Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 428 Not On My Watch



"She just needs shares to add to her hard work so that she can be a potential CEO candidate."

Grandpa Bai found his wife's words to be absurd. "And whose shares would she be needing to become a potential CEO candidate? Yours?"

"She looked so dejected and worried. I wanted to help her. It was my own decision. She asked me for my shares and–"

"And you agreed? You agreed to give her your shares?" Grandpa Bai thundered.

"Yes, I agreed. What is wrong with that, Muyang? Why are you behaving like this? I want to support my granddaughter who wants to support her father and the image of the company. What is wrong with that?" Grandma Bai's brows were no furrows?

She too was finding her husband's sudden attitude to be absurd. She was confused as to why he was being too cold and hateful to Bai Ming.

"What image and what support?"

"Well since that disgraceful child has but nothing but shame unto this family and has even left us, the only filial grandchild we have... the only child that did not bring shame and disgrace to this family has chosen to be of help to us. So what is wrong in support her with my shares?"

"Everything is wrong, you hear me? EVERYTHING. If she can't improve herself by herself that she is a potential candidate for the position of CEO, then she is not worthy of it," he said.

"Then who is worthy? That disgrace of a grandchild?" Grandma Bai questioned.

"Yes. Renxiang. She is worthy because she is the legitimate daughter of Guiren," grandpa Bai replied.

"Even though... Renxiang already has a company to herself. Why can't you want Mingming to have this one to herself? She is also Guiren's daughter."

"Illegitimate daughter," he corrected.

"As long as his blood... the same blood that runs through Renxiang's veins runs through hers, then she is entitled to head the company. Besides, if Renxiang heads the company, it would affect its image," grandma Bai tried to make him see things in her light.

"How so?"

"The company does not need a CEO who sells herself to get business deals," grandma Bai said.

"So, it is an illegitimate child the company needs as its CEO?"

"Don't call her that," grandma Bai spat out.

"Then don't call Renxiang a disgraceful child. Everyone makes mistakes and you are about to make one by giving your shares to that girl," grandpa Bai slammed his palms on the bed.

"Well then... It would be my mistake and not yours. I want to support my granddaughter," grandma Bai declares.

"You are right," grandpa Bai stood up and walked to the door. "It is your mistake and not mine."

Grandma Bai's eyes shone. Now they were on the same page.

"So you agree to–"

"But I will not let you make that mistake when I am here," he turned to her. "Not on my watch, Fenhua. Not on my watch."

With that, grandpa Bai opened the door and left the room. Grandma Bai was left speechless as she watched the husband leave the room just like that.

She was so angry and shocked that she could not even stand up to follow him. She knew that she had lost this argument. Her husband was serious about this and he would make sure that he does not give her shares to Bai Ming.

But if her husband has set his mind on his decision, so was she. She would not back down now. She has already promised that she would do this for the benefit of the company.

Without further ado, grandma Bai went back downstairs to get her phone. She has expected to see her husband other but to her dismay and relief, he was not in the living room.

"Where did he go now?" She mumbled a question.

She called one of the maids and asked about the whereabouts of grandpa Bai. She was told that he just left the mansion again.

"What? He left again? Where? Did he mention the place he was going to?" Grandma Bai asked the make.

"No, madam. He just left. He seemed to be angry, might I add," the maid said.

"Sigh. No worries then. Inform me as soon as he gets back, okay?"

"Yes, madam."

"Good. You can go and continue what you were doing," grandma Bai waved her off.

"Alright, madam. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to call me."


With that, the maid bowed before she excused herself. Grandma Bai sat down and picked up her phone from the side table.

"That old man thinks he can control me and tell me what my decisions should be and not be. Hmph," she complained as she scrolled through her phone.

"I should call my lawyer to discuss this thing with him."


Bai Renxiang was way too tired from trying on one dress to another. Each dress she tried, according to her mother and mother-in-law, we're good for her but they were not good enough for the wedding party.

Bai Renxiang could not get what they wanted. Even the staff attending to them were confused.

In the end, they bought clothes for her to wear on other occasions and agreed to Bai Renxiang's suggestions of going to the mall Jiang Corporation and Emperor's Enterprise owned together.

There, Ning Xiaozhi and Yi Changying picked a suitable outfit for the wedding. And of course, they snapped and sent to Bei Suzy for her opinion.

Also, Jiang Meilin and Mrs Li finally picked a 'worthy' outfit for the party. Bai Renxiang could not be any happier. But her happiness was short lives when they started picking more and making her try them on.

Meanwhile, Li Fengjin who was in a meeting kept getting messages from his mother. They were all pictures of Bai Renxiang in different gowns. He smiles when he saw how gorgeous she looked in all of them.

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