Post-apocalyptic World: Stockpile Ten Billion Supplies at the Beginning

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

The friend of the Sea Turtle King, the Grand Clam, has completed its promotion. From the clam emerged a woman with clear eyes, white skin, and shining teeth.

On top of her head was a dazzling gem, and the nearby seawater was magically pushed aside.

The Sea Turtle King was extremely shocked: You

The Sea Turtle King couldnt believe his eyes.

The woman chuckled lightly: Its just a visual illusion. Currently, I cannot change my form.

Ive given myself a name, Sea Princess. I am the princess of the sea.

Lets go. I dont know why, but I crave bloodshed.

In reality, Sea Princesss true form is a mass of clam flesh, yet to take on a defined shape.

After the Sea Turtle Kings astonishment, he said, I cant wait any longer. Lets go.

Sea Princess nodded, returned to the clam shell, and swam with the Sea Turtle King to the nearby beach.

Sea Princess furrowed her brow and said, I cant come ashore. My strength will be greatly reduced on land. Hurry, go and come back quickly.

Sea Princess looked somewhat worriedly at her shell. If she wasnt present, what would happen to her shell?

Sea turtles are amphibious creatures. If they leave the sea, their strength diminishes, and their special abilities dont recover.

The rapid mutations of marine creatures make them crave bloodshed. Without restrictions, survivors would be in serious trouble.

The Sea Turtle King said, Ill have my fellow sea turtles keep an eye on it. Unless they all perish, nothing will happen.

Sea Princess sighed, Im counting on you, old friend. I wouldnt take such a big risk otherwise.

If the clam shell is destroyed, Sea Princess would be like a child without a home, a fish without water, unable to survive for long.

The Sea Turtle King gratefully glanced at Sea Princess, carrying her quickly toward his turtle offspring.

Without ordinary sea turtles, their speed would be slow, wasting precious time.

The Sea Turtle King is at level eight. Even if their speed is slightly reduced, its still comparable to a level six ability users running at full speed.

In a short time, the Sea Turtle King covered more than thirty kilometers.

A group of about a dozen survivors appeared near the Sea Turtle King and Sea Princess.

They stared in astonishment at the Sea Turtle King and Sea Princess. My, oh my, this woman is truly beautiful, and that Sea Turtle King is ridiculously huge.

Before they could form any negative thoughts, Sea Princess burst into laughter. From her eyes shot two black laser beams.

In less than three seconds, the dozen or so survivors turned into black ash, all dead.

Sea Princess licked her lips, I dont know why, but I suddenly enjoy killing. This feeling is quite pleasant.

The Sea Turtle King paid no attention and sped forward.

Jin Yuanjiang chose not to bid farewell to his former brothers. If said face-to-face, there would surely be various attempts to persuade him to stay.

Perhaps they might even end up in a confrontation.

No one owes anyone anything. Right now, I want to provide a better life for my wife and child, and I can only apologize.

Taking advantage of peoples inattention, Jin Yuanjiang, along with Lin Ru and a dozen trustworthy brothers, quietly left the base.

After meeting up with Chen Luo, the convoy departed.

Suddenly, Chen Luos face changed dramatically.

Zhao Ziyi sent a message.

Sister Mi Ling says, the prophet gave a warning. You need to come back quickly, or she and Mi Li will die.

Except for a very few individuals, nobody knew Rices ability, not even Xia Haoran. So when rice sensed danger, she informed Mi Ling, who then told Zhao Ziyi, thus reaching out to Chen Luo.

As a level-six, Rice could provide warnings three hours in advance.

Mi Ling couldnt believe it. Was she about to die soon?

But this was Rices prophecy.

Of course, the crisis could be easily resolved. Rice gave an early warning, and a solution could be found.

The solution was simple: have Chen Luo return. Once he was back, the crisis would be averted.

If they couldnt reach Chen Luo, Rice would have to take Mi Ling and Mi Li and disappear.

Rice giving warnings to close ones had no cost.

Chen Luos expression fluctuated. How could this be possible?

