Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 365 I Can't Be Rational



Later that afternoon, Bai Renxiang and Ali Fengjin left the company together. They used the private elevator that lead straight to the parking lot. Li Fengjin pulled her to join him in his car.

While they were on the way, Bai Renxiang noticed that there was no ring on any of Li Fengjin's fingers. She gave him a confused yet questioning look.

"You can't get enough of my handsome face, huh?" He said as he noticed her incessant stare.

"It is not your face that is making me stare at you, you narcissist," Bai Renxiang retorted.

"Oh! Then why were you starting?" He asked.

"You are not wearing an engagement ring. Where is yours? You don't like wearing it?"

Li Fengjin shook his head. "I am wearing our engagement ring. But not on my finger though."

He dipped his hand inside his shirt and brought out a gold chain. The chain had a round platinum gold ring stringed to it. It was Li Fengjin's engagement ring.

"This is it. Safely secured around my neck," he said.

"But it can still be secured around your ring finger, don't you think?"

"Why do I feel like you want me to wear it on my finger?" Li Fengjin faced her squarely.

"Why do I feel like you don't want to wear it on your finger? You do not want people to know that you are engaged?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"I want the whole world to know that I am engaged. I want everyone to know that I will soon be married to the best, most beautiful, independent, hot and naive woman," Li Fengjin stated.

"Then why not wear it? At least it would ward off those women who throw themselves at you," she mumbled as she touched the ring on the chain.

"Wait... Are you jealous? No... Let me rephrase that. Are you being possessive, right now?"

"I am not jealous. Why would I be? I got the man almost every woman wants. I can't be jealous," Bai Renxiang said the obvious.

Smiling meaningfully at her, he asked. "Then, are you being possessive of this man that almost every woman wants?"

"Well, you can say that I am being possessive. Or you can just say that I am staking my claim on MY man," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Better yet, I think it would suit you better if you wore the ring on your finger."

"I can't believe you just said those words to me without even batting an eye. Just how do you become sexy and innocent at the time?"

"I just said the truth. Also, you are just saying those things to flatter me," Bai Renxiang pulled away and relaxed her back on the chair.

"I am not flattering you. I just said the truth," Li Fengjin used her own words.

"Fine. So, are you going to wear the ring?" She looked at him expectantly.

"I will if only you tell me that I would look more ot and handsome when wearing the ring," Li Fengjin had a playful smile on his face.

Bai Renxiang blinked once, twice and thrice.

"Must I state the obvious?" She asked him a smile of her own showing off her cute dimples.

"Yes, you must, my love."

"Then... You will look so hot, handsome and tamed if you wear the ring," she said.

"Tamed? Why add that?"

Poking his chest, Bai Renxiang said, "Tsk. And yet you call me silly. It is because you fell for me. I tamed your playboy heart."

Li Fengjin leaned closer to Bai Renxiang. "Hehehe. Alright then. I will wear it. Or you can help me take it off and wear it for me," he said in a seductive whisper.

Bai Renxiang gulped loudly. Her face felt warm all of a sudden. She blushed. Seeing this little reaction from her, Li Fengjin smirked.

"Ahem! O– Okay. You can't play any dirty and naughty tricks on me, alright?" She warned him with a suspicious gaze.

"I am waiting."

Taking one last glance at Li Fengjin, Bai Renxiang leaned closer to him and wrapped her hands around his neck. The fact that Li Fengjin was not moving closer was a problem for her.

She could not see the lock of the chain. They were already close enough. Bai Renxiang then turned the chain till the lock was visibly at his front. Smiling triumphantly, she unlocked it, took the ring and wore it on Li Fengjin's finger.

As soon as she raised her eyes to meet his, that was it. She was enchanted and had her lips taken into another unexpected, sweet kiss.


In Bai Renxiang's home.

"Sweetie... Oh, how are you feeling?" Jiang Meilin hugged her as soon as she opened the door for them.

"I am alright, mum. Everything went well," Bai Renxiang said as she returned her mother's hug.

