and Finch-Fletchley have actually violated our duel rules."

Looking at the thoughtful little wizards in the audience, Dracula nodded gently to Snape, "That's about it, the following are Please ask Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy to give everyone a demonstration. "

Snape walked to the side of the duel stage with understanding, and began to count for the start of the game in a cold voice:

"One... two... three... start!"

Malfoy quickly raised his wand and yelled: "Uu... woooo ... As the referee, Snape's face became a little gloomy and he was a little depressed. He didn't want Harry to win the duel with a simple spell.

So he shook the wand in his hand slightly.

Dracula's eyes moved and his mouth slightly curled up, but he didn't say much.

He also felt that it was too dull to end the duel like this, and it was completely meaningless!

So, Malfoy's tongue and palate, which were stuck together, quietly separated.

As soon as he regained the ability to speak, Malfoy angrily pointed his wand at Harry and shouted-


The tip of his wand suddenly seemed to explode, emitting a lot of black mist.

Harry was still happily thinking about how to teach Malfoy a lesson, and he didn't expect that his tongue-locking curse had been solved by the unethical Snape.

Unable to react at all, he could only stare ahead in horror, and saw a long black snake suddenly jump out of the black fog, land heavily on the stage between the two of them, and then raise its head, ready to attack Harry!

The crowd watching the battle around couldn't help but scream, and quickly retreated, leaving a large space for the stage in the center of the auditorium.

"Shouldn't this evil spell be a curse or a poison spell?!" Harry turned his head to look at Snape, and asked loudly in dissatisfaction.

"Don't question other people's magic with your poor knowledge, Potter." Snape curled his lips contemptuously, "If you can put away your arrogance and ignorance a little, you may still be able to understand... what is the summoning spell."

"Summoning spell?" Harry looked at Dracula in confusion.

"Didn't Professor McGonagall tell you?" Dracula crossed his arms and looked like he was watching a show. "The Summoning Spell is a branch of Transfiguration, and the opposite is the Vanishing Spell."

However, Harry didn't have time to think about the relationship between the Summoning Spell and Transfiguration at this moment. The big black snake between him and Malfoy had already crawled towards him and could attack at any time!

"Don't move, Potter." Snape said lazily, "I'll get him away..."

He saw Harry standing there motionless, helplessly looking at the angry black snake's expression, and felt very happy.

But at the same time, Snape held the wand in his hand so tightly that even his knuckles turned a little white.

Obviously, even if he wanted to scare Harry, he didn't want Harry to get into trouble. This contradictory performance and complex mood were fully reflected in Snape.

"Don't move!" Harry suddenly shouted, "The duel is not over yet!"

Snape's movements paused, and he didn't recite the solution to the Snake Summoning Spell again. As the black snake approached Harry, his expression became extremely nervous.

Harry was still a little unwilling in his heart. He didn't want to lose to his mortal enemy Malfoy, nor did he want to admit that the spells taught by Professor Dracula were not as effective as Snape's... Even though he didn't know that according to the normal process, the spells Snape taught Malfoy had already lost at the beginning of the duel.

At this time, Harry's brain was spinning rapidly.

He was thinking about how he could deal with such a big snake.

First of all, the tongue-locking spell that Professor Dracula had just taught would definitely not be used. This is a spell applicable to wizards when casting spells, and it obviously has no effect on snakes. Big snakes don't need to chant spells like wizards!

In addition, he carefully recalled what offensive spells he had learned in the first grade. Thanks to the devil's practical training in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class last week, he was able to recall most of the offensive spells in an emergency.

The evil spells that the Weisley twins and Ron secretly taught him were not considered, as they violated the rules of the duel.

As for the spells learned in class, such as the dance spell, the repulse spell, and the limp leg spell, it seems that except for the repulse spell, other spells are not magic that can work on a snake.

For example, the dance spell that Malfoy used on him before... He couldn't let a snake dance on the stage, right?

At this time, a dazzling red light suddenly appeared in Harry's mind-


For some reason, he subconsciously recited the disarming spell that Snape and Dracula had used on the stage before!

A red light hit Malfoy directly, knocking the wand in his hand high into the air!

Seeing this scene, Dracula was stunned.

Didn't he comment on the disarming spell for so long that it was not useful?

...This tactless little wizard actually used the Disarming Spell in front of him, and the key is that he used it well!

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