Power of Creation

Book 3: Chapter 26

Book 3: Chapter 26

So, Millie, you ready for your date?

As much as this great dragon would love to spend some time with Master, are you perhaps not skipping a person on the list?

Huh? No Im following the list to a T. Elysa, Cindy, Aura, Chris, Jasmine, then some piece of trash is written here well ignore, Millie followed by Lamilia.

Its that one, the piece of trash one

Hah, Hah, Hah.

Huh? What? Thats just a smudge.

Im standing right here, commoner, but it seems clear you have to continue to be cruel to me. Tiana whines, although even as she whines her face is flushed and shes breathing hard.

You cant be cruel to a pile of shit, right? Shit is just shit. Until you step on it. Then you wipe it off on the curb by scrapping the bottom of your shoe on the edge and

Please I cant take those disgusted eyes any longer, commoner! Tiana is shivering, but she has a smile on her face.

Master, may I ask a question. Millie is wearing a complicated face.

Yes, my sweet dumpling, what is it? I ask gently, patting her head.

Is the difference in masters treatment between harem members perhaps a little too extreme?

What are you talking about? I like to think I treat you, Ariel, Aura, Elysa, and the rest of the harem who matter with even care and consideration.

Thats just it! What about the harem who doesnt matter? Millie declares.

You said it

Im still here, hah, hah, hah this play is too extreme. Tiana is on all fours with a disgusting look on her face as she pants.

Fine. What does Tiana want? I ask deliberately, glaring down at the girl.

Me? Commoner is asking me what Id like? Tiana immediately bounces back to her feet, her nose back in the air as if she wasnt just panting on the floor.

I sigh. Yes you, what is it that you want?

I want to go out to dinner and the theatre. Even a commoner should be able to afford that much.

With my fist clinched, I resist the urge to lay out a woman. Of course, Tianas snooty behavior initially put me off, so I decided to treat her badly. Then, she developed that bad personality unexpectedly. Thus, I had decided to escalate the abusive treatment. If I ignored and neglected her enough, shed eventually crack, go crying to Sebastian, and then I could work on setting her straight.

However, she never cracked. Rather, she remained just as snooty as the first day I met her, and rather than being dejected by me treating her like garbage, shes managed to turn it into some kind of sexual game.  Ignoring her and treating her like trash did not seem to be working.

Thus, perhaps a new strategy is in order? Id treat Tiana exactly how she deserved to be treated.

So, I found myself on a date at a restaurant. I took her to a nice place. Nothing is too good for Tiana! That way, when I crush her, itll be all the more merciless. Speaking of which

I got something for you. I say, casually pulling out a small wrapped present.

Tianas eyes widen as she eagerly opens up her present. What she ends up pulling out is a leather belt. However, the belt was far too small to fit around her waist. It also had a tag on it with her name, Tiana, spelled in gold letters.

Th-th-this is

Ah, its a dog collar.

Wh-wh-wha- Tiana looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

I put a leash down on the table. A pet shouldnt be allowed out of the house without a collar and leash. Its the new law in Riun.

What? This is perfectly fair treatment!

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