"Including the culprit behind all this? Have you found the person who put that chemical in the product?"

"Not yet mum. But Charlie said he is doing all he can with the people that are investigating this whole stuff."

"Okay. Hello, son. How is work?" Jiang Meilin asked Li Fengjin.

"Good afternoon, mum. Work is stable."

"Good. Good. I made fruit salad a few minutes ago sit down and let me bring some for you," Jiang Meilin offered.

"Don't worry mum. I will do it. Where is Xiaojin?" Bai Renxiang dropped her bag on the centre table and took off her heels.

"Mummy. Daddy," Bai Xiaojin came running into the living room and hugged them alternatively.

"Welcome home," he said.

"Thank you. Did you just come out of the shower?"

"I did. Grandma just left like thirty minutes ago. I went over to meet uncle Shin and Shane at home and stayed there for a while. Then I did a little of my homework... Oh, about the homework. Daddy can we do it together?" Bai Xiaojin asked.

"Sure, we can. Let me see it," Li Fengjin agreed immediately.

With that, Bai Xiaojin dashed inside to get his homework. Bai Renxiang smiled.

"You are going to be a great dad," she said.

"You think so? I have been having doubts."

"Why would you doubt that? There is nothing you can't do. You have proven so yourself and that at countless times."

"Well, I have not been spending much time with him. I think I should create much more time for both of us. I barely know his likes and dislikes," Li Fengjin sighed.

"Don't fret. The closing of the school section is near as well as the end of the year. So there will be plenty of time for you two to create a father and son bond and make it strong. And we still have this weekend to spend at the beach. So..."

"Yeah. You are right. For now, I should just utilize whatever time I have with him henceforth. But I will still be needing help from you. We will be doing this together as a family that we are," he held unto her hands.

"I will always be available to help. Plus, I like the fact that you already consider us as a family already," Bai Renxiang said and hugged him.

"Are you guys going to keep hugging without me?" Bai Xiaojin's voice sounded from behind them.

"Come here," Li Fengjin carried him and they had a big hug.

After a few seconds, they broke off from the hug.

"You two get down on the homework while I take a bath. I will serve the fruit salad when I get back," said Bai Renxiang.

"Okay," Bai Xiaojin and Li Fengjin chorused.

"Alright. Have fun, you two."

Li Fengjin stayed with them till it was ten o'clock in the evening. He personally tucked Bai Xiaojin into bed, another fatherly experience he had enjoyed.

"Is he sleeping?" Bai Renxiang asked when Li Fengjin walked back to the living room.

"Yeah. Sound asleep. He looks like you in his sleep," he chortled.

"I am his mother after all."

He pulled Bai Renxiang in for a hug. Taking deep breaths, her sweet comforting scent wafted into his nostrils. He caressed her back as they stayed like that for a while.

"Yeah... Sigh, I can't wait for us to finally get married and move in together. It would be just the three of us," he whispered.

"Me too."

"My love?"

"Yes, honey."

"Can we have a girl child next?" Li Fengjin asked.


"I want her to look more like you this time around," he added.

"You just saying that to tease me right? Don't be naughty, Jin," Bai Renxiang pinched his waist.

"I am not. I am serious. When we get married, I want to have a very adorable baby girl as soon as possible," his voice was serious.

"You don't want us to enjoy ourselves for at least a year before getting another child?" Bai Renxiang asked despite her flushed face.

"A year is too much. Hmm... Okay, how about we enjoy ourselves for six months first before welcoming another member of our family?" He suggested.

"How about we just go with the flow? Let nature take its course in that aspect."

"As you wish, my love."

"I love you, Jin. Very much," Bai Renxiang confessed.

Li Fengjin planted a gift kiss on her forehead and said, "I love you more. Now, come and see me to the door before I lose my senses and kiss you with careless abandon."

"Geez. Can't you control yourself?"

"With you, it is impossible to control. I can't be rational as far as I am in love with you."

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