Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 446 [Bonus Chapter]Holy Union: Kiss The Bride



It had been a minute since Bai Renxiang and Old man Jiang stopped in front of Li Fengjin. But nothing happened still. The couple just stared at each other with eyes full of life.

Some of the guests were confused at the scene. While a few were smiling evilly in their minds thinking that Li Fengjin was rethinking his decision of marrying Bai Renxiang.

It was just a few elders and those who did not harbour ill-intentions toward the couple that understood what was going on. The married ones could testify.

The couple had not moved because they were admiring, taking in and confessing their love to each other through their eyes. Among these people was Old man Jiang.

As much as he wanted to not disturb their love, he just had to for the wedding to start already.

"Ahem! Get back to the wedding, you two," he slightly scolded them in a low voice.

His voice brought the couple back from their Loveland to reality. Seeing them get back to their senses, some could imagine that the old man was the culprit. A low chuckle amongst the guests erupted.

Li Fengjin smiled and cleared his throat to get rid of the awkwardness he was feeling. Old man Jiang placed Bai Renxiang's hand on his.

"I give my granddaughter to you. Please, take care of her and love her like me and get mother ever could," he said.

"I will love her more than my life. I give you my word," Li Fengjin nodded with sincerity in his blue eyes.

"As for you, my precious pearl," Old man Jiang turned to Bai Renxiang. "I am very proud of you and always know that you can come to me if this Li boy bullies you. I love you."

Saying that he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you too, grams and I will keep your words in mind," said Bai Renxiang.

Nodding his head, Old man Jiang made his way to sit with the rest of their family. After giving her bouquet to her maid of honour, Ning Xiaozhi, Bai Renxiang let herself be guided by Li Fengjin to stand at the altar and before the priest.

"You may all be seated," the priest said.

Taking the cue, the standing guests all took their seats once again and remained quiet as a sign of respect to the couple, priest and God. Seeing this, the priest nodded and returned his eyes to the lovely couple beside him.

"Dear friends and family of the Bride and Groom, we welcome and thank you for being part of this important occasion. We are gathered together on this day to witness and celebrate the holy union of Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin..."

The priest continued in his speech in the now silent church. As he went on, Li Fengjin mouthed 'I love you to Bai Renxiang and the latter whispered these words back to him with a smile.

"... Love does not seek self, nor does it rejoice in the wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears and believes in all things. Love hopes in all things endure all things and love has no end."

Those were the last words of the priest's speech that again, brought the couple back to their wedding.

"It is time for the exchange of wedding vows," the priest hinted at them.

"I, Li Fengjin, take you, Bai Renxiang, to be my lawfully wedded wife," his baritone voice echoes loud in the church. "My constant friend, my faithful partner and my forever love from this day forward. In the presence of our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, support you in your goals, honour and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you. I promise to cherish you for as long as we both shall live and till death do us part."

Bai Renxiang's eyes unknowing turned blurry as tears gathered in her eyes. She forcefully blinked them back so as not to ruin the make-up artist's hard work.

After a few deep breaths, to relax her shaky voice, Bai Renxiang said the same vow as his but just modified it a little by adding, for richer and for poorer.

Most people had already wile their tears numerous times watching the couple take their vows. Especially, Jiang Meilin as she realized that her baby has fully grown and will soon leave her to spend the rest of her life with her new life partner.

Even though Bai Renxiang had promised to visit her often, she could not help it.

After exchanging their vows, the priest prayed on the wedding rings before the couple proceed to wear each other the rings.

"Bai Renxiang, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love. As it encircles your finger, may it remind you always that you are surrounded by my enduring love," Li Fengjin said as he pushes the ring into her finger.

Bai Renxiang also did the same thing. That been done, the priest turns to the audience.

"If anyone objects to the marriage of Bai Renxiang and Li Fengjin, speak now or forever hold your peace."

He waited for a while before he turned back couple. "With the power invested in me by the Supreme being, God in heaven, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Li Fengjin took the hem of the veil covering his wife's face and slowly lifts it before letting it go behind her head. He smiled as he notices her blushing.

Wrapping one hand on her waist, he gently pulls her closer to him. He placed the other hand under her chin and made her meet his eyes.

Ever so slowly and softly, their lips met and lock in a soul-unifying kiss.

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