Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 194 Outing



In Yang Chen's apartment, the boys were all seated in different places in the living room. Yang Chen was sat on the floor with a bowl of popcorn beside him as he busied himself playing video games. Li Fengjin was making a call while Ye Chaoxiang was on his phone, doing God knows what.

Li Fengjin ended the call and went to seat beside Yang Chen. He ate from the bowl as he continued watching Yang Chen play.

"Just how many note popcorn are you going yo steal from me?" Yang Chen paused the game and turned this Li Fengjin.

"What? Can't I even join you?" Li Fengjin asked with raised brows.

"Of course not," Yang Chen answered flatly.

"Sigh. But I am hungry and neither you nor Chaoxiang is ready to make breakfast," Li Fengjin whined.

"Serves you right for not learning how to cook. Besides, I am busy and I cooked the last time. Ask Chaoxiang to cook," Yang Chen said and continued his game.

Meanwhile, Ye Chaoxiang was having a nice chat with Ning Xiaozhi. He did not even bother about food or what his friends were blabbering about. Li Fengjin had been observing. At first he thought it was work related but later, the dude started smiling and then he would chortle and type on his phone.

His strange actions got Li Fengjin interested and his curiosity was piqued to its highest. Li Fengjin silently and carefully too toed to where Ye Chaoxiang sat. He stood behind him and happened to see their conversation.

Ye Chaoxiang: "What are you doing this weekend?"

Ning Xiaozhi: "Nothing actually. Why did you ask?"

Ye Chaoxiang: "I was hoping we could meet and maybe


"What the fuck?" Ye Chaoxiang turned to see who it was. His eyes bulges when he saw Li Fengjin reading his message.

"Li Fengjin, give me back my phone. Stop reading myessages. It's rude," Ye Chaoxiang tried to snatch his phone back from him but Li Fengjin was faster. He ran towards Yang Chen.

"Chen, Chaoxiang was texting a girl," he shouted. Yang Chen's ears picked up the word 'texting' and 'girl'. He dropped the game pad and quickly collected the phone from Li Fengjin.

"Wow! Ye Chaoxiang has started texting and asking his hot waitress out. Myan," he teased.

"Stop reading. Give me that," Ye Chaoxiang launched towards Yang Chen but he was late again. Yang Chen tossed the phone to Li Fengjin. They continued tossing and chasing each other until Ye Chaoxiang got the phone from them.

"Five minutes has passed already. I have not replied her text. Look what you guys have done. You made me keep her waiting. Not cool bros," he scokdes them.

"Relax. You were thinking so hard about what yo writ as a reply. Check your phone. I already replied in your stead," Li Fengjin said and sat beside Ye Chaoxiang in the carpented floor. Yang Chen followed sitting at Ye Chaoxiang's other side. Just as Li Fengjin said, he had really texted a reply and sent it.

Ye Chaoxiang: "I was hoping we could meet and hangout. Maybe watch a movie or eat at a restaurant."

"You see that. That is how you should do it," Yang Chen said and did a high five with Li Fengjin.

"Yeah. But why has she not replied yet? Does she think I am being too pushy?" Ye Chaoxiang asked his friends.

"Relax dude. She must be screaming or blushing or thinking if she should agree or not. Wait for it," Li Fengjin said.


"There you go. A reply."

Ning Xiaozhi: "How about getting ice cream or aimlessly driving around town?"

"And it's a yes," Yang Chen shouted.

"Ye Chaoxiang has got himself another date with a hot and pretty lady. Quick type a reply," Li Fengjin urged him.

Ye Chaoxiang: "Great. I pick you in thirty minutes."

Immediately he pressed the send button, Ye Chaoxiang stood on us feet and rushed towards his room. But he stopped on his tracks and turned back.

"Thanks guys. I will cook when I get back," he said bedure dashing away.

"Man. That dude is in love with that girl," Li Fengjin said.

"Sigh. I am just glad we can probably get to see him happy with someone apart from us," Yang Chen said.

"So... Now that Ye Chaoxiang has got a date, it is up to you are to make breakfast. What is on the menu?" Li Fengjin placed he hand on Yang Chen's shoulders.

"How about starve till Chaoxiang comes back from his date?" Yang Chen said and instantly freed himself from Li Fengjin's grip and ran yo Ye Chaoxiang's room.

"Alright then I will cook. Watch as I burn down your kitchen," Li Fengjin shouted behind Yang Chen.

"Do not step a foot into my kitchen. Wait till o help Ye Chaoxiang choose ehst to wear for his date," Yang Chen said.

"Sigh. I need to learn how to cook," Li Fengjin murmured as gr made his way to Ye Chaoxiang's room.

Meanwhile, Ning Xiaozhi was on cloud nine when Ye Chaoxiang said he was hoping they could go out. She actually jumped and screamed on her bed before she sent him a reply and then he sent a reply.

"Thirty minutes? That is too short. Oh my God! What will I wear? What will I wear?" She chanted as she searched for what to wear. After choosing an outfit, she checked the time.

"Shoot. It's already ten minutes past. Hurry up Ning Xiaozhi," she rushed into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, she came out and quickly dried her hair and body. Putting on light make up and earrings before wearing her clothes. Then she took a picture of herself and sent it to Bai Renxiang.

Ning Xiaozhi: "How do I look? I am going out with him today." *blushing emoji*

"Forty minutes already. He must have arrived by now. Such a gentleman patietly waiting for his lady to dress up. Let's go girl."

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