The base had the Thunderbolt king, Mi Ling, Mi Li, Shu Yun, and others, several level-six ability users, and many other members.

What kind of crisis could lead to the deaths of Mi Ling and Mi Li?

Not to mention the Thunderbolt King. Rice couldnt provide a warning about him because any change would backfire on her.

This damn Thunderbolt King, why couldnt he just please Rice properly?

Could it be a mutant?

Mutants werent actually that frightening; they usually didnt kill many people in one go.

Regardless, he needed to hurry back.

Chen Luo got out of the car and, with inhuman speed, ran back to the base. Who needs a car when Chen Luo can run so fast?

People just blinked, and Chen Luo disappeared.

Jin Yuanjiang rubbed his eyes. Your speed is too unbelievable.

In just four minutes, Chen Luo returned to the base.

Seeing Mi Li safe and sound, Chen Luo finally relaxed.

Rice lay on the sofa, playing with her phone. Upon seeing Chen Luo, she glanced at him.

Youre here.

Chen Luo was a bit dumbfounded. Rice, why are you so calm?

Chen Luo asked, Whats going on? Did you sense something?

Rice calmly replied, Youre back, so theres no danger.

Chen Luo felt relieved. If Mi Ling, Mi Li, and others couldnt handle the danger, he could take care of it just by coming back.

Was it really a mutant, and he solved it by accelerating time?

It must be at least a level-seven mutant.

Chen Luo even began to look forward to it. Could it be a ninth or tenth-level mutant?

Chen Luo urged the members to stay alert and closely monitor the situation around them.

After about an hour, a member at the outpost outside the base tremulously reported over the intercom, Theres a monster.

An eight-meter-long giant sea turtle, as big as a small mountain, what else could it be if not a monster?

Its a sea turtle-like creature, huge.

Chen Luo was stunned. A giant sea turtle?

Marine creatures only wreak havoc near coastal cities, not in the divine capital. If they did, Chen Luo wouldnt have built a base here.

But there couldnt be ruled out special circumstances.

Chen Luo couldnt help but speculate, Could it be the giant sea turtle whose eggs I stole, coming for me?

Searching for its offspring?

Perhaps its searching for heads instead.

Chen Luo sneered. At that time, he was only at level six, and his dual crystals were barely at level eight, roughly on par with the Sea Turtle King.

But thanks to the ninth-level spatial mutant brought by Da Zhuang, he advanced to level seven, gaining some ninth-level combat power.

I wont lose to you at all!

With the help of the members, I will definitely defeat you.

Chen Luo immediately headed towards the direction from which the Sea Turtle King was approaching.

The Sea Turtle King shot two water arrows, directly causing the high wall of Chen Luos base to collapse.

How could a level four earth-element members constructed city wall withstand the attacks of an eighth-level Sea Turtle King?

Chen Luo shouted, Beast, how dare you.

The members, upon seeing Chen Luos arrival, wiped their sweat, feeling safe now that their leader was here.

Ha ha ha ha, its you. Stole my friends eggs, and yet you call me a beast? The moment Chen Luo laid eyes on the woman on the Sea Turtle King, he felt a chill run down his spine.

This appearance, the Dark Witch Sea Princess?

How the heck did it come here?

Rice, are you sure I can handle it?

This is a killing god, the later survivors had nothing to eat, and could only hunt and kill mutated marine creatures by the sea, even though its tough to eat, and the body feels uncomfortable afterwards, its better than having nothing to eat.

The Sea Princess has killed many people.

A king-level big shot!

Chen Luo awkwardly smiled, Im sorry, I admit, my voice was a bit loud just now.

No, Chen Luo suddenly realized, the Sea Princess is king-level, thats something that happens almost two years later, so it definitely isnt king-level now.

Ive it killed before, I can do it again!

Stopped writing. I was planning to do three updates, and I was thinking about how to make this plot exciting. It wasnt until late at night that I figured it out. Ill definitely resolve this Sea Princess tomorrow, not dragging it out until the day after.

Stay strong, everyone. Only got attention at three oclock yesterday and made it to 13th place directly!

Awesome! Ill definitely update four times every day this weekend!

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