Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 288 Emotional Talks



"Minsheng, please don't leave your mummy," Mrs Yi muttered in her sleep.

Yi Minsheng smiled slightly. He felt bad for shouting at her and behaving the way he did. Now she was dreaming of him leaving. She might have pondered on that for a really long time before she slept.

"Mum," he called softly as he patted her shoulder. "Mum, wake up."

"Hmm," Mrs Yi slowly opened her eyes.

"Mum, why are you sleeping here? Why did you not go to your room?" Yi Minsheng asked the sleepy woman?

"Hit? What time is it? Are you going to work already? Wait let me make you a quick breakfast," Mrs Yi said as she sat up on the couch.

'Even when she just woke up and we argued, she still cares for me,' Yi Minsheng thought.

"I am not going to work today. It is Sunday and midnight. Why did you sleep here?" Yi Minsheng asked after stopping her from moving.

"I... What are you doing here?" It's Yi asked instead of answering his question.

"I wanted to make something to eat and go back to bed," he answered.

"Ah! You really have not had anything since this morning. I will quickly heat the dinner I prepared."

"Stop it." Mrs Yi paused. "You have not answered my question yet. Why did you sleep here?"

"I... Well, I was watching one of those TV shows I enjoy. I slept off."

"Lair. None of the shows you watch is shown an hour after dinner. So tell me the truth," Yi Minsheng eyed get.

"Sigh. Well... I thought that you would come back later. I wanted to apologise. I am sorry, son. I should not have put pressure on you. It is hard to get over first love. I should not have expected you to forget so quickly I am sorry for everything. Please, forgive me," Mrs Yi apologised.

"No. I am the one who should be asking for your forgiveness. I behaved rudely with you when I came back. I let my frustration get the best of me," Yi Minsheng also apologised.

"Oh, honey. I was never mad at you. Come here and give mummy a hug," Mrs Yi said with widely stretched arms.

Yi Minsheng sat beside her and dove in for the warm mother's hug. Mrs Yi patted his head on her chest. It brought back old memories.

"Mum, I have decided to let go of Bai Renxiang. She will be happy with that guy... I hope," Yi Minsheng said.

"Hmm. From what I noticed, she really loves her boyfriend, Li Fengjin. Plus, they are a really good match, especially with the resemblance of him and Bai Xiaojin," Mrs Yi said.

"I thought I was the only one that saw that. I think he is the father of Bai Xiaojin," Yi Minsheng added.

"Sigh. Well, if he is really the father of Li Fengjin, then it is great they are in life with each other. Bai Renxiang will no longer be ridiculed by the ladies in this building. I can't stand their gossip," she said with a frown.

"Yeah. Maybe it is better if they are together. It would be a dream come true for Bai Xiaojin who always seemed fatherly love and present in his life," Yi Minsheng said softly.

"Honey, do not feel bad about it, okay. Try to think of it as your sister finally having a boyfriend and your nephew got the family of his dreams. You might feel better that way," Mrs Yi suggested.

"Is that what you did to get dad out of your mind?" Yi Minsheng asked all of a sudden.

"Kind of. But my thought of him became cruel as time went by. He never stopped by for your birthdays or ask how you were doing. He did not even care if I had enough to raise you as a child back then. I felt terrible anything I see my outlaw not sitting in the living room waiting for his father to come home. I hate him to my bones," Mrs Yi said.

"So you felt like this towards him all these while? I thought you still loved him."

"I did for a few months. But that love died the day I discovered he has a family elsewhere. But, I could not tell you while you were young. I did not want to ruin the fatherly image you have built of him," Mrs Yi said.

"I would have appreciated it if you did. But I saw him with my own eyes with another woman. I felt broken but not for myself. I felt it for my mother who was bearing all the responsibilities alone. Don't worry, mum. From now on you have me. It is my turn to take care of us."

"You have done that since you earned your own. I am so proud to be called your mother. Sigh. Enough sad and emotional talk. Come. We need to put some food in that stomach of yours."


Days and weeks and a month have passed by. Bai Renxiang's relationship with Li Fengjin grew. Also, she recovered well enough for her to resume work at the company. Xia Xinyi, her assistant was elated to see her boss in could health.

Old man Jiang became overprotective of her ever since the accident and kidnapping. Li Fengjin was the worst. Anytime they were out together, he would make sure to take Bai Renxiang to her apartment before he left.

Bai Renxiang found it romantic but she still rejected his offer even if she knew he would not listen to her. She felt like a kid.

"Fengjin, I can go home by myself. Do not take all that trouble," Bai Renxiang said.

"Why should I not take the trouble? As far as it is you there is no trouble at all. So be good and get in the car," Li Fengjin said.

They had just left the restaurant they had another date in. Li Fengjin did not want Bai Renxiang to go in her own car. He defended himself saying that he did not want what happened to repeat itself.

"Come on. I am not a baby. Besides, grandpa already has more than enough guards following me like a convoy. I am tired of it," Bai Renxiang whined.

"Well, that us your old man and not me. Please, my love. Get in. Do you not want to use this opportunity to spend time with me," Li Fengjin said and wiggled his brows at her.

"Aha! That is why you always insist on dropping me off. You want to spend more time with me," Bai Renxiang pointed a finger at him.

"So? Which good boyfriend would not want to spend more time with his girlfriend and vice versa?" He asked the obvious.

"It is normal. But in this case..." She flipped her hair arrogantly. "You are the one who wants to spend time with me. Admit that you can't get enough of me," she said with her raised head and folded hands.

"Sigh. You are so proud and arrogant, you know that." Li Fengjin said.

"I know. I learnt from the best and most arrogant of them all."

"Is that teacher, me?"

"Who else but you, the king of the business world and this country," she said.

"I like the sound of that. I am the king and you are my queen. So, if you would your royal esteemed majesty, get into the car and enjoy the time this king of yours has to spend with you," Li Fengjin acted.

"Hmph. Since you beg me so much and really want to be with me, I will oblige you, your glorious majesty."

"Hehehe. You are such an actress. Let's go," Li Fengjin said and opened the door for her.

On getting home, Bai Xiaojin was excited to see his favourite uncle and potential daddy. He ran to Li Fengjin and jumped into his arms.

"Hey, there big man. How are you?"

"I am fine. I missed you," Bai Xiaojin said.

"Oh my! I can't believe this. My baby did not give a welcome home hug and even said he missed someone else. I feel betrayed," Bai Renxiang lamented.

"Mummy, I missed you too. Hug me."

Bai Renxiang did so and Bai Xiaojin showered her face with kisses. They both laughed.

"I miss the both of you. When will you come home early? You guys are always arriving at dinner. It is not fair that you spending time together without me," Bai Xiaojin said with a pout.

"Oh, my love. We had business to talk about. We will try to come home early next time, okay?"

"Okay. But that is not enough. What if work comes up again?"

"How about we go out together this weekend. Do you kike the sound of that?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Yay! I love it. I will finally get some family outings. Thank you m, uncle Jin," Bai Xiaojin rejoiced.

"You are welcome."

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