Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 250 Plan Failed



"The men I hired to kidnap that bitch Bai Renxiang have all done missing. Even the slut is missing," Bai Ming told her mother.

"What? How come?" Lin Ying asked in shock.

"I do not know, mummy. Fang called me and told me the news. All possibilities that might be the cause were crossed out. He said that someone found Bai Renxiang and helped her. That person might have taken all those men," Bai Ming said as she picked a pillow and threw it to the door.

"Calm down, honey. Stop throwing stuff," Lin Ying said.

"Calm down? How do you want ow to do that? What if they killed those people? Or worse, what if they question them about the person who ordered them to kidnap Bai Renxiang?"

"No, honey. That will not happen. Maybe-"

"Maybe what? Of course, it will happen. What if they open their filthy mouths and talk? They would know that I am the one behind it all. I do not want that to happen. All my plan has failed," she said in distress.

"Calm down. I said it before and u would say it again. That would not happen. Do you not trust your mother?" Lin Ying said assuringly.

"I do. But why are you so sure? Do you know how to deal with this?" Bai Ming asked as a small light of hope shine in her eyes.

,m "There is nothing I can do though," Lin Yong admitted and Bai Ming's eyes filled out as her shoulders drop in disappointment.

"But I did not say that all traces would he was to you. Have you forgotten that that investigator Fang was your go-between?" Lin Ying asked.

"No, I have not forgotten that."

"So, that means that those men who were hired to kidnap Bai Renxiang do not know the real mastermind behind all the plot."

"Gasp. Yes, but they know that Fang is not the ultimate boss. I am," Bai Ming stated.

"Yes, you are. But only investigator Fang knows that and it has to stay that way."

"So... What are you suggesting that we do?" Bake Ming asked.

"I say we wait for him to call again with the result. If he finds them alive, we would ask him to end them before they talk. If he does not, those men might be tortured for answers. So we will have to wipe off all evidence pointing to you," Lin Ying said meaningfully.

"Oh! I get it now. You mean to kill him before the person that found Bai Renxiang finds him," Bai Ming said as she nodded her head in understanding.

"Yes. That is exactly what I mean. So calm down and relax. You have your mother here with you," Lin Ying said.

"Oh! You are so great, mummy. I love you so much. You are the best of the best," Bai Ming praises her mother as they embraced wax other.

"I love you too, honey. So go out to enjoy yourself. Call Feng Yisheng so that the both of you can have dinner together," Lin Ying suggested with a knowing smile making Bai Ming blush.

"Aww! Look at you being all pink all of a sudden. My baby loves a good man," Lin Ying said and let out a girlish laugh.

"Feng Yisheng is the one for me, mummy. I love him so much and he cares for me and loves me too. I will be depressed without him in my life," Bai Ming's voice turned soft as she spike.

Seeing her behave like this now, one would not believe it if one was told that Bai Ming was a monster in rage a few minutes ago.

She looked so vulnerable and like a sweet fragile flower. It was a trump card she used to win over the hearts of guys back in her university and acting days.

Men would immediately feel the news to protect her once they see her like this.

"I am had to hear that you both love each other. You just have to be careful with how you behave and treat him."

"I know how to do that, mummy. I was thinking of taking a few culinary classes. They say the way to a nan's heart is through his stomach," Bai Ming said.

"Gasp. That is a great idea. Do that and lots more to have him wrapped around your finger. That way, his heart can't be snatched by some relationship wrecking bitch," Lin Ying advised.

"I will not let that happen. Feng Yisheng is mine and mine only. I will ruin any biotech that dares to take him away from me," Bai Ming said with an evil smirk.

"That us my girl. Now, give him a call already or send him a text hinting him to call you. Then, you two can fix a time for your date. I will leave you now," Li Ying said as she passed Bai Ming her phone.

"Thank you, mummy. I love you."

"I love you too. Make sure you have a nice time if you go out."

"I will, mummy."

Bai Ming did as her mother had advised her to do. She sent a nice text message saying she missed him, a cute emoji with puppy eyes and a heart.

Immediately, her phone rang in a special ring tone she customized for Feng Yisheng. She smiled cheekily as she received the call.

"Hi, baby," Feng Yisheng's cheerful voice rang out.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" She asked.

"I am doing great now. Your voice makes me feel warm and happy."

"Okay. That is great." She blushed.

"I saw your text. I missed you too. So to solve this, why don't we go out. I want to see you," Feng Yisheng suggested.

"Okay. Where should we go?"

"Let us go to the movies tonight. Or you can come over to my place. We can watch a movie in my room and cuddle all night."

"I love cuddles."

"Me too. I will see you later then."

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