Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 160 Twinkle Toes



Bai Renxiang, Bai Xiaojin and Shane went up to do as Jiang Meilin had instructed earlier. They took their baths and changed into a set of comfortable clothes. They did not bother to reheat the food that Jiang Meilin said she kept in the refrigerator as they had their fill in that restaurant, ice cream parlour and the dessert store. They even brought some back home.

Bai Renxiang decided to take a look at the files she brought home. Seeing this, Bai Xiaojin picked up his assignments and started doing it. Bai Renxiang smiled when she saw his actions. The mother and son duo busied themselves in their own work.

At times, Bai Xiaojin would ask her questions about his assignments, especially the ones he did not understand or found difficult. Bai Renxiang would happily put him through.

This continued for about twenty minutes and Bai Renxiang did not mind the number of times her son asked her questions during that short period of time. Instead, it made her feel happy. It made her feel like a mother and she loved that feeling.

Bai Renxiang carried Bai Xiaojin to the bed as he had already fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room. After making sure that he was properly tucked in, she went to continue her work.

Soon enough, she was done and decided to prepare dinner for everyone. While cooking, Bai Xiaojin drowsily walked into the kitchen as he robbed his eyes with his hands.

"Aww. Look who woke up. It is my baby booboo. Come here and give momma a hug," Bai Renxiang said as soon as she noticed his presence.

Bai Xiaojin hugged her and rubbed his head on her legs. He was acting cute. Bai Renxiang scooped him into her embrace and showered kisses all over his face.

"How was your nap? Although I must say that it was rather uhm... quick?" She asked.

"It was fine. What are you making for dinner mummy? Can I have fried potatoes, tomato sauce and fried fish?" He asked as he beamed her a smile.

Bai Renxiang placed him on the floor and turned to the pot on the fire. "That will have to be tomorrow my love. But I am preparing spaghetti and meatballs. It sounds good and smells delicious, right?" She asked again.

"Yes, it does. But I want fried fish and potato with tomato sauce. It is much better that meatballs and spaghetti," Bai Xiaojin protested.

Bai Renxiang was dumbfounded at Bai Xiaojin's behaviour. He was never picky when it comes to food even when he was a baby. So what is wrong now?

"But the spaghetti is almost ready and the same goes for the meatballs. So your fried fish and potato and tomato sauce will have to wait until tomorrow, okay?" She said.

"No, it is not okay. I want fried fish, potato and tomato sauce. I want fried fish, potato and tomato sauce," he continued shouting and repeating the food he wanted to eat as he ran out of the kitchen to the living room.

Bai Renxiang turned of the gas cooker as tge food was done and followed him after she removed her apron and wiped her hands with the kitchen napkin. Her eyes widened when she saw the mess Bai Xiaojin had made of the living room.

The throw pillows were all on the floor, her files she left on the glass table at the centre of the living room were all scattered around.

"Gasp. What in the name of Neptune is going on here?" She raised her voice as she asked. Her eyes scanning the while room searching for the culprit only to find him by the door, with his hands stretched to the door knob.

Bai Xiaojin paused in his movement and looked back at Bai Renxiang. He glared at her before shouting again.

"I want fried fish, potatoes abs tomato sauce," and then opened the door and ran out of the apartment. Bai Renxiang jolted out of her shock and ran after him.

"Bai Xiaojin! Come back here this instant," she said as she quickened her pace.

When she got out of the apartment she saw Bai Xiaojin running down the passage. Just as she was about to follow him, the elevator opened and a man with a woman walked out of it.

"Uncle Minsheng!" Bai Xiaojin shouted in excitement and ran to hug Yi Minsheng. Bai Renxiang gasped and stopped in her track. She stared at her mischievous son as if she was casting a spell to make him appear in front of her.

Yi Minsheng who had just arrived was stunned at the sudden greeting of the little boy hugging his legs like his life depends on it. The lady by his side was also surprised and enchanted by the little boy's behaviour towards Yi Minsheng and his cute handsome face.

"Bai Xiaojin, you can't escape from me and what you did inside. Come here while I am still being lenient with you," Bai Renxiang threatened him.

Bai Xiaojin ignored her threats as he knew that she can never bear to hurt him. But what he did back inside the apartment made him think twice about that threat. He looked up to Yi Minsheng with puppy eyes and begged him to save him.

"Uncle Minsheng please save me from mummy. I promise to repay you when I grow up, okay?" He pleaded as he pouted his baby pink lips and blinked his eyelashes while staring up at Yi Minsheng cutely.

Yi Minsheng and the lady by his side felt as if they were shot by an arrow of irresistible cuteness. Yi Minsheng looked towards Bai Renxiang and saw her standing at her doorstep with both hands on her hips. For a moment there, he was dazed by her appearance.

Bai Renxiang did not see it necessary to wear too much since she was in the comfort of her own home. So she went with a simple brown shorts that stopped at her mid thigh and paired it with a white top a little bit bigger than her size. She had her hair packed up in a loosed bun.

Altogether she looked tantalizing.

Feeling as if he had stared too much he cleared his throat and averted his eyes from her to the little piece tugging his jean pants. He scooped Bai Xiaojin into his embrace and asked him what happened as he slowly approached Bai Renxiang.

"Mummy made spaghetti and meatballs while I was asleep. But I want fried fish with fried potatoes and tomato sauce. But I do not want that and-"

"And you made a mess out of the living room and scattered all my papers from work too. Tell me Minsheng. Is there anything wrong with spaghetti and meatballs?" She asked.

"No no. Absolutely nothing," he shook his head.

"Great. So why can't that little baby just accept the very fact that I would make what he wants tomorrow evening. I mean I have already done with the cooking and Xiaojin has never been picky with food and also does not throw tantrums," she said and walked towards them to snatch Bai Xiaojin from Yi Minsheng.

Bai Xiaojin was smart to know what was happening. If he does not run from Yi Minsheng now, he would end up on Bai Renxiang's arms. Maybe he would even receive a good spanking.

​ Just as Bai Renxiang rushed to get him, he leapt out of Yi Minsheng's arms and ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. He passed between Bai Renxiang's legs and ran to Shin and Shane's apartment which was opened- much to his luck.

"Argh. I am going to make sure you get a good spanking from me you little twinkle toes," she yelled behind him as he ran.

Bai Renxiang sighed in frustration and massaged her temples. She had the other hand on her waist. Then she heard Yi Minsheng chuckling. She turned to look at him and with a glare she asked.

"What is so funny about this huh, Yi Minsheng?" She asked.

"Ahem. Nothing. I was not laughing at all," he instantly denied.

"Tsk. You coward. Wait until I get the chance to tell aunt Yi. I will make sure she does not give you meat for a week," then she noticed the woman by his side, silently watching everything.

"Oh! Hello there. I am so sorry for all the drama you had to witness just now," she said with a polite smile.

"Ah, there is no need to apologize for that," the lady returned the smile. Yi Minsheng then took the opportunity to introduce the two women.

"Wei Ruolan this is my friend and neighbour, Bai Renxiang. Renxiang, this is Wei Ruolan, my close friend at work," he said.

"Hi. It is nice to meet you," Bai Renxiang stretched her hands for a handshake.

"It is nice to meet you too," Wei Ruolan accepted her hands and shook it lightly.

"Oh and by the way. You have a very cute kid," she added.

"Thank you. I willbget going now. I need to teach that cute kid a very good lesson."

"No problem. Bye."

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