President, Our Egg Is Lost

Thirty-Five: Who will call you daddy?

Chapter Thirty-Five: Who will call you daddy?

Ning Cheng Spring and Autumn was located on an old street with a 100-year history in Ning City. It had been built in a quaint old house. Because of the high price and high-end courses, the average common person couldn’t easily afford to eat there. So, most of the diners coming and going were rich and respectable.

After getting out of the car, Cheng YuTang came around to hold hands again. Ji XiaoYu was thin-skinned, staring at the people around him, feeling embarrassed. He pulled his fingers into his sleeve and didn’t hold his hand.

In this public setting, Cheng YuTang didn’t force him, instead he took his reluctant little boyfriend’s shoulder and graciously lead him into the old house with an air of generosity and intimacy.

He had made a reservation by phone on the road, so the manager personally greeted him with a smile as soon as he entered the lobby, “Cheng Zong, I haven’t seen you for a long time, welcome!”

As he spoke, he couldn’t keep himself from looking at the handsome young man next to him, saying in surprise, “Hey, this one has a really nice face, might I dare to ask which young master this is?”

Ji XiaoYu corrected him without thinking, saying, “I’m not a young master, I’m Cheng Zong’s personal bodyguard.”

The lobby manager: “……”

“Come on, Old Yang, lead the way ahead.” Cheng YuTang laughed, not offering an explanation, what the little thing said was what it was.

“Okay, two customers, please come this way.”

Bullying me into asking less? What’s this about a bodyguard? Yang DongCheng was both puzzled and curious to death, but he didn’t dare to ask any more questions. He led the two men to an elegant table by the parlor garden window, then, using both hands, passed the handwritten menu sheet to Cheng YuTang, “Cheng Zong, these are the most recent dishes in the restaurant, please take a look.”

Cheng YuTang took it and then passed it to Ji XiaoYu, “Order whatever what you like as you please.”

Ji XiaoYu saw the magnificent dishes on the menu and immediately forgot his previous embarrassment. He boldly said, “Cheng Zong, you pick, today it’s my……uh.”

The word “treat” got stuck in his throat and turned into a frightened hiccup.

Oh papa, are these dishes cooked in a golden pot? Why are they so expensive that they’re scaring me to death?!

What chrysanthemum tofu for 388 yuan, what boiled cabbage for 458 yuan, what cool breeze crystal melon for 598 yuan……

Don’t think that just because this little master can’t cook, he hasn’t been to the vegetable market! If you give me a hundred yuan, I’ll get you a cartful of tofu, cabbage, and winter melon!

Cheng YuTang looked at his gobsmacked appearance and tried to hold back his laughter. Deliberately, he said, “Really? Then I’m going to order. I haven’t eaten a few of the new dishes yet anyway, I really want to try them. I’ve been too busy with work previously, so I had no time to come. I’ll just try them out with you today.”

As people said, big talk is spilt water that can’t be scooped back up. Ji XiaoYu was spitting up blood inside, but he couldn’t take back his words. Not to mention after seeing the look of anticipation on Cheng YuTang’s face, he couldn’t bear to refuse, so, having learned what to say just now, he said stubbornly, “Of course, order whatever you like as you please!”

He quickly calculated it in his mind, if they ordered two meat dishes, two vegetable, and a soup, going by the average price, it would be about 2500 yuan.

No problem, this little master is now a man with a 25,000 yuan monthly salary, so I can afford it!

Cheng YuTang restrained his laughter and looked over the menu quietly. He filtered out the few dishes related to chicken and then in one breath, ordered ten dishes. The price altogether was several times more than 2500 yuan.

Yang DongCheng, with a flying pen, recorded it all.

Ji XiaoYu was a little flustered now. He now had a monthly salary of 25,000 yuan, yeah, but he hadn’t received a paycheck after the salary increase yet. Based on Cheng YuTang’s ordering, the meal was going to bankrupt him, so he quickly said, “Cheng, Cheng Zong, there are only two of us, why did you order so much? It’s not good to waste too much food.”

Cheng YuTang raised his eyebrow slightly, “It’s okay, whatever we can’t finish, we can pack up and take back, like last time. You can save it for another meal.”

The corners of Ji XiaoYu’s mouth drooped, his face wrinkled like a bitter melon. I don’t want to pack it this time, can you not!

