Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 371 Work, Wait And Watch



"I hate that pest and her mother. Why can't they just disappear from this world?" Bai Ming asked in anger.

"Do not let your father hear you say that. Our cover might get blown if he starts getting suspicious of us. But I doubt he will with you acting to cover up," Lin Ying gave her a proud smile.

"Of course. If it comes to that, I can just say I hate them for stressing him a lot even after all he is for the both of them," Bai Ming suggested.

"That's my girl." Lin Ying latter her head. "But before that, we need to up our game for the ball that might happen later in the future."

"Yes. I will give in my best. Until then, let us work, wait and watch."

Having nothing else to discuss, Bain Ming decides to take her to leave and go you her own bedroom. Since she arrived home, she has not settled down to really relax.

Bai Ming was itching for a warm bubble bath. So once she reaches her room, she called Li Na to come and prepare her bath. While the maid was at it, she took her the to remove her make-up and clothes.

That being taken care of including the bath, Bai Ming dipped herself into the bathtub and a long, relieving sigh escape her lips.

"This is the life," she said to herself.


The next day.

Ye Chaoxiang had just come out from a very complicated surgery that lasted more than four hours. All through last night till this moment, he has not had a breather.

One could see little eye bags under his eyes. His face was looking pale and he needed lots of rest. Without thinking of something else, Ye Chaoxiang sat down on a bench outside the waiting area of the operating theatre.

He watched with barely opened eyes as they wheeled the patient to the Intensive Care Unit. One of the doctors that joined in the operation came to join him on the bench.

"That one was tough," the doctor said.

"It was more than tough. In fact, calling it tough is an understatement, doctor Liang," Ye Chaoxiang sighed.

"It is indeed... Hah! I can't wait to go back home, have a nice shower and sleep," Doctor Liang said.

"Just that? Are you not going to have a meal before sleeping?" Ye Chaoxiang asked as he turned to look at the guy beside him.

"I don't have the strength to make a meal to eat. Maybe I will just grab something from the hospital's cafeteria before heading out," doctor Ling shrugged.

"That is a good idea. You know what?"


Standing on his feet, Ye Chaoxiang smiled, "Why don't we grab a meal at the cafeteria and eat together? It had been a long time since I ate with my colleagues at the hospital. What do you sag?"

Doctor Liang was... surprised or shocked. Whatever you choose to name what he felt. He just stared up at Ye Chaoxiang causing the latter's brows to twitch a little.

"Wh-What? Did I say something wrong?" Ye Chaoxiang asked.

"No... No, you did not say anything wrong. I just... I just thought that... No, I never expected that you would want us to eat together. I mean, you are kind of–"

"Unapproachable," Ye Chaoxiang finished for him.


Ye Chaoxiang cocked a brow at the stammering guy. Seeing this, doctor Liang panicked.

"No. I don't mean unapproachable. I mean you are but in a... in a certain type of way. Like in a good way. I totally understand that you want to be alone and do not kike too much contact with people, especially the nurses we have in this hospital..."

"Pft... Hahaha," Ye Chaoxiang let out a small laugh.

Doctor Liang stopped talking. He realised that he had said a lot due to his panic. He could only scratch the back of his head in awkwardness. Then, he smiled apologetically.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to cut you off or be rude or anything. I just found it funny," Ye Chaoxiang apologised.

"No, It is I who should be sorry. I think I said too much. I must have blurted out the wrong words unintentionally."

"Relax, doctor Liang. You are getting flustered and I do not see any lady around. Why are your ears red?" Ye Chaoxiang asked?

"Ah! That... I am a bit embarrassed, that's all. Don't mind it," Doctor Liang covered his red ears from Ye Chaoxiang's curious eyes.

"If you say so then. Come on now. I am getting hungry," Ye Chaoxiang said before ge walked off.

Doctor Liang let out a sigh of relief. He was glad that Ye Chaoxiang had not picked an offence in all that he said.

Everyone knew how Ye Chaoxiang was in the hospital. His face was always stern except he was dealing with patients. He hated noise so therefore, he rarely stayed around after his work is done or even eat the hospital's cafeteria.

It was the same way he liked his space and quiet. That was why those female nurses could only swallow their love when he was around.

He unlike other doctors would not even bat an eye at their fittings. His cold gaze alone would make you know your place, why you are there in the hospital and what you should do and not do.

No one wanted to be in his bad books even if he smiled and joked sometimes. They still had to be careful. That was why doctor Liang had to quickly apologise before Ye Chaoxiang got offended.

But he was shocked to see that instead of an angry doctor, a laughing one surfaced and even wants them to have lunch together.

"Doctor Liang the food will not come to you there," Ye Chaoxiang said.

His voice was a little bit higher as he had walked far from where doctor Laing was sitting.

"Ah! Wait for me, doctor Ye. I am coming."

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