Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 435 Safe



Wang Tingxiao and Dong Yang were shocked at who shot the gun. Lisa, with tears still dripping from her wide eyes and her whole body trembling.

Dong Yang's insides burned in rage. How could this weak sex toy of his shoot him? How dare this pathetic woman point a pistol at him, Dong Yang?

'She is going to pay,' he thought.

"How dare you–"



Another bullet pierced through his skull just as ge was about to move toward her. Lisa shut her eyes closed when she fired the bullet. She had done so on impulse and in great fear.

Dong Yang's now lifeless body fell on the floor like a piece of useless wood.


It was only at the loud sound did Wang Tingxiao come back to his senses. He trailed from the dead body with a hole on the head to Lisa who was still shaking. Her eyes were closed and her head was turned to the side.

"Lisa," Wang Tingxiao called her softly and carefully.

He did not want to alert her or else his body might be the next thing to fall lifeless on the floor.

"Stay away from me," Lisa shouted.

"Lisa it's me, your–"

"Don't!" She shouted again when she heard his footstep.

"Don't come closer or I will shoot you. I'm not scared of you, Dong Yang. Any more move from you and I'll shoot your balls," she frighteningly threatened, her eyes still closed.

Wang Tingxiao would have laughed if the situation was not serious right now. She was threatening a dangerous man with her eyes closed and yet she says she is not scared of him.

How funny.

"Lisa, Dong Yang is dead. It's me, Tingxiao," he tried to convince her while taking quiet steps closer.

"Ting... Tingxiao?"

"Yes, babe. It's me and no one else. I'm here now. Open your eyes and look at me, okay?"

As if she was cast under a spell, Lisa slowly opened her eyes. Her wet eyelashes fluttered slowly as she turned her head. Her gaze met with Wang Tingxiao's calm and loving ones.

The pistol in her hands dropped to the floor and tears spilt more from her eyes.

"Tingxia– aaahhh!!"

Lisa screamed when her eyes unintentionally met the dead body on the floor. She stumbled back and tripled on her footing causing her to fall butt-flat on the floor.

"Lisa calmed down" Wang Tingxiao quickly enveloped in his warm embrace and slowly rubbed her back.

"I killed... I killed someone. I killed him," she muttered.

"Yes you did but it was for a reasonable cause."

"That makes me a... a murderer?"

"No. No, you are not a murderer. Think of it as self-defence. Yeah, self-defence," Wang Tingxiao said.

Lisa continued to weep in his arms. "I was so scared that he... that he would take me away *sob* I'm scared, Tingxiao. I don't want to stay here anymore. *sob* I don't want to stay anywhere that you are not... Please."

"You won't. We will now. I'm here now. Nothing is going to happen to you. You are safe as long as you have me," he placed a kiss on her head.

While he was helping Lisa calm down, Wang Tingxiao's men came into the house. They were stunned to see the damage, the dead body and the couple hugging on the floor in the living room.

"Help me clean up this mess," Wang Tingxiao ordered as he carried Lisa out of the house.

Lisa clung to him like a Koala. She was not ready to leave him or raise her head from his neck. Since he was tired, one of the men drove them to another apartment he owned.

"Babe, have some water," he offered her.

After taking a few gulps of water, Lisa went back to her position on his neck. One of her hands slid down to his waist and felt something sticking in the way.

Lisa frowned. She moved away to look at her hand only to see red fluid on it. "Tingxiao... Blood. You are bleeding?"

"It's nothing serious. Let's get you home first and then I can attend to it," Wang Tingxiao pushed her face back to where it was before.

"What do you mean? You are wounded. Let me see," Lisa stubbornly astride him and raised his shirt.

"Gasp," she gasped when she saw the wounded.

It looked deep and wide and blood had already dried around and on the wound. She looked up to see that Wang Tingxiao had turned his head to the window.

'He must be in pain and yet ge is still thinking of my safety. It was Dong Yang who stabbed him. It is all because of me,' she thought.

The dam of tears that had seemed to be closed opened again.

"Hey," Wang Tingxiao wiped her eyes. "What's wrong?"

"You are wounded because of... all because of me," she said between her sobs.

"That's not true... Well, it is because of you but not like that. Don't feel bad because of that."

"But you must be hurting."

"Tsk. Silly girl. This is nothing at all. I can even take loads of bullets for you."

"Now is not the time to be cheesy," Lisa smacked his chest.

Wang Tingxiao let out a low laugh. "It is for you and not because of you. It is something I would do anytime as far as it is for you. So don't worry. I'm okay," he assured her.

"Let's go to the hospital first," Lisa suddenly said.

"There is no need for that. Let's just go–"

"Take us to the hospital quick," she told the driver.

"Yes, ma'am," the driver nodded.

Wang Tingxiao sighed. There was no use for him to start arguing with her. She had already won as soon as she saw the stab wound. Also, she was just too stubborn and would not listen to what will say, so...

"I am so happy I came early, Lisa. Thank God you are okay and with me."

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