Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 464 Punishment



After Li Fengjin left with Wang Tingxiao, the hospital room remained as quiet as a graveyard.

What they had heard plus the warning was difficult to comprehend. How had things all come to this? Just as both Mr and Mrs Fu were still trapped in their shock, Fu Bolin thought it wise to speak.

"Mum, dad don't worry. I'll figure out a way to fix all this."

On hearing his words full of arrogance and confidence, Mr Fu slowly turned to his son. His eyes were red and as wide as a saucer. One could see how hard he was gritting his teeth and the veins fully displayed on the sides of his head.

"You said what?" Mr Fu asked in a trembling low voice.

"I said I'll fix the loss from Emperor's Enterprise pulling sixty per cent of–"

"How dare you?" Mr Fu's voice thundered inside the room and in the quiet hallway.

Fu Bolin and his mother jolted in fear at his outburst. The former looked up at his father and he pulled loudly. The anger that flashed through Mr Fu's eyes was raw.

If not for the fact that the situation was a dire one, Mr Fu would be likened to a Spanish bull shooting out fumes from its ears and nostrils.

"Da... Dad, what–"

"Shut up. Don't 'dad' me," Mr Fu shut him up.

"Darling, please calm down and lower your voice," Mrs Fu held onto Mr Fu's hand in hopes of quelling his anger.

"I can't calm down. This ingrate of a child has caused our family to lose a fortune," Mr Fu pointed his finger at Fu Bolin who was now furrowing his brows.

"But I just promised to try to fix this mess we are in," Fu Bolin defended himself.

"No. Not 'we'... but you. You are the only one in this mess."

"But dad..."

"Enough," Mr Fu held out his palm with his head turned sideways. "What were you even thinking that you dared to harass not just any guest but Mr Li's wife?" He questioned.

"I was–"

"You were what?"

"Darling, please... Allow him to explain himself, okay?" Mrs Fu butted in.

"Allow him to explain? What's there to explain when everything is as clear as day?" Mr Fu asked his wife.

Mrs Fu pursed her lips as she could not think of any word to say to counter her raging husband. Not only that, this matter was not like others she could easily help her son with.

There was nothing to do to not let her husband scold Fu Bolin because she knows that Fu Bolin went too far. There was no reasonable excuse to make now.

"Dad, I was drunk and I did not know that the lady I was with wasn't Yuri," Fu Bolin tried to turn the table to his favour.

"Oh, stop with all these lies, for heaven's sake. Stop it. Do you take me and your mother for a fool?" Mr Fu spat out.

"Of course not. Why would I?" Fu Bolin frowned at his father's words.

"Then do you think we don't know that you really went after Mr Li's wife?"

"How... I mean, what are you talking bout?" He feigned ignorance of the truth.

"Hehehe," Mr Fu shook his head with small sarcastic laughter. "It was as open as day that you would do such a thing."

"Did you think I and your mother did not notice the way your eyes were on Mr Li's wife throughout the wedding and the reception party? We saw how you looked at her." Mr Fu stated.

"What?" This time it was Fu Bolin's turn to become shocked.

"I will have to say that your father is right this time, son," Mrs Li said and let out a sigh.

"No. Mum, I..." Fu Bolin shut paused in his words when he saw his mother shake her head with her eyes closed.

When she opened her eyes, he saw disappointment flash through them. He turned to his father and it was no different.

"I had thought like every other guest, you were only admiring the couple. But it got too much when every time I turned to see you your eyes were on her. And then after the end of the occasion, I got a call," Mr Fu said.

His voice was low now. He balled his hands into fists and took deep breaths to pacify his anger. "You were the one who ended your relationship with her, Bolin. You got married and promised to only see Han Yuri, your wife now. What got over you?"


"Save it. You should know better how Mr Li is and what is his. And yet you..." Mr Fu stalled hard as he could not bring himself to utter the word he found easy to earlier.

"I have never been disappointed in you like now. You got Fu Corps into this mess. You better fix it before the end of the year," said Mr Fu.

"I will do everything I can, father. I'm sorry," Fu Bolin apologised.

"This is not a matter of being sorry or remorseful or whatever... Till you get good companies to help is recover from the loss, your spending will be limited. I should not get news that you went out with your friends till you get the company up and running," he declared.

"Dad?! You can't do this to me," Fu Bolin voiced out his disapproval.

"I can and I will. As a matter of fact, you are grounded. You will only go to and fro from your house to the company. I won't settle for anything else."

With that said, Mr Fu left the hospital room without looking back or listening to his wife and son's plea for him to reconsider his terms of punishment.

He has been far too lenient with his son and let him do whatever he liked. But his actions the previous night would be the end to that.

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