Cheng YuTang saw that he looked like he was about to cry, so he finally found his conscience and stopped teasing him. He muttered to himself, “It’s not good to take it back and heat up again. Never mind, let’s order just a few today. We can come try something else next time.”

Then he looked up at Yang DongCheng, whose expression was firmer than usual, and commanded, “Old Yang, take back what I just said and leave just the first five.”

Mhm, Qiao YaGe had said that he was a big bully, it seemed she really wasn’t wrong. Although it was really fun to see the rich and varied expressions of the little thing, it wasn’t good to make someone fly the coop and break the eggs. He still had to curb his teasing for now.

Yang DongCheng: “……okay, Cheng Zong.”

Ji XiaoYu heaved a long sigh of relief, aiya, this pheasant was scared to death.

One side of the outer parlor garden was a patio, with a small bridge over flowing water and green bamboo and yellow flowers. The environment was very quiet and elegant. A woman dressed in a historical costume was currently playing a zither on the bridge, singing out clear and melodious, blending into the surrounding scenery.

Waiting for the dishes, Ji XiaoYu leaned on the carved window sill, watching at the woman playing the zither. Although he couldn’t understand what she was singing, he thought it was very pleasant, so he praised, “What a nice restaurant, it’s very comfortable.”

No wonder that surname Han and Qiao YaGe wanted to come here to eat. If the price wasn’t so expensive, he’d be willing to have a meal here once in a while.

Cheng YuTang’s lips curved and he said in a polite tone, “Thank you for the compliment. Looks like we can consider giving Old Yang a raise.”

Ji XiaoYu was shocked to hear that sentence, “Who can give him a raise, you?”

“Yes.” Cheng YuTang smiled slightly. “I forgot to tell you, I’m actually the boss behind Ning Cheng Spring and Autumn.”

Ji XiaoYu: “……”

Ah, ah, ah, why didn’t you say that earlier?! This man is so rich! But this is too nasty! Did he do this on purpose? He must’ve!

Since you’re the boss here, then shouldn’t you not have to spend money to eat here?

Now, call Old Yang back, is there still time to add some of the dishes that you just cancelled?!

Cheng YuTang could read at a glance exactly what the little thing was thinking. The smile on his face grew twenty percent larger. He coaxed softly, “Hey, don’t add any more food, although you can eat it, eating too much is bad for your health. Let’s come try again another time, okay?”

When Ji XiaoYu heard that, he immediately lost his temper, mumbling, “A-alright.”

The dishes soon came out and they were pleasing to the eyes like works of art. Ji XiaoYu had been hungry for a long time, so he couldn’t bear to deal with anything else right now. He immediately buried his face in his plate.

While eating, he was secretly amazed, wow, it’s really delicious! No wonder the price is so expensive, it seems it’s actually reasonable!

Cheng YuTang ate slowly and neatly, spending most of his time serving Ji XiaoYu side dishes or pouring his tea. He told him to eat slowly from time to time, so that he wouldn’t choke.

When Ji XiaoYu was almost done eating, Cheng YuTang asked as if he were calm and composed in the midst of chaos, “What do you think, how’s the taste?”

“Delicious!” Ji XiaoYu answered without hesitation. After smacking his lips, he added very sincerely, “But, I feel like it was better when you cooked last time, I’m not talking about how advanced your skills are, I mean, I mean…….you know?”

It was that there had been two people working in the kitchen together, turning a bundle of ingredients into dishes with their own hands, and then eating those dishes together. This gave the people a special sense of satisfaction, adding a flavor which couldn’t be tasted in any restaurant no matter what.

He couldn’t describe that kind of feeling, he could only vaguely bring it up.

Cheng YuTang: “……”

He understood.

It’s really impossible to not fall head over heels. I’ve said so much with my own glib tongue, but never anything as lethal as this little thing’s ambiguous remark. How could I not like it?

He couldn’t help but sigh, “I really wish I was at home right now, so that -”

Stunned, Ji XiaoYu asked, “So what?”

“So that I could eat you,” Cheng YuTang whispered. His eyes flashed faintly beneath his lenses, “I think you would be more delicious than the dishes I cook.”

So, Ji XiaoYu’s face that was as pale as an egg shell slowly turned as red as a ripe tomato at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Ah, ah, ah, this man really feels no shame, actually daring to say such shameless words in broad daylight!

Looking at this man’s gentle, elegant appearance, anyone would guess he was reciting a poem!

