Power of Creation

Book 3: Chapter 7

Book 3: Chapter 7

I wake up the next morning to the feeling of my cock being sucked and the full view of another maids snatch wagging in my face. The maids were performing the daily duty to satisfy me properly. I nod and allow her to finish. Of course, then there was Ariel, Grimhilde, Aura, Elysa, and even Tiana sneaking into my bed. Even though I was woken up at 7 am, it was closer to 10 am by the time I actually got out of bed.

The demands of the harem are quickly becoming troublesome, so I work my way through several ideas. Everything from clones to tentacle fun crossed my mind. What would be the best way to keep a horde of 20-some girls happy and in check?

So, whats on the agenda today? I say casually as the table is made and breakfast is prepared in front of me.

<NSFW Image Here>

The maids were now taking on a small portion of the cooking, although Jasmine functioned as the main cook.

Seriously, hero-san? Did you honestly forget?

Hm? Forget what?

The people of Riun are still sitting on the edge of a crater.

I snap my fingers, Thats right!

Speaking of which, warrior, the goblins downstairs seem to be fine, but it doesnt make sense considering the damage outside.

Ah, well, its not like I made a massive cavern under the city or something. That would probably cause all kinds of problems. The basement takes up the same space it always did on the outside, but I made the space inside bigger. Spatial magic, basically.  And its protected like the rest of the house, so itd be very difficult to blow a hole out of it.

Im not concerned about the goblins. Kida insists. What about the villagers?

Theyre somewhere.


Alright, alright, lets put the city back together.

I did not have much of an appetite anyway after already feasting on several pussies this morning. I head outside and most of the girls join me while wearing curious looks. I wave my hand and the crater disappears like there had never been an explosion. There was some light clapping, but of course, it did not look like there had ever been a city either.

With the next wave, I didnt want to micromanage. Instead, I let the city form itself. With the next wave, all of the people reappeared. There were shouts of relief and some crying. A lot of people turned to Kida, demanding more information.

Rookie, could you perhaps talk to them?

I shrug and create a loud noise that brings everyones attention to me.

Ladies and Gentlemen! You should all be dead. An attack by a demon general destroyed the city. However, I, the hero of Riun, protected you and rebuilt a new city. Its not what youre used to, but I hope you can settle down here and live under me.

I was expecting some angry muttering and maybe a few idiots in the crowd trying to start something. What I received instead was completely unexpected. One after another, each of the people of Riun started to kneel. In short order, five hundred people were on their knees in front of me. They were also chanting.

Long live our lord! Long live our lord!

I turn back to the girls behind me with a look of bewilderment.

Grimhilde smirks. And that is how you become a ruler.

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