Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1100 Meeting Again

Chapter 1100 Meeting Again

The Dragon trio had their fill and asked Ophis and Lilith to go back first, "They probably already found somewhere to stay. If you two want to enroll with them in a school, just tell Sera-chan."

Ophis and Lilith didn't ask any questions and just directly disappeared. Meanwhile, Flanna stood up and asked, "What do you have for me, boss?"

"We're going to meet someone. But before we do that, let me ask. How effective are illusion or hypnosis abilities on you?"

"Oh? Very effective!" Kisuke received an unexpected answer.

"...Very effective?" Because of her response, Kisuke started rethinking his plans for today, 'I have to employ another method.'

While deep in thought, Flanna continued, "Even if I'm not the intended target, I can see whatever the ability wants to show."

Kisuke found something strange with the way she worded it, "Even if you're not the intended target? So you can tell if you or someone is being subjected to an illusion or hypnosis?"

"Of course! You can't call me the True Dragon of Illusions and Dreams if I can't see any of it."

Kisuke sighed in relief. Thinking about it, she's right. If she's not sensitive towards illusions or anything fake, then there's no point for her authority, "Alright. Let's go meet a friend of mine. We can't directly teleport there yet because I didn't know teleportation when I last came there so just follow me closely."

"Got it~!"




It's the middle of the night and there's still a lot of Shinigami going around inside the Seireitei, however, all of them are obviously tired with heavy bags under their eyes and some of them are sleeping on the streets.

"What happened to them?" Flanna curiously asked.

"They were very busy this past week. It's only now that they could rest properly." Kisuke looked around as both of them stood on the top of the Seireiheki (Pure Soul Wall) that surrounds the whole Seireitei. It's made out of a rare type of stone called Sekkiseki (Spirit Reducing Stone) due to this, the Seireitei is always surrounded by a spherical barrier that stops anything spiritual from breaching it. The only way in is the gate at the four cardinal directions of the Seireitei or using a mode of transport that blocks the barrier's effect.

Thankfully, by just simply covering themselves with Ki or Magic Power, the barrier didn't have any effect on them and they could quietly get in from any point of the wall.

After deciding their route, Kisuke jumped down and started running through the complicated streets of the Seireitei while conjuring a blank white mask, turning his Shihakushou into a normal civilian clothes, and changing the color of his hair to black using Magic. It's not as effective as Tiamat's disguise and even Tanis would be able to see through him with a single stare, but it's enough against these people who don't know Magic. And due to them not using any Spiritual Power, they are essentially invisible to everyone and it didn't take long for them to reach the 1st Division's barracks.

Carefully making their way inside, Kisuke and Flanna soon found the entrance to Central Great Underground Prison. But before they could enter, Kisuke suddenly stopped in his tracks. Flanna looked at him curiously but didn't talk.

'This is... Aizen-san's Spiritual Sense? Is he trying to figure out what's going on outside? He's really amazing since he could reach this far despite the bindings on him.' Kisuke thought for a moment before entering the prison.

Unbeknownst to them, a single eye was watching them from the shadows.

Kisuke and Flanna reached the other levels and went directly to the 8th and deepest level, the Muken (Avici). Despite the incredibly intricate lock that the prison has, Kisuke and Flanna just bypassed it by feeling the other side and teleporting directly inside.

Flanna curiously looked around and asked, "So, who are we meeting in this dreary place?"

"The largest presence you can feel. That's the guy." Kisuke answered and confidently walked towards the flaring Reiatsu. He didn't try to hide because he already found him, "Make sure that my mind is intact."

The pair walked for a few minutes until they reached a sizable pillar with a man pinned on it by six red rods, "I didn't expect another guest so soon. Do you intend to destroy the Soul Society too?"

A familiar condescending voice immediately greeted them.

Kisuke partially shifted his voice and replied with a chuckle, "That's some grave accusations. I'm not here for such a violent reason."

Truthfully speaking, Kisuke only came here to confirm the bindings on him and ask one single question. He has other plans for him but that's for the later stages of his overall objective.

The impaled man, Aizen Sosuke, eyed his visitors trying to get more information from them. But aside from the Shihakushou, the man is wearing signifying that he's a Shinigami, both of them felt like normal Humans, and the fact that they were standing in front of him now, that's an impossibility, "There are only two types of people who seek me. One is those who ask for my power to destroy and the other are those who want to protect something. I'm curious about the two of you so be glad that I'm willing to listen. Do not be reserved and express what you want." At the same time, his Reiatsu silently surged.

Behind his mask, Kisuke grinned, "Are you some kind of Devil?"

"Devil? Ah, you must be referring to that Human literature. A being of Hell that grants wishes for one's soul for a price. Sure. Call me that. It also matches the occasion of the doors of Hell ope-..."

But Aizen could finish his words when the woman with flaming red hair suddenly swung her arm sideways, brushing away the power he was spreading.

"Boss, that guy is trying to alter your perception of time and sound. I already dealt with it though."

Aizen's smile widened, "Interesting. How did you do that? I couldn't feel anything from you. What are you?"

While his attention was on Flanna, Kisuke thought about what Flanna said, 'Time and sound?' He already expected Aizen to gain an advantage while talking to him and he thought he'll try to alter his perception of space to make it appear that he was farther than he appeared, 'Why time and sound?'

At that moment, Kisuke and Flanna's excellent hearing caught the sound of a heavy door moving, "!?"

Kisuke hurriedly turned in the direction of the single entrance and exit of Muken, "I see... When you said you didn't expect another guest so soon, it's because you already had one not long ago. And here I thought you were referring to Yhwach's visit 12 years ago."

From the shadows, Shunsui Kyouraku came out with his Shikai and silently stared at Kisuke.

Kisuke was surprised at his appearance but immediately got over it and thought of how he could possibly evade their detection. His eyes turned to his twin blades and a certain possibility emerged in his mind, "I see... You started a game to hide. I thought you can't play a game on your own?"

Shunsui stopped his steps and was obviously bothered by his words, "...I'm surprised. You know too much."

The strange man might not have guessed it exactly, but it was too close for comfort.

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