Power of Creation

Book 4: Chapter 4

Book 4: Chapter 4

Florian My eyes narrow as I wipe the tip of your cock off on Shivras ass.

Youre as classy as always, I see. Florian gives a condescending look as he glares down at me. But even your abilities wont be able to stop me now. I think once I summon the demon god and he kills you, Ill ask for your harem.

You trying to NTR me, man? Like any decent writer would dare do that to his audience!

Im not so sure about that. Florians face grows more condescending. But dont you worry, I wont fuck them. After what youve done to them, lets just face it, youve already ruined them. Theyre all gross little perverts now. I wouldnt touch your disgusting pervert harem if you forced me. No, Ill beat them. Maybe have them serve my army. Theyd probably like that. A Congo line of men fucking them day in and day out. Hey Grimhilde, a sperm buffet to service your addiction? All the cock you can eat, how does that sound?

Fuck you! Grimhilde snaps back.

Hahaha not in a million years, you are a nauseating skank.

Megara, or Florian, or whatever you call yourself these days, I will make you pay for what you did to my country! Mal shouts.

What I did? Your country was falling apart with or without me. To let a country be run by a girl with the mind of a child your mother must have been as stupid as you are.

Be careful with your words Medusa gave a sharp look as she glares at the gloating Florian.

Oh, and if it isnt some of the other demon lords. But I only count four of you, so it looks like you have no Demon King to shelter you yet.

I wont need a king to kick your ass! Sarah snaps.

Oo big words from a big, fat bit-

Enough! I bellow, stopping this petty squabbling. My army has already sucked up your life juice. I have over 1000 pregnant women and the goblin gestation period is weeks. With a bit of magic, they could be popping out babies in hours. My goblin horde can attack you, and even if you kill every last goblin, Ill have a new army waiting for you. Youve lost, Florian.

Florian gave a hateful look at me before spitting through his teeth. Even if Ive lost, I wont let you win. Ill kill you myself!

As if Id let you! I immediately teleport in front of Florian.

My beloved, wait! Medusa holds out her hand.

Perhaps she wants to ask Florian what his goals are or something, but I dont really care. This worm has been an annoyance for months and I am completely fed up with his bullshit. I swipe a sword. Not a magic sword, a legitimate one made out of real metal and everything. After the crap with Shivra, I made sure to have a proper sword created. I was told it was a decent quality sword too, but I had no eye for those kinds of things. Rather, it just needed to be sharp.

I didnt want to do things this way, but even if I have to give my own life, you can die! Florian screams.

As if you could kill me!

With a single wave of the sword, I lopped off Florians jackoff hand, sending it spiraling off into the indecently fucking goblin army under me. Perhaps one of the goblins would pick it up and use it as a goblin ass scratcher for the remainder of its existence. The anti-magic barrier around Florian dissipated with that. He must have been wearing some kind of special ring that prevented me from targeting him with magic. It was by total chance, but a dark grin forms on my face as his only protection is easily stripped away.

I already prepped myself to fight him without magic, but now that magic was on the table, I decided not to delay things any longer. I reach out and pierce Florians chest. He looks at me in complete surprise as my hand goes through his body, but before I finish him off a light smile starts to appear on his face. At this point, I remember Nala, likely still chained up in my mansions red room, and sigh. Keeping my bitches happy is a full-time job.

I grab the slug inside Florian and then pull it out. If Florian is half the hero he claims to be, this shouldnt be a fatal kill. Florians body loses its flight and he plummets to the ground, landing on top a pile of writhing goblin flesh and his unconscious body soon becomes an addon to the goblin/homunculus orgy below. Did one of the goblins confuse him for one of the sex dolls? He was a white pasty pretty boy after all, and to goblins humans probably all look alike. What happens to Florian after this will be left to my imagination.

I look down at the slug-like leech in my hands. In the end, this little creature that caused me so much issue was truly pathetic in appearance. He destroyed Riun the first time, made my loli demon lord cry, and interrupted my attendance on my childrens births. Medusa shouts something up at me, but you ignore her while I slowly squeeze, taking pleasure as I crush the leech slowly until its eyes pop out of its head.

At this point, there is a shudder as if the world suddenly lurches forward a bit. In the distance, I can swear I hear a burst of gentle laughter. Frowning, you discard the worm and land down next to the demon lords, glancing at Medusa with a confused look.

Whats happening now? I ask.

Medusa gives you an exasperated look. As I was saying, the leech creature has lived for possibly thousands of years, moving from host to host. Its absorbed the life force of every single one of its victims. Killing it might release a massive amount of life force, enough to

Medusa looks up and sighs. I follow her vision only to see a bright light form in the sky. Suddenly, the light starts to widen until it eventually forms a massive hole.

A massive sky hole! What do they think this is, a Hollywood movie? I shout.

Its too late! Medusa cries, Theyve made a hole into our dimension. Its only a matter of time until the demon God comes!

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