Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 403 Angels In The Disguise




It was a day kike every other. Mrs An and her husband were busy attending to their customers when a group of loan sharks barged into their shop asking for money.

"Mr An, we gave you enough time. Now, where is our money?" The leader said.

"But the deadline you gave us is still three days away. Why do you want the money now, Cian?" Mr An asked.

"Tch. You have got down guts, huh mister? We are the ins who decide when we want to collect our money."

"But there was a written agreement signed by both parties. It is not getting time to collect your money. I will pay you when the deadline comes and that is till three days. Please, leave. You are scaring my customers."

Mr An was a bold and well-learned man. He knew how to fight for himself and his family in circumstances like this one. Even though they had yet to raise half the amount of the money, an agreement is an agreement.

"Please, Cian. We will pay the money in due time. Please," Mrs An begged.

"It looks like Mr and Mrs An do not understand my words," Cian spat out the stick in his mouth. "I said that we are the ones that decide when we collect our money. Deadline or not."

"But what about the agreement we signed with your boss. Do you people not hold such things valid? You can't keep hold to your promise?" Mr An questioned hum.

"You have quite a sharp tongue, Mr An. But it was our boss who sent us. Now quit yapping and get me my money," Cian broke a table to show that he was deadly serious.

Mrs An shook in fear of his outburst. Even the customers were scared out of their senses. Mr An wanted to still insist but the remaining men that came with Cian started destroying things making the customers flee for their lives.

"Stop this, Cian. This is irrational of you. Stop destroying my shop," Mr An shouted.

"No can do, mister. Bring the money and we will stop," Cian smirked at him.

After Mrs An and Mr An tried to stop the heavily built men but it was of no use. They kept pushing them to the ground and even hitting them in the process.

Cian ordered them to search for any cash in the shop. After a long while of searching they found nothing.

"Boss, there is nothing here," one of the men reported.

"What?" Cian barked. "Where is the money?" He asked Mr An.

"There is no money yet. We just opened the shop and you came, destroying things and scaring the people that would have kaid for the things they ate here," Mr An barked back with a glare.

"Oh! He has got an attitude, huh? It is alright. It's alright. Bingo," he called.

"Yes, boss."

"Take the woman. She can serve as a collateral till their debt is paid," Cian ordered.

"What? How dare you? Don't touch my wife," Mr An tried to fight back but it was fruitless.

Mrs An was very scared now. She kept begging and shouting for help. Tears soaked her youthful face. But everything fell on the dead ears of the lustful men that were hungrily looking at her.

"She will make a very nice collateral for our boss. If you can't pay the money, our boss can do as he pleases with her until he is tired of her," Cian licked his lips as he spoke.

"Curse you, Cian. Let my wife go this very instant or you will not like what I will do to you," Mr An warned him.

"What will you do?"

"He does not need to do anything," a lady's voice sounded behind them.

It was Mrs Jiang, old man Jiang's wife.

"What do you want? This is not your business madam. Please leave," Cian hissed.

"Let his wife go and we can settle this like civilised people," Old man Jiang said.

"Settle? Civilised? Who the hell do you think you both are to order us around?"

Just then, a group of men in black that were bulkier and sturdier than the men with Cian surrounded the shop. They set Mrs An free while apprehending Cian's men.

"Now, shall we speak in your language?" Mrs Jiang asked with a smile.

In the end, Mr and Mrs Jiang cleared all their dept and offered them a better place to stay. A place that was not owned by barbarians who derive pleasure from troubling their tenants.

"Sir, madam, we give you our thanks. For this thing that you have done for us, I and my wife will forever be indebted to you," Mr An and his wife bowed their heads in thanks.

"Ah! Raise your heads. The both of you. You do not need to be indebted to us. That is a very big word. We just helped a young couple in trouble. That's all," Mrs Jiang hooked her head.

"Then, we will force grateful for your act of benevolence and kindness. Thank you very much. Truly," Mrs An said.

"Sigh. As far as you can keep that precious little baby girl safe and give her a good raise in this good environment, we are satisfied," Mr Jiang start as he said at the cute baby Daiyu in Mrs An arms.

"Oh, we will. Thank you."

"Well then, we shall be off now. Thank you for the cake," Mrs Jiang smiled at them.

"Yes. Have a safe trip to wherever you are going."

"May the Lord bless and guide you both," Mr and Mrs An prayed.

"Thank you. Bye now."

**Flashback ends**

"Sigh. There are still people who are like them. Ready to help the needy and the troubled with their wealth. Maybe Bai Xiaojin's mother is related to that couple. After all, she is the CEO of Jiang Corporation," Mrs sighed.

"Mama, they must be angels in disguise, right?"

"Hehehe. I guess so."

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