While Ji XiaoYu was sitting there with a steaming red face, a chubby-faced man with a big gold chain necklace hanging around his neck was walking outside the parlor garden with four or five sidekicks following after him. As they passed the elegant room, the golden necklace man glanced into the window at random. His eyes suddenly caught on Ji XiaoYu’s face and a lewd smile spread across his face. Then he frowned and swore, muttering to himself, “Fuck, where has Laozi seen this beautiful little thing somewhere before? Why does he look familiar?”

Next to him was a horse-faced man, waggled his eyebrows and winked as he said, “Jin LaoBan, hey, maybe it wasn’t a mouthful you had, but someone that’s shown himself off to everyone?”

(t/n, laoban = boss, common for gangsters; also, Jin means gold)

“That makes sense!” Jin LaoSan suddenly laughed and the fat all over his body shook. “But this little beauty looks particularly familiar. Maybe someone who has attended to me. Strange, where was it?”

Ji XiaoYu heard this clearly without missing a word. He turned his head and looked over intently. He was instantly filled with rage hot enough to burn down the highest layer of heaven. Wasn’t that the fat pig-head guy who drugged him at the XinHao Hotel last Christmas Eve?!

He spat angrily out the window, cursing at him, “Go fuck yourself!”

Cheng YuTang was shocked. He had never seen the little thing show such a hateful expression towards anyone since he had met him. He turned around and looked out at the man who wore an evil expression on his face and he couldn’t help but frown.

Jin LaoSan, who had been cursed at, was first startled, but then, when he saw Ji XiaoYu staring at him with a touch of red in his eyes, he started to drool over him. He put his hand through the window, about to pinch his chin, saying, “Aiyo, little beauty, what nice cursing! Gege likes when you do that, it’s so hot and energetic!”

The group of thugs all laughed simultaneously.

Ji XiaoYu was totally furious, backhanding his hand away. Jin LaoSan immediately squealed like a stuck pig and then looked at his black-haired paw, which was as swollen as a burned hoof.

The girl playing on the zither was so scared that she was went pale, covering her mouth and whimpering.

Perhaps it was because the beating from last year had left a deep impact, but after Jin LaoSan was slapped in the hand by Ji XiaoYu, he suddenly recalled it. He quickly retreated into his group of thugs and shouted in anger, “Motherfucker, so it’s you, you bitch. Did you count on not running into Laozi? Laozi hadn’t looked for you yet to settle the account from last year, but now you really dare to appear before me. Really □□!”

Cheng YuTang was suddenly filled with a bad feeling, so he asked lowly, “XiaoYu, who is he? Why is he looking to settle an account?”

Ji XiaoYu had lived for 20 years. The most shameful moment in his life was when he fell on Christmas Eve last year. How can he say such a disgusting, humiliating thing? So he just clenched his teeth and kept silent.

Jin LaoSan made a racket, “Come on, all of you listen to Laozi, grab that little bitch for me and watch how Laozi shows him who’s his daddy!”

Several of the thugs immediately shouted and ran into the parlor garden, rushing over to Ji XiaoYu.

Furious, Ji XiaoYu got up from his seat and clenched his fists to prepare for the battle.

Cheng YuTang stepped forward in front of him and coldly said, “Jin LaoSan, who will call you daddy?”

Jin LaoSan just now noticed him there and he couldn’t help but be surprised, “Cheng Zong? Why are you here?”

Cheng YuTang raised his hands to Ji XiaoYu’s shoulders, feeling the little thing’s body was trembling slightly from his anger. He couldn’t help but squeeze a bit with his hands and asked with a blank face, “What do you think?”

Jin LaoSan’s pair of dead fish eyes glanced back and forth between him and Ji XiaoYu’s body and then he let out an exaggerated cry of “yo,” “I say, so it turns out that this little bitch is hooking up again, with Cheng Zong. No wonder he’s so arrogant, daring to scream at Laozi.

“Cheng Zong, how does this little bitch taste? I was beaten up by him just last year when it was my turn, such damn bad luck. Since you’ve had a good mouthful, then the two of us can be considered as like-minded individuals, so how about we share details?”

Jin LaoSan stared at Ji XiaoYu as he spoke, licking his fat lips indecently.


1. Fly the coop and break the eggs (鸡飞蛋打): idiom for a dead loss, the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken

bring forth the drama~~~

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