Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 168 Date



"Uh Xiang!" Li Fengjin called out before Ye Chaoxiang ended the call.


"If you are going somewhere that has people that are not like you, wear something that is bright. Any other bright colour except white. Good night."

Toot! Toot!


"Damn you Li Fengjin," Ye Chaoxiang cursed out loud. He then chuckled afterwards. What his friend said is true and thank God he had gone with light blue.

Ye Chaoxiang checked his appearance on the mirror once more. He arranged his hair, adjusted his collar, tied his shoe laces and boom. He is ready to go. He took his car keys, phone and wallet before he left the house after making sure everything was secured. Then he drove straight to Ning Xiaozhi's apartment.

Ye Chaoxiang was now sitting in his car in front of Ning Xiaozhi's apartment. He checked the time and it so happens that he was five minutes earlier than eight. He tapped away on his steering wheel as he kept on looking at the time.

"Three minutes more? Why is the time so slow? Argh! Forget it," he groaned and stepped out of the car.

Ye Chaoxiang busied himself with his phone while leaning casually on the car as he waited patiently for the time to strike eight o'clock. Meanwhile Ning Xiaozhi was having a very hard time in picking a dress for the date. She had turned her wardrobe upside down in search of something suitable to wear.

"Why are all my clothes looking so boring?" She slumped on her bed.

She sighed as she looked at the time. It was already two minutes to eight and she had not found anything to wear. She was glad that at least she took her bath and made herself up on time. Now she just needs the right clothes to wear.

Ning Xiaozhi walked to her window like she had been doing to see if he had arrived. And unlike any of those times, she saw him there.

"Gasp. He is here," she almost screamed.

Ning Xiaozhi hurriedly ran back to her clothes and started searching for something suitable to wear. Then she took out a lilac off shoulder dress that has a fled skirt. She nodded in approval and quickly slipped into the dress.

She stood in front of the mirror as she wore silver coloured heels with studded shinning diamond stones on it and the matching earrings. She applied a little more lip gloss on her lips as the final touch and look at her image on the mirror in front of her.

"Wow!! Ning Xiaozhi, you look like goddess that just descended from the heavens to earth. You are so beautiful. You are naturally endowed," she praised herself with a proud smile on her face.

Ring! Ring!

"Ohmo! I lost track of time. Ahem!... He-hello," she said and picked her purse and walked out of her room

"Hi. I am outside your apartment right now. Are you ready or should I wait a little longer?" Ye Chaoxiang voice rang out.

"Oh! I mean no. No, there is no need to wait any longer. I am coming out right now."

"Alright," he said before he ended the call.

After a few seconds, Ye Chaoxiang heard the door opening and clicking. He looked up from us phone and it felt as if time had stopped. He was literally checking her out. Like his gaze followed her every move.

Ning Xiaozhi who was being stared at so intently felt like running back into her house to hide from Ye Chaoxiang's piercing gaze. He looked so cool and handsome and hot like always. Although he was wearing casual clothes, it still could not hide his elegance and hotness. Ning Xiaozhi turned her gaze to the floor before she looses her senses and pounce on him.

She steeled herself and walked up to him. She cleared her throat when he did not say anything as his eyes did the talking. Ye Chaoxiang snapped out of his thoughts and cleared his throat in embarrassment at being caught staring. His ears became slightly red and Ning Xiaozhi noticed it and chuckled.

"What? Why are laughing?" Ye Chaoxiang asked confusedly.

"Heheh! It... It is nothing," she smiled brightly at him and Ye Chaoxiang fell into another trance.

'Gosh, she is so beautiful,' he said in his head.

"Uhm Chaoxiang? Hello! Earth to Ye Chaoxiang," she waved her hand in his face.

"Huh? What were you saying?" He asked.

"I was not saying anything. Is there anything on my face?"

"No. There is nothing on your face."

"Then is it my dress? Should I go back in and change?" She asked as she moved a step backwards to her house.

"No! There is no need to change. Nothing is wrong with your dress or your face. In fact, you are beautiful, okay?" He quickly said to stop her from going back.

"I am sorry for spacing out like that. Come on. We still have a date tonight," he said and pulled her to his car. He held the door open or her to get in before he got in.

"So where are- woah!" Her words got stuck in her lips as Ye Chaoxiang closed in on her. They were so close to each other with there face just breaths away from each other.

Loop Doop

Loop Doop

Her heart punded loud in her chest. She blinked once and twice as her brain tried to interpret the current situation for her to understand.

"Why are you... What are... are you doing?" She stammered as she asked.

"Relax princess. I just want to get the seat belt for you. Hehehe!" He chuckled.

Ning Xiaozhi let out a heavy and silent breath. Her face was all flushed. That was very very close. She turned her face to the window to hide her red face from his sight. Just as she was trying to clear her thoughts, she heard him speak.

"You know, for a bold person like you, you sure do blush easily."

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