Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 377 Urgent News



"Boss, I have urgent news for you. Thank God you picked up quickly," Charlie said.

Bai Renxiang could detect the urgency in his voice. But aside from that, there was something else. Something other than urgency that she could not place a name on yet.

"What is assistant Charlie? Tell me quickly," she said.

"We have managed to get our hands on the culprit. The person who put those chemicals into the products has been identified."

"Really? Who was the person working for? Who gave the orders?" Bai Renxiang asked.

Her question shocked Charlie for a bit. He had thought that she would first ask who the person was. Anyway, you could not blame her. Knowing the mastermind behind all this is way better.

"It was Jiang Bojing himself," Charlie said through gritted teeth.

It was anger. He was angry that the enemy turned out to be the brother of their chairman. The one who was once the vice president of Jiang Corporation.

"Oh! So he is the traitor. I should have known from the very beginning," Bai Renxiang's voice came out in a low tone.

,m "He managed to bribe one of the employees in the producing team to give him the formula in which those products are made."

"What? I thought that was supposed to be a secret," Bai Renxiang got shocked.

"It was until it was sold out. But we have bad news yet again," he added.

"Another one? What is it this time?"

"It turns out that the employee was not the only one involved."

"What do you mean by not the only one involved? There is another person who infiltrated the factory?" She asked.

"Yes. Mu Duan, the employee who told Jiang Bojing about the formula said that it was all he knew. He claimed to not have any other thing to do with the bad products," Charlie elaborated.

"That can be a lie, Charlie. Hat if Jiang Bojing had asked h to do more damage than just telling him the formula?"

"I understand you, boss. But we have done everything we can and he is saying the truth. No lie was detected even for the lie-detecting machine we used just in case."

It was true. They had used whatever means possible aside from brutal torturing to get the truth out of Mu Duan. But they got nothing but the same thing over and over again.

Even the lie-detecting machine proved that he was not lying. They had no choice but to let the guy rest for some time but they also let it go. Then, Charlie placed a call across Bai Renxiang to tell her what they had got out of the guy.

"Sigh. Did this Mu Duan tell you what her other person was? Are they more than one or just a single accomplice?" Bai Renxiang spoke after a while of silence.

"No. He said he had no idea about the other person. But he said he was sure it was more than one as he heard Jiang Bojing talking on the phone after leaving."

"Where did he see Jiang bojing to hear him talking to whoever he was talking to on the phone? Did they meet up somewhere?"

"Yes. My Duan told us that Jiang Bojing had told whomever he was talking to that he would be sending three people to go to the factory. That was all he had heard," Charlie told Bai Renxiang all that Mu Duan had said to them when he was being interrogated.

"This whole issue has been tough. Now we have to find out who Jiang Boning was talking to and also the three people he had sent to the factory," Bai Renxiang massaged her temples as she talked.

"It appears to be so, boss. But of not worry. We have already started working on that. I and the investigating team think we should look for the there people who might have disguised themselves to get into the factory. If we can get them, then finding the mastermind behind this would be easy for us," Charlie relayed their plan to her.

"But that would be hard. We have not recovered the CCTV clips from previous days," Bai Renxiang aired her worries.

"We can get that. I have an idea," Charlie suddenly said.

"What do you have?"She asked as she say up straight on the chair.

"I was thinking that since those inspector-generals from the inspection company have been secretly monitoring us without us finding out, we could ask them about the videos on the factory," Charlie reasoned.

Bay Renxiang's eyes shone with hope. "Yes. That is Charlie. The culprit may have wiped out the company's security cameras but they did not do the same to this from the inspection company," she pointed out.

"Yes. So, if you want I could call inspector-general Si or inspector-general Mo to ask them to grant us access to the hidden cameras they placed in the factory," Charlie suggested.

"No. Do not worry. Please, let me do it. You already have so much to do concerning this issue," Bai Renxiang said.

"If you say so then," Charlie agreed. "Ah! Before I forget, is Haitao being of any help to you, boss?" He asked before ether ended the call.

"Oh, yes he is. Is way more than useful to me. It had just been how many days? Two? But he jas already been able to dig out the last and if the person or rather people who framed me into that scandal," she told.

"I see. I m glad to be able to provide someone who could help you out, boss."

"Thank you very much."

"You are welcome. I should probably end the call so that you could get to that inspector-general–"

"Mo," she finished for him. "Inspector-general Mo is the one I would ask for access to the cameras his company had installed in ours," Bai Renxiang said.

"Okay, boss."

With that already agreed on, Bai Renxiang ended the call. She schemed through her contacts in search of the inspector-general's phone number. As soon as she found it, she did not hesitate to call the number.

On the first ring, there was no answer. She tried again but it was the same thing. Bai Renxiang did not just want to stop there so she kept on calling till the call was finally connected.

"Hello. Inspector-general Mo speaking. Who is this?" A deep, cold gruff voice spoke.

"Hello, inspector-general Mo. This is CEO Bai on the line," she replied.

"Oh, CEO Bai. I am sorry. I did not check who was calling. My apologies. I was so drowned in my work that I did not feel the vibration of my phone," the man's voice relaxed a little bit. But the professionalism still remained.

He had kept his phone on vibration so that he could concentrate on important work on his desk. So when Bai Renxiang's numerals came, he did not hear it ring.

"It is not a problem, inspector-general. I clearly understand."

"Thank you. So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" He asked.

He wanted to go straight to the point with the call as the work he was to do was very very important. He could not waste time on other things just yet.

"Ahem! Inspector-general Mo, on the day of the press conference that was held at clay you revealed to me that you had hidden cameras installed to monitor it properly," she caused.

"Yea. I did. Is there any problem? Do you want me to take them down?" He asked.

"Nk, no. Not at all," Bai Renxiang shook her head as if he could see her. "The thing is, we have been investigating the case of this harmful product made. But it has been ineffective."

"How so?"

"All the CCTV footage or video clips have been wiped out fry company's security database," she deadpanned.

"What?" Mo's voice raised by an octave.

"It came as a shock to us as well, inspector-general... So, I wanted to request that you would grant my investigating team access to those hidden cameras."

There was silence at inspector-general Mo's end. He was thinking about her request and all she had said. He saying the prons and find of it all.

Bai Renxiang did not speak as she knew he must be contemplating. She waited patiently for his answer and she hoped that it would be a year. This was the only way they could get to solve this.

After much thinking, inspector-general Mo finally said something. "Listen, CEO Bai," he started. "What you have asked of me is quite tasking."

"So does that mean that you cannot handle it, inspector-general's Mo?" She asked. She hid her disappointment very well.

"No, CEO Bai. It's not that I can't handle it. It is just that I can but not alone."

He was speaking in phrases that Bai Renxiang could not understand. She wondered why he was not telling her the full thing. So she asked.

"Can you throw more light at what you have just said? I do not seem to get you."

"Sigh. It is like this. I was not the only one who ordered that secret cameras should be installed in your company and the factory. It was a joint agreement," he took the pain of explaining things to her.

"I see," she finally got it.

"Yes. So I can't be the only one I decide to grant you access to them."

"So that means you can help me speak to the others to agree to my request."

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