Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 259 Husband Material



"Did Li Fengjin peek at me when I was unconscious? Gasp. Oh no!" Bai Renxiang quickly placed a hand over her lips when she almost screamed.

She turned her eyes to the door and back at her image in the mirror. Then, she let out a sigh. After brushing her teeth with the new toothbrush and paste that was in the bag, Bai Renxiang searched for the other hospital gown.

Then she realized that she never looked into the drawer nor did she take it to the bathroom. She groaned in frustration as she closed her eyes. Now she would have to either go out with only a towel wrapped around her or ask Li Fengjin to help her.

Of course, Bai Renxiang would not choose the former. There was no way she would actually go out of the bathroom in only her underwear and a towel.

Bai Renxiang would not be able to do such when a man was in there. Not just some random man but a man that has feelings for her. The feelings she also had for him.

Without only the last option in mind, Bai Renxiang sighed again before slowly approaching the door.

"Sigh. Li Fengjin! Are... are you there?" She called.

"Yeah. Are you done?" Li Fengjin asked as he put away the phone he was operating before she called.

"Yes, I am," she answered his question.

"Okay. Do you need anything? Should I come in?" He asked.

Bai Renxiang heard his voice louder this time. She assumed that he must be by the door already. When she heard his question, she kind of panicked.

"No!" She shouted. "I mean, not yet. Uhm, I-I uh did not bring the other hospital gown with me. Can.. can you help me with it?"

"Yeah, sure. It is in the drawer, right?" Li Fengjin asked to be sure.

"Yes, it is."

She gently placed her ear on the door. She heard footsteps behind the door and then the opening and closing of the drawer.

Knock Knock


"I got it. Open the door," Li Fengjin said.


After making sure that the towel was wrapped tightly and securely around her body, she opened the door and brought her head out. Li Fengjin was standing in front of the door with a straight face.

Bai Renxiang gulped as she looked up at him. Her face was slightly red due to the warm bath she had. Her hair was still wet and her eyes were slightly dazed.

To Li Fengjin she looked seductive and cute all at once. He felt his heart skip when he saw her biting down on her rosy lips.

For some unknown reason, the memories of that night from three years ago flowed through his mind. Li Fengjin had an instant urge to have a taste of those lips.

Noticing the strange heat and naughty thoughts going through his head, Li Fengjin closed his eyes for a brief moment and then opened them.

"Here. Quickly put it on before you catch a cold," he said.

"Okay. Thank you."

He furrowed his brows when he heard his hoarse voice. He quickly cleared his throat and licked his lip. Meanwhile, Bai Renxiang was captivated by what he had just done.

Not wanting him to see her red face, she slammed the door shut.


"Control yourself, Bai Renxiang," she whispered to herself as she was leaning on the door.

Bai Renxiang did not want to waste her time putting on the hospital gown. She was getting cold by the minute. Rushing to put her clothes on, she unknowingly pressured her right leg.

"Hiss. Ouch!" She yelped in pain.

That was so unexpected. But what was more unexpected was that Li Fengjin was already inside the bathroom the moment she opened her eyes.

"Aahh! What are you doing here?" Bai Renxiang scored as she quickly pulled the hospital gown down to cover her body.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to help. I thought you hurt yourself," Lu Fengjin quickly apologised as he shut his eyes.

He did not want to make her feel uncomfortable seeing her half-naked. Bai Renxiang could not get any redder than she was. She was like a tomato. Very red.

"Are you okay now? Did your wound reopen?" He asked. His eyes were still closed.

"I am fine. I think I applied pressure on my right thigh. It hurt a little. But I am fine," she said in a low voice.

Without saying anything, Li Fengjin carried her again and walked out of the bathroom. After placing her on the bed, he went back to get her towel.

As soon as he got back, he started drying her hair. Later on, he brought out a hairdryer from the drawer and continues with the denying process. All through, Bai Renxiang just stared at her fingers that were fiddling with the hospital gown.

Bai Renxiang would jolt a little at the contact his fingers made with her scalp. He was gentle as his fingers combed through her hair. He seemed to be very skilled at doing what he was doing.

"You are great at drying hair. Where did you learn it?" She could not help but ask. Li Fengjin passed and looked at her head for a moment before he continued.

"If I tell you that my mother and my aunts made me and the boys learn how to dry a woman's hair, would you believe me?" Li Fengjin asked.

"Honestly speaking, I wouldn't," she said and giggled.

"Well, that's the truth though," Li Fengjin simply said.

"Gasp. No way! Are you being serious?" Bai Renxiang asked as he raised her head to look at him.

She wanted to see if he was telling the truth from his facial expression. But all she got was Li Fengjin's serious yet warm gaze. She was amazed.

"My God! What?! Your mother did that?" She still asked.

"Yes, she did. She said it was one of the good qualities of a husband, and that she was raising me to be a good husband, uhm... What did she call that gain?" He thought.

"Husband material